Friday, April 19, 2013

Sleek i-Divine Snapshots palette (review and swatches)

*This post is written in English and Slovene/ Objava je napisana v angleščini in slovenščini.

Few weeks ago I was sent some new goodies from slovenian site I received OPI Mariah Carey 4 mini nail polishes and Sleek i-Divine Snapshots palette. Today, I'll review and swatch Sleek palette.
Nekaj tednov nazaj sem prejela nekaj nove kozmetike s spletne strani Prejela sem 4 OPI Mariah Carrey mini lake za nohte in Sleek i-Divine Snapshots paleto. Danes je na vrsti ocena in swathchi Sleek paletke.

You probably already know that I love Sleek, especially their palettes. Most eyeshadow crease on me even with eyeshadow primer, and Sleek lasts the longest on me. So, I was super excited to receive another palette to add into my Sleek family :).
Verjetno že veste, da obožujem Sleek, predvsem njihove paletke. Večina senčil se na mojih očeh nabere v gubi tudi, če nanesem primer, Sleek pa na meni zdrži najdlje. Zato sem bila zelo navdušena, da bom lahko dodala novo paletko v mojo Sleek družinico :).

Firstly, let's talk about packaging. Palette comes in a black box with ingredients, content and other information (website, name ...). Palette contains 12 pans of 1.1g (0.03 oz) colourful mineral based eye shadows. Palette itself is like any other Sleek palette, black, sleek looking, little bit hard to open at first, but in a week (it depends how often you use it) it should be opened more easily, but it's still sturdy. I love that it has a mirror and eye shadows are covered with plastic paper with names. I cut this plastic and glue it to mirror, so I know which colour I'm using and mirror is still usable.
Najprej nekaj o embalaži. Paletka je zapakirana v kartonski škatlici, na kateri najdemo sestavine, kakšna je vsebina in ostale informacije (uradna Sleek spletna stran, ime paletke ...). V paletki je 12 barvitih senčk z vsebino 1,1g. Sama paletka je črna, zelo "sleek" izgleda, na začetku jo je malo težje odpreti, vendar se čez kakšen teden odpira brez problemov (odivsno,koliko jo uporabljaš), vendar je še vedno trdno zaprta. Všeč mi je, da ima ogledalo in imena na plastični foliji, ki jo izrežem in nalepim na ogledalo, tako da vem imena senčk, ki jih uporabim, ogledalo pa je tudi še vedno uporabno.

I absolutely adore colour selection in Snapshots palette, it's so playful and colourful, it just screams summer :). I really like that the palette has matte (4 shades) and shimmery (8 shades) shadows, that equals 12 beautiful eye shadows. Now I'll just describe them individually.
Izredno mi je všeč selekcija barv v Snapshots paleti. Izgledajo tako igrivo in barvito, kar kličejo po poletju :). Paleta ima 4 mat senčila in 8 senčil s shimrom, kar nanese 12 čudovitih barv. Sedaj bom vsako opisala.


Summer breeze is gorgeous matte minty shadow, which is not the most pigmented, but nothing a white base can't fix. I would wear it as a pop of colour with simple smokey eye.
Summer breeze je čudovita mat senčka, ki ni najbolj pigmentirana, priporočam, da se nanese preko bele baze. Jaz bi jo vključila v preprost smokey eye look kot "pop of colour".

Martini is light shimmery shade, it reminds me of other similar shadows from Sleek palettes. It works great as inner corner colour, highlight on brow bone and even face.
Martini je svetla shimmery barva, nekatere Sleek paletke imajo podobne odtenke. Izgleda super v notranjem kotičku, pod obrvjo ali kot osvetljevalec na obrazu.

Kiwi flower literally reminds me of a kiwi :). It's light shimmery green shade, I already used it in my Shire inspired makeup look, as inner corner shade. Check it out here.
Kiwi flower me spominja na kivi :). Je svetlo zelena shimmery senčka, ki sem jo že uporabila v Shire makeup looku tukaj.

Sand walker is matte light neutral shade, slightly on a brown side, it reminds me of Capuccino shade from Au naturel palette, but Sand walker is slightly lighter.
Sand walker je mat nevtralna rahlo rjavkasta barva, spominja me na Capuccino senčko iz Au naturel palete, vendar je Sand walker malce svetlejša.

Washed ashore is orangey brownish shade with slight shimmer, which is not really seen on eyelids. I would recommend using a white base to make it pop, but it works great as a blending colour in crease.
Washed ashore je oranžno rjavkasta barva z malce shimmra, ki ni ravno viden, ko je na veki. Pripočam nanos preko bele baze, ravno tako deluje odlično kot barva za zabrisovanje v gubi.

Sunset is probably my favourite shadow in these palette. It's darker brownish red shimmery shade and it works great as outer corner color or all over the lid.
Sunset je verjetno najljubša senčka iz te palete. Je temnejšo rjavkasto rdeča shimmery barva, ki odlično deluje v zunanjem predelu očes ali preko celotne veke.

Lotus flower is gorgeous lavender shimmery shade. I think it's very unique shade, I've never seen one like this before. Works great in inner corner, under brow bone and I would incorporate it in purple smokey eye look.
Lotus flower je čudovita svetlo vijolična. Se mi zdi precej unikatna barva, ker podobne še nisem zasledila. Deluje odlično v notranjem kotičku očesa, pod obrvjo, z veseljem bi jo vključila v vijoličen smokey eye look.

Humming bird is duocrome shade, blue with gold shimmer and it's absolutely amazing. I see myself wearing this colour a lot in the future :).
Humming bird je duokrom barva, modra z zlatim shimmrom in je resnično prelepa. Že vidim, da jo bom precej nosila v prihodnosti :).

Tequila sunrise is literally what name says, tequila sunrise! Vivid shimmery orange that will make your eyes noticeable!
Tequila sunrise je dobesedno to kar pravi ime, tequila sunrise! Živa oranžna s shimmrom in oči zagotove ne bodo ostale neopazne!

Green iguana is similar to Humming bird once swatched, but without gold shimmer and more on a green side. Works great with simple brown smokey eyes and with this pop of colour on lower lashline.
Green iguana je podobna Humming bird, ko sta poswatchani, vendar je brez zlatega shimmra in bolj zelenkasta. Deluje odlično z rjavim smokey lookom ali kot edina živa barva na spodnji veki. 

Purple haze is matte darker purple, which I really like. I would wear it as outer corner shade and is also a great blending crease colour.
Purple haze je mat vijolična, ki mi je zelo všeč. Odlično deluje v zunanjem predelu očesa in v gubi.

Magenta madness is bright bright matte pink (magenta!) shade, which I already used for my "Black and pink" makeup: here. I would even use it as a blush or dab it on lips to make lipstick last longer.
Magenta madness je živa mat roza barva, ki sem jo že uporabila v "Black & pink" looku: tukaj. Uporabila bi jo tudi kot blusher ali potapkala po roza šminki za daljšo obstojnost.

And here is one of the looks I created with Snapshots palette (7 shades). I call it Tequila sunrise at the beach ;). I'll publish a separate post on this look in few days!
In tukaj je še očesni makeup, ki sem ga danes napravila s sedmimi senčkami iz te palete. Pričakujte posamezen post v nekaj dneh :)

Can you tell I love this palette? :) I recommend it to girlies who are not afraid of colorful makeup looks and who are not ashamed to play with colour!
Se mi vidi, da obožujem to paletko? :) Priporočam jo dekletom, ki imajo rade živahen, pisan makeup in jih ni strah uporabljati živih barv!

How do you like this palette? Do you have it or will you buy it? :)

Kako se vam dopade tale paletka? Jo že imate oz jo boste kupile? :) Lahko jo naročite na spletni strani TUKAJ.

* Product was sent to me for review. / Idelek mi je bil poslan v oceno.


  1. Awww this palette is great,just like the other Sleek palettes.I agree with you it is so summer like and fun.My favorite eyeshadows are Summer breeze,Green Iguana ad Humming Bird:)Guess I am so into green shades this spring:)Great review!

    1. Hehe, you chose wonderful favourite shades ;) I agree, it's gorgeous! Thank you!

  2. Za tale post si se pa res potrudila, zelo dobro napisano. :)
    Same prekrasne barve, zdaj sem prepričana, da rabim tudi tole paleto v svoji zbirki. Očesni makeup pa prečudovit, komaj čakam post. :)

  3. Great colors, especially the intense ones!

    My nail polish blog

  4. Nice palette, i love the eye makeup xx

  5. Looks lovely. The eyehshadows seem very pigmented. x

  6. Adijo kako noro lepa paletka in barve. Še posebaj pa make up.
