
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Taking a break

I'm taking a break from blogging, guys.

I love blogging, especially whole blogging community, making friends and interacting, but I've been little bit confused and absent lately. I couldn't even make time to comment on other blogs, since I had lots of thing in my mind and been around more than usually and I also have to make time to start with some projects or finish them. But as you all know (especially if you're a blogger), blogging takes time, a lot of time and sometimes even takes whole day (commenting, writing, taking pictures, editing ...) ... it's hard work people and I don't want to provide bad content, just because I don't feel like writing now.

I started blogging mainly for myself, but now I started feeling like I need to satisfy others as well. And all I was writing lately were: Monday funday posts, weekly tags and Saturday fitness posts. I love that I have specific topic on those days, so I don't have to think a lot what to write and I have a lot of interesting topics to cover still. On the other hand I feel like I am very limited and I don't post whatever I feel like posting as much. I love my blog, because it's basically about things I love and am passionate about, it gives people variety. If you don't like variety, than you have all rights not to follow me. If you don't like Fitness posts, than just check out weekly tag etc. ... And I think that my followers like that. I could never just write about makeup or just fitness/health.
And I also am not so pleased with the whole design and whole outlook of my blog, I want to change some things, and since I don't want to force it, I'll step back. Ideas will come when I'm ready :)
I think now is a good time to take a break from it for some time.

It's like being in a museum, stepping back to see a whole masterpiece :). It's like active rest day from exercising - still active, but resting ;).
I'll still be active on Twitter, maybe even on Facebook and Pinterest, but I really just to observe my blog atm. I am not promising when I'll come back, but I'll let you know. If you want to connect with me, use Twitter or email me. My preffered methods :)

Thank you for understanding and I hope you'll be still with me when I come back.

Lots of love ♡

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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Drag queens do it better [makeup practice]

Do you ever feel like you need to practice? Practice anything? Well, I was like that last week, I wanted to practice applying makeup. I didn't want to do just one eye or do it kinda half way. No, I did it all. Like I once said: "I don't do half looks." :)

I don't have a weekly tag makeup for you today, since I just "recycled" an old one. But you can still check out what other girls created: here.
Weekly makeup tag is celebrating one year, guys! Can you imagine? I am so thankful for all the lovely ladies I've met and people I've shared my creativity with. Thank you :)

Now, today's look. You all know I love drag queens, so that's what I did. Full on drag face. Maybe contouring is kinda mellowed down, but whole look is dramatic. Can't wait for the day I'll have enough courage to go out like that. :D

So, here it is ...


Ok, I don't remember what exactly I used, but you can ask me and I'll try to figure out. Did this look last week and didn't write down the products. Oops :) And yeah, there's a little bit of mascara on my falsies. Oops no.2 :)


Hope you have a lovely Wednesday <3

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Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday funday | Find a hobby

Today's Monday funday post is about finding a hobby. This is kinda self explanatory, but let's take a look what a hobby can give you ...

When you're doing something you like and love, you feel happiness, joy and peacefulness. When you feel all that, your stress levels are low. You'll see your energy raise above the clouds, you'll be more energetic throughout the day and your inner child will be awakened. Who doesn't want to feel that? :)

Source: Pinterest.

What hobby should you choose, you ask? Whatever you like and what your heart desires most. List is endlesssssssss ... If you don't know in which direction you should go, make a list what did you like to do when you were younger. Most people forget about those activities when they get older, but we're not most people, are we? :) Hobbies should not feel like another obligation, should feel like playing :)

Source: Pinterest.

And maybe someday, if you're really passionate about something and if you're doing it from you heart, a hobby (or even hobbies) will bring you money or maybe you'll even start a new career.

Be creative, curious and happy about it. Wish you all a happy happy Monday :)

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Thursday, August 8, 2013

July favourites

It's time to talk about products and finds that I enjoyed in the month of July. :)

Let's start with skin care. I was introduced to Alverde Wachcreme by my friend and I decided to buy it myself. I really do love this product, because it removes my makeup, clears my skin of dirt and makes it really soft. I won't buy Bioderma ever again :).

For my body I've been loving Alverde body lotion in almond scent. Nourishes my skin, leaves it soft, smells really nice and it doesn't clog my pores (yes, you can have clogged pores even on your body).

Another product I've been loving is Balea Aqua serum which I use underneath my moisturizer. It really provides extra moisture to my skin, is gentle and cheap, which is always a plus :).

I've been using Derma E eye cream for some months now and I always forget to mention it somehow. It's really moisturizing, doesn't irritate my eyes, is natural product and lasts forever. It also works great underneath makeup.

Tea flavor I've been really enjoying is from Yogi tea Forever young. I especially love that every tea bag has an inspirational message, which I really enjoy. I really do love little things like that :) Also whole box is very informative, you even have a yoga pose explained. Of course, flavor is amazing ;), cinnamon and little bit spicy.

I've read so many books lately that I would need a separate post just on books :). But I would recommend anything from Doreen Virtue, she's a "spiritual doctor of psychology". Her books will uplift your spirit. 

What are your monthly favourites?

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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Weekly makeup tag: Tribal

This week's theme was tribal. I had in mind that Katy Perry look I did last year for futuristic look (here) , but still wanted to do something new, but it was basically the same at the end, just without the spots on the face :D

Make sure you check out Aqeela's blog o see what other girls created: HERE.

And here's my look:

- Bourjois Healthy mix foundation
- Bourjois Healthy mix concealer
- NYX Taupe
- Bourjois eyeshadow Blanc

- Artdeco eye primer
- MUA Shade 29 - pearl
- Sleek Au naturel - Bark
- Sleek Snapshots - Martini
- Max Factor Masterpiece HD mascara
- Avon blue eye pencil
- Essence pigment 17 Dory in love
- Essence Liquid eyeliner waterproof

- Bourjois black eye pencil
- Essence pigment 17 Dory in love
- Bourjois eyeshadow Blanc

Have a lovely Wednesday.

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Monday, August 5, 2013

How to grow your hair faster & extensions

As you may know, I'm still growing my undercut, you can check out a post here. It got quite long in short amount of time, so I'll introduce to you today how I did it and how you can "cheat" to have long hair. :) I'll do reviews on other products I used for growth stimulation separately.
Let's just start.

1. Best and really effective way to stimulate hair growth is by massaging your scalp. It doesn't really matter what kind of product you use, as long as you massage it with your finger tips. Never use your nails, because you can damage you scalp and or you can irritate it. You can use your method with you hair shampoo, hair oils or any other hair products that can be applied to your scalp. I would recommend at least few minutes of massaging every time you wash your hair.

Current length.

2. For even better hair growth stimulation, you can use hair products that stimulate hair growth. They are plenty out there on the market, so do your research. I recommend using natural hair products, because a lot of them have harsh chemicals and can do you more harm than good in the long run.

Ex undercut. Left: March, right: August

3. Another great hair gowth stimulation tip is to eat healthy and exercise regularly. When your nourishing your body, it pays you with healthy hair, nails, skin etc.. Never diet, because most diets won't give you enough important nutrients. Eat food high in fiber, healthy fats and full of vitamins. Exercising lowers stress levels, helps you sleep better and helps your body process foods and vitamins.

4. Or if everything from above fails or you're too lazy :), you can get hair extensions. I have never tried hair extensions before, but I want to try them out.
I was contacted by, and they have quite a lot of variety. They are selling 100 % natural human hair extensions, which I think is quite important, so you can treat and style them as your natural hair. Another great point about them is that they are "clip in", so there's no damage on your natural hair, because you don't have to glue them.
You can check out their 24 inch clip in hair extensions here and select one for yourself:

Do you have any other ideas how to stimulate your hair growth?
Have you ever tried hair extensions? What are your thoughts of them, because I would really like to know.

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*This is a sponsored post.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Birthday post

I turned 24 today. Happy birthday to me! And thank you dear mother who gave birth to this amazing person ;)
I got inspired to write this post months ago and finally the day has come to publish it! Most people at my age and older don't get excited about birthdays, but I will tell you why I am!

Firstly, my birthday signifies that I'm alive. If we don't celebrate life everyday (which we should), birthday can be our "reminder" to do so. Yeah, getting old may suck if you think so, but age is just a number really. You are never too young or old to set new goals and dream big. You can achieve anything. Society creates this walls for us. You can get in shape in your forties, you can get a new hobby at sixties, you can leave school and pursuit your dreams ... you just have to overcome one thing - fear. And you create it yourself, it's just an illusion. No matter what people say or think about your decisions, at the end of the day it's still YOUR life. I got so many "recommendations" what school should I go to, what job should I choose, what partner should I date, what should I wear, where should I go or not go ... But you know what - that's what others wanted for me and I wouldn't feel myself if I followed their words.
Now to the physical body - with healthy lifestyle you can slow the aging process, face yoga, superfoods and loads of water are your best friends. Don't start thinking of curing your body when you're already "damaged". I have stretch marks to remind me of that :)

Secondly, 24 means that I've been alive for 24 years, I've been living on this beautiful planet Earth for 24 years and I'm looking forward for many more! It's such a blessing to be alive and I'm extremely grateful for everything in my life. I believe that everyone has a purpose on this planet, but it's up to a person what wants to do with his life. Stop worrying about that number, stop making old jokes, because they may become your truth, and start living - find your purpose, have fun and take nothing for granted. Put your negative energy of complaining towards finding yourself, education, happiness, be grateful for what you have, what have you achieved, what have you become ...

Thirdly and lastly, I have a theory that summer kids get excited about their birthdays more than others. It's summer after all :). And Leos can be really passionate about just everything. ;)

And here I am, 24 years old (or should I say young?), feeling amazing, I have never felt so strong (mentally and physically) and motivated to conquer this life. And I even feel younger as I felt when I was 18.

Now, go out and shine bright like a diamond ;), no matter  what age you're at.

Have a blessed day and weekend.