
Monday, August 5, 2013

How to grow your hair faster & extensions

As you may know, I'm still growing my undercut, you can check out a post here. It got quite long in short amount of time, so I'll introduce to you today how I did it and how you can "cheat" to have long hair. :) I'll do reviews on other products I used for growth stimulation separately.
Let's just start.

1. Best and really effective way to stimulate hair growth is by massaging your scalp. It doesn't really matter what kind of product you use, as long as you massage it with your finger tips. Never use your nails, because you can damage you scalp and or you can irritate it. You can use your method with you hair shampoo, hair oils or any other hair products that can be applied to your scalp. I would recommend at least few minutes of massaging every time you wash your hair.

Current length.

2. For even better hair growth stimulation, you can use hair products that stimulate hair growth. They are plenty out there on the market, so do your research. I recommend using natural hair products, because a lot of them have harsh chemicals and can do you more harm than good in the long run.

Ex undercut. Left: March, right: August

3. Another great hair gowth stimulation tip is to eat healthy and exercise regularly. When your nourishing your body, it pays you with healthy hair, nails, skin etc.. Never diet, because most diets won't give you enough important nutrients. Eat food high in fiber, healthy fats and full of vitamins. Exercising lowers stress levels, helps you sleep better and helps your body process foods and vitamins.

4. Or if everything from above fails or you're too lazy :), you can get hair extensions. I have never tried hair extensions before, but I want to try them out.
I was contacted by, and they have quite a lot of variety. They are selling 100 % natural human hair extensions, which I think is quite important, so you can treat and style them as your natural hair. Another great point about them is that they are "clip in", so there's no damage on your natural hair, because you don't have to glue them.
You can check out their 24 inch clip in hair extensions here and select one for yourself:

Do you have any other ideas how to stimulate your hair growth?
Have you ever tried hair extensions? What are your thoughts of them, because I would really like to know.

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*This is a sponsored post.


  1. Masaža lasišča je zagotovo najučinkovitejša:) Z uporabo kokosovega olja in dodatkom eteričnega olja rožmarina pa sploh :) Drugače pa nisem še nikoli preizkusila lasnih podaljškov, zaenkrat nimam niti nobene želje po tem :)

  2. Lovely post! I always massage my scalp too, so my hair can grow faster. Love doing it in the shower with shampoo.
    I think this hair cut you have now, so a bit longer, looks really good on you! I wonder how long hair would look on you :)


  3. Great post Deja! Your hair is looking fantastic by the way! xx

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