
Thursday, August 8, 2013

July favourites

It's time to talk about products and finds that I enjoyed in the month of July. :)

Let's start with skin care. I was introduced to Alverde Wachcreme by my friend and I decided to buy it myself. I really do love this product, because it removes my makeup, clears my skin of dirt and makes it really soft. I won't buy Bioderma ever again :).

For my body I've been loving Alverde body lotion in almond scent. Nourishes my skin, leaves it soft, smells really nice and it doesn't clog my pores (yes, you can have clogged pores even on your body).

Another product I've been loving is Balea Aqua serum which I use underneath my moisturizer. It really provides extra moisture to my skin, is gentle and cheap, which is always a plus :).

I've been using Derma E eye cream for some months now and I always forget to mention it somehow. It's really moisturizing, doesn't irritate my eyes, is natural product and lasts forever. It also works great underneath makeup.

Tea flavor I've been really enjoying is from Yogi tea Forever young. I especially love that every tea bag has an inspirational message, which I really enjoy. I really do love little things like that :) Also whole box is very informative, you even have a yoga pose explained. Of course, flavor is amazing ;), cinnamon and little bit spicy.

I've read so many books lately that I would need a separate post just on books :). But I would recommend anything from Doreen Virtue, she's a "spiritual doctor of psychology". Her books will uplift your spirit. 

What are your monthly favourites?

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  1. Balea Aqua serum je moj must have izdelek, uporabljam ga pa tudi za dodatno vlaženje kože. Moram si napisati dol ta Alverde čistilni gel, da ga sprobam, ko porabim Baleinega. :)

  2. Alverde waschcreme sem tudi jaz pred kakšnim mesecem kupila in mi na začetku ni bila najbolj všeč (mogoče zaradi vonja) ampak zdaj jo obožujem še posebej zato, ker mi ne izsuši kože. Aqua serum je pa tko al tko najboljši :) Tolo kremco za telo od Alverde moram pa pošnjofat, ko bom naslednič v DM-u ker še nobene nisem imela, ponavadi samo Baleine gledam.

  3. Alverde čisilno kremo sem jaz pred leti uporabljala non stop, sem imela po par tubic doma. Potem sem pa eksperimentirala z drugimi izdelki in malo pozabila nanjo, ampak jo bom v kratkem spet kupila, ker je res top <3
    xx, moonchild beauty blog

  4. Mislim, da imam spet nekaj novih stvari na wishlisti, še posebej to čistilno kremo in serum:)

  5. Alverde krema za telo je odlična :) Bivši sodelavki ni ničesar pomagalo pri njeni izjemno suhi in srbeči koži razen ta krema, ki ji je bila zelo všeč, res je opazila veliko razliko! :)

  6. Ta Aqua serum pa res morem 1x kupit, ker ga vsi samo hvalite :)
