
Monday, August 12, 2013

Monday funday | Find a hobby

Today's Monday funday post is about finding a hobby. This is kinda self explanatory, but let's take a look what a hobby can give you ...

When you're doing something you like and love, you feel happiness, joy and peacefulness. When you feel all that, your stress levels are low. You'll see your energy raise above the clouds, you'll be more energetic throughout the day and your inner child will be awakened. Who doesn't want to feel that? :)

Source: Pinterest.

What hobby should you choose, you ask? Whatever you like and what your heart desires most. List is endlesssssssss ... If you don't know in which direction you should go, make a list what did you like to do when you were younger. Most people forget about those activities when they get older, but we're not most people, are we? :) Hobbies should not feel like another obligation, should feel like playing :)

Source: Pinterest.

And maybe someday, if you're really passionate about something and if you're doing it from you heart, a hobby (or even hobbies) will bring you money or maybe you'll even start a new career.

Be creative, curious and happy about it. Wish you all a happy happy Monday :)

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  1. Jaz sem se odločila, da se septembra spret priključim kakšnemu pevskemu zboru, ker že prav pogrešam petje! :-)

  2. Jaz pa sem spet začela z igranjem klavirja!

    1. Super, sama nisem nikoli igrala nobenega glasbila, ampak sem vedno občudovala glasbenike :)

  3. Super objava. Jaz pa se želim malo več posvečat plesu (:

    1. Super! tudi jaz malce pogrešam ples, treba obudit to :)
