
Saturday, August 3, 2013

Birthday post

I turned 24 today. Happy birthday to me! And thank you dear mother who gave birth to this amazing person ;)
I got inspired to write this post months ago and finally the day has come to publish it! Most people at my age and older don't get excited about birthdays, but I will tell you why I am!

Firstly, my birthday signifies that I'm alive. If we don't celebrate life everyday (which we should), birthday can be our "reminder" to do so. Yeah, getting old may suck if you think so, but age is just a number really. You are never too young or old to set new goals and dream big. You can achieve anything. Society creates this walls for us. You can get in shape in your forties, you can get a new hobby at sixties, you can leave school and pursuit your dreams ... you just have to overcome one thing - fear. And you create it yourself, it's just an illusion. No matter what people say or think about your decisions, at the end of the day it's still YOUR life. I got so many "recommendations" what school should I go to, what job should I choose, what partner should I date, what should I wear, where should I go or not go ... But you know what - that's what others wanted for me and I wouldn't feel myself if I followed their words.
Now to the physical body - with healthy lifestyle you can slow the aging process, face yoga, superfoods and loads of water are your best friends. Don't start thinking of curing your body when you're already "damaged". I have stretch marks to remind me of that :)

Secondly, 24 means that I've been alive for 24 years, I've been living on this beautiful planet Earth for 24 years and I'm looking forward for many more! It's such a blessing to be alive and I'm extremely grateful for everything in my life. I believe that everyone has a purpose on this planet, but it's up to a person what wants to do with his life. Stop worrying about that number, stop making old jokes, because they may become your truth, and start living - find your purpose, have fun and take nothing for granted. Put your negative energy of complaining towards finding yourself, education, happiness, be grateful for what you have, what have you achieved, what have you become ...

Thirdly and lastly, I have a theory that summer kids get excited about their birthdays more than others. It's summer after all :). And Leos can be really passionate about just everything. ;)

And here I am, 24 years old (or should I say young?), feeling amazing, I have never felt so strong (mentally and physically) and motivated to conquer this life. And I even feel younger as I felt when I was 18.

Now, go out and shine bright like a diamond ;), no matter  what age you're at.

Have a blessed day and weekend.


  1. Vse najboljše in najlepše :)
    Lepo napisano & predvsem resnično.

  2. Vse najboljše Deja :)
    Všeč mi je tvoj pogled na življenje in tvoja pozitivnost :) never change ;)

  3. vse najboljše in še veliko takih dobrih postov na blogu ti želim. :)

    xoxo, Anja

  4. Vse naj naj tudi od moje malenkosti!

    Carpe Diem - vsak dan! ;)

  5. Vse najboljše še tuki :-)

    Zelo zanimiv in resničen post :-) Sploh ker se počasi približuje moj 26. roj. dan :-P

    1. Hvala! 26 je samo številka, važno je, kaj je v tebi :)

  6. Vse najboljše! <3 Še veliko uspehov z blogom in ohrani pozitivo! ;)
    xx, moonchild beauty blog

  7. this post almost makes me cry, I love it, happy birthday hun xx

    1. Thank you! I hope it was crying from happines ;) xx

  8. Oh you tell m girl! Again, happy birthday to you
    Your words of wisdom really inspire. I'm glad you look at aging the same way as I do: it's a good thing and something to be grateful about :)
    I hope you inspired others too :)


    1. Thank you! Aging process is normal, better accept it :)
      I guess I have ispire others too X

  9. To si pa tako lepo napisala. Strinjam se prav z vsakim stavkom.. Tudi jaz čutim te pričakovanja od drugih.. In vprašanja in čudenje kot ni tak kot je "splošno sprejemljivo". Mogoče kdaj o tem pišem o tem na blogu, kako se to dogaja pri meni in pri čem, ampak je kar osebno. Ampak mogoče pa res kdaj.. Si me prav malo navdihnila... (: Čeprav sem malo pozna, ampak saj to lahko želimo lahko ljudem vsak dan. Veliko motivacije, zdravja, gibanja, prijateljstev, objav na blogu in takšnega razmišljanja kot ga imaš z veliko nadgradnjami <3

    1. Oh, hvala :) No, mogoče sem pa tvoje "sporočilo", da moraš res to napisat :)
      In se strinjam, da lahko to zaželimo kadarkoli. Če ni rojstni dan, še toliko boljše :) Hvala <3

  10. Upam, da ni prepozno - vse najboljše!!! Zelo lepo si napisala. Sicer pa je vsak tvoj post odličen:)

    1. Bolje pozno, kot nikoli, pravjo ;) Hvala <3

  11. Uf kako sem pa tole lahko spregledala. Pozno ampak vseeno, vse najboljše :) Sva pa isti letnik, jaz se tudi ne počutim stare :)
