
Sunday, April 28, 2013

FOTD | Sunday afternoon

When I re-organize my makeup collection I always find some gems. And yesterday I found this MUA duo crome eyeshadow and decided to wear it today, even though it's kinda dark. I didn't choose dark makeup, dark makeup choose me. It stayed put whole afternoon, I'm actually still wearing it :).

Also, I wanted to show you that you don't need a lot of makeup to look fabulous! One eyeshadow all over, lipstick and foundation basically. I felt so pretty in dark(er) makeup today.

- Bourjois Healthy mix foundation
- Essence Stay all day concealer
- Elf mineral powder
- Catrice blush 020 Peach sorbet

- Artdeco primer
- MUA Shade 12 - pearl
- Catrice gel eyeliner
- Australis Lash TLC mascara
- Catrice Capuccino for brows

- Bourjois Levres contour 20 Rouge soyeux
- NYX Eros

Hope you had a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Products that suck

Today's post is not really a positive one, but regret purchases need space on my blog, too. I hope I won't need to write a lot of them! :)

Keep in mind, that if something doesn't work for me, it might work for you, it's the same the other way around. Everyone is different.

1. Balea Young Soft & Care Mildes Waschgel mit Vitamin-Cocktail
I was so pissed off at my skin at some point, that I went to a drugstore and buy comepletely random gel wash for my face. So I bought this one from Balea for Young skin. It's gel consistency with quite big granules, so it doesn't do great job as a scrub. After few days my skin was dull and roungher to touch, and I blame this product. I have sensitive skin and it didn't work for me.

2. Afrodita Hydra Thermal Natural Mineral Water + hyaluronic acid 24h nutritive moisturising
I wanted to try a moisturizer with Hyaluron, but this one gave me only dissapointment. I didn't feel like it gives enough moisture to my face and I've seen more cloged pores than before. So, I stopped using it and my skin was better, then I discovered Argan oil :). Like I said, I have sensitive and quite dry skin, but it works for my mother, who has normal skin.

3. Lee Stafford For hair that never grows past a certain lenght Treatment
Don't hate me, I know many of you like Lee Stafford products! I tried to make it work but it didn't. I assume that this product stimulates hair growth (well, it says that in the name), but if I put it on my scalp it made my hair really heavy and I had to wash it again next day. Also, I have sensitive scalp and it caused some itching and mild allergy reactions. Well, ingredients are bad and can't really do anything good for long term use.
If I put it only on my ends, can't really do anything for hair growth, can it?
However, it leaves my hair really soft and smells nice, but there are many other products that do that for my hair. I still finished the jar, but won't repurchase and price is kinda rediculous, too!

4. Lee Stafford Dry shampoo Original for Oily roots
Another Lee Stafford product that doesn't work for me, probably because I don't have oily roots. My hair just gets lifeless and scalp is more dry than oily second day after washing my hair. Once you spay this on looks like a white powder (like a baby powder) and when I had blonde hair it wasn't a problem, because it blended in my colour, but it doesn't work on my dark hair and I had to brush them and massage my scalp like a crazy woman to make it dissapear. It gives little volume, but after an hour or two, my hair looked flat again.

Have you tried any product named here? Did you like them?

Hope you're having a fabulous Thursday!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Weekly makeup tag: Prom

I didn't go to my prom dance, so I never did prom makeup on myself. But still, what is suitable for prom makeup anyways? To me prom makeup is that you still look like yourself, maybe little bit darker eyes, flawless skin and light lips. I like dark lips, but I assume there would be a lot of kissing and eating, and you don't want to constantly check if your lipstick is still in place. Unless it doesn't wear off, then this is a whole another story :)

Check out Aqeela's blog to see what other girlies created.

- MUA Matte perfect primer
- Bourjois Healthy mix foundation
- Essence Stay all day concelaer
- Artdeco setting powder
- NYX Taupe
- Essence Cherry blossom girl blush 01 Asain sensation
- MUA Undressed palette Shade 1 for highlight

- Artdeco Eyeshadow Base
- Catrice Kohl Kajal in black
- Bourjois Eyeliner pencil Noir & Blanc (white side)
- MUA Undressed palette Shade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11
- eBay false lashes (I cut them in half and applied at the end of lash line)
- Bourjois Volume Glamour mascara

- S-he lip liner (it doesn't have a name)
- Bourjois Rouge edition 04 Rose tweed
- Essence Stay with me longlasting lipgloss 03 Candy bar

Hope you like it and have a fabulous day!

Monday, April 22, 2013

What I ate

Haven't done "What I ate" post in a while, would be great if I remember to do one every two weeks or so, because I know many of you are curious what do I eat. Are you? I know you are ;).
Anyways, let's just get into the meals.

 Meal 1:

I had fruit smoothie for perfect start of the day. I blended half of banana, little bit of pine apple, mixed berries and soy milk. For some extra protein I added 1 tsp of hemp protein, I'm not a big fan of it taste-wise, but you can't really feel the taste in a smoothie and I have to use it anyways. Of course, I had cup of green tea too.

Meal 2:

This was my post workout meal, I just ate green salad with chickpeas, I just added about a spoon of olive oil, same amount of apple cider vinegar and little bit of salt. So simple and delicious.

Meal 3:

For third meal I just cut half of a medium sized sweet potato and some brocoli (my fave veg) and put it in the oven with some olive oil for half an hour (200˙C). I just sprinkled some salt and it was delicious! My month is watering just thinking of it.

Meal 4:

This meal was totally random, I just wanted to taste something sweet, not necessarily craved it, so I used the other half of banana from morning, about 8 almonds and tsp of honey. Random, but good!

Meal 5: 

Another salad. This time I had cabbage, green salad, chickpeas and tofu with sesame seeds. I put some olive oil in a pan, put tofu and about 2 spoons of sesame seeds and fry it on medium heat. Put it in a bowl with your salad, I just added little but of olive oil, apple cider vinegar and salt.

I hope you're having a wonderful Monday!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

FOTD | Tequila Sunrise at The Beach

As I promised in my Sleek i-Divine Snapshots review and swatches post I am posting makeup look I did using 7 shades from the palette. Fear not, I'll definitely try to use other 5 to do sth creative and fun :)

I call this look Tequila Sunrise at The Beach, because it has all Tequila Sunrise colours and some blue on lower lashline to represent sea.

- Bourjois Healthy mix foundation
- Essence Stay all day concealer
- NYX blush Pinched
- Sleek i-Divine Snapshots shade Martini for highlight

- Sleek i-Divine Snapshots palette: Martini, Sand walker, Washed ashore, Tequila Sunrise, Sunset, Hummin bird, Green iguana
- Catrice gel eyeliner
- Avon gel eyepencil
- Essence Get big lashes Volume boost waterproof mascara
- Catrice Capuccino eyeshadow for brows

- Manhattan X-treme last & shine 34T

Would you wear this look? Do you like it? :)

Thank you for stoping by and have an amazing Sunday!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Sleek i-Divine Snapshots palette (review and swatches)

*This post is written in English and Slovene/ Objava je napisana v angleščini in slovenščini.

Few weeks ago I was sent some new goodies from slovenian site I received OPI Mariah Carey 4 mini nail polishes and Sleek i-Divine Snapshots palette. Today, I'll review and swatch Sleek palette.
Nekaj tednov nazaj sem prejela nekaj nove kozmetike s spletne strani Prejela sem 4 OPI Mariah Carrey mini lake za nohte in Sleek i-Divine Snapshots paleto. Danes je na vrsti ocena in swathchi Sleek paletke.

You probably already know that I love Sleek, especially their palettes. Most eyeshadow crease on me even with eyeshadow primer, and Sleek lasts the longest on me. So, I was super excited to receive another palette to add into my Sleek family :).
Verjetno že veste, da obožujem Sleek, predvsem njihove paletke. Večina senčil se na mojih očeh nabere v gubi tudi, če nanesem primer, Sleek pa na meni zdrži najdlje. Zato sem bila zelo navdušena, da bom lahko dodala novo paletko v mojo Sleek družinico :).

Firstly, let's talk about packaging. Palette comes in a black box with ingredients, content and other information (website, name ...). Palette contains 12 pans of 1.1g (0.03 oz) colourful mineral based eye shadows. Palette itself is like any other Sleek palette, black, sleek looking, little bit hard to open at first, but in a week (it depends how often you use it) it should be opened more easily, but it's still sturdy. I love that it has a mirror and eye shadows are covered with plastic paper with names. I cut this plastic and glue it to mirror, so I know which colour I'm using and mirror is still usable.
Najprej nekaj o embalaži. Paletka je zapakirana v kartonski škatlici, na kateri najdemo sestavine, kakšna je vsebina in ostale informacije (uradna Sleek spletna stran, ime paletke ...). V paletki je 12 barvitih senčk z vsebino 1,1g. Sama paletka je črna, zelo "sleek" izgleda, na začetku jo je malo težje odpreti, vendar se čez kakšen teden odpira brez problemov (odivsno,koliko jo uporabljaš), vendar je še vedno trdno zaprta. Všeč mi je, da ima ogledalo in imena na plastični foliji, ki jo izrežem in nalepim na ogledalo, tako da vem imena senčk, ki jih uporabim, ogledalo pa je tudi še vedno uporabno.

I absolutely adore colour selection in Snapshots palette, it's so playful and colourful, it just screams summer :). I really like that the palette has matte (4 shades) and shimmery (8 shades) shadows, that equals 12 beautiful eye shadows. Now I'll just describe them individually.
Izredno mi je všeč selekcija barv v Snapshots paleti. Izgledajo tako igrivo in barvito, kar kličejo po poletju :). Paleta ima 4 mat senčila in 8 senčil s shimrom, kar nanese 12 čudovitih barv. Sedaj bom vsako opisala.


Summer breeze is gorgeous matte minty shadow, which is not the most pigmented, but nothing a white base can't fix. I would wear it as a pop of colour with simple smokey eye.
Summer breeze je čudovita mat senčka, ki ni najbolj pigmentirana, priporočam, da se nanese preko bele baze. Jaz bi jo vključila v preprost smokey eye look kot "pop of colour".

Martini is light shimmery shade, it reminds me of other similar shadows from Sleek palettes. It works great as inner corner colour, highlight on brow bone and even face.
Martini je svetla shimmery barva, nekatere Sleek paletke imajo podobne odtenke. Izgleda super v notranjem kotičku, pod obrvjo ali kot osvetljevalec na obrazu.

Kiwi flower literally reminds me of a kiwi :). It's light shimmery green shade, I already used it in my Shire inspired makeup look, as inner corner shade. Check it out here.
Kiwi flower me spominja na kivi :). Je svetlo zelena shimmery senčka, ki sem jo že uporabila v Shire makeup looku tukaj.

Sand walker is matte light neutral shade, slightly on a brown side, it reminds me of Capuccino shade from Au naturel palette, but Sand walker is slightly lighter.
Sand walker je mat nevtralna rahlo rjavkasta barva, spominja me na Capuccino senčko iz Au naturel palete, vendar je Sand walker malce svetlejša.

Washed ashore is orangey brownish shade with slight shimmer, which is not really seen on eyelids. I would recommend using a white base to make it pop, but it works great as a blending colour in crease.
Washed ashore je oranžno rjavkasta barva z malce shimmra, ki ni ravno viden, ko je na veki. Pripočam nanos preko bele baze, ravno tako deluje odlično kot barva za zabrisovanje v gubi.

Sunset is probably my favourite shadow in these palette. It's darker brownish red shimmery shade and it works great as outer corner color or all over the lid.
Sunset je verjetno najljubša senčka iz te palete. Je temnejšo rjavkasto rdeča shimmery barva, ki odlično deluje v zunanjem predelu očes ali preko celotne veke.

Lotus flower is gorgeous lavender shimmery shade. I think it's very unique shade, I've never seen one like this before. Works great in inner corner, under brow bone and I would incorporate it in purple smokey eye look.
Lotus flower je čudovita svetlo vijolična. Se mi zdi precej unikatna barva, ker podobne še nisem zasledila. Deluje odlično v notranjem kotičku očesa, pod obrvjo, z veseljem bi jo vključila v vijoličen smokey eye look.

Humming bird is duocrome shade, blue with gold shimmer and it's absolutely amazing. I see myself wearing this colour a lot in the future :).
Humming bird je duokrom barva, modra z zlatim shimmrom in je resnično prelepa. Že vidim, da jo bom precej nosila v prihodnosti :).

Tequila sunrise is literally what name says, tequila sunrise! Vivid shimmery orange that will make your eyes noticeable!
Tequila sunrise je dobesedno to kar pravi ime, tequila sunrise! Živa oranžna s shimmrom in oči zagotove ne bodo ostale neopazne!

Green iguana is similar to Humming bird once swatched, but without gold shimmer and more on a green side. Works great with simple brown smokey eyes and with this pop of colour on lower lashline.
Green iguana je podobna Humming bird, ko sta poswatchani, vendar je brez zlatega shimmra in bolj zelenkasta. Deluje odlično z rjavim smokey lookom ali kot edina živa barva na spodnji veki. 

Purple haze is matte darker purple, which I really like. I would wear it as outer corner shade and is also a great blending crease colour.
Purple haze je mat vijolična, ki mi je zelo všeč. Odlično deluje v zunanjem predelu očesa in v gubi.

Magenta madness is bright bright matte pink (magenta!) shade, which I already used for my "Black and pink" makeup: here. I would even use it as a blush or dab it on lips to make lipstick last longer.
Magenta madness je živa mat roza barva, ki sem jo že uporabila v "Black & pink" looku: tukaj. Uporabila bi jo tudi kot blusher ali potapkala po roza šminki za daljšo obstojnost.

And here is one of the looks I created with Snapshots palette (7 shades). I call it Tequila sunrise at the beach ;). I'll publish a separate post on this look in few days!
In tukaj je še očesni makeup, ki sem ga danes napravila s sedmimi senčkami iz te palete. Pričakujte posamezen post v nekaj dneh :)

Can you tell I love this palette? :) I recommend it to girlies who are not afraid of colorful makeup looks and who are not ashamed to play with colour!
Se mi vidi, da obožujem to paletko? :) Priporočam jo dekletom, ki imajo rade živahen, pisan makeup in jih ni strah uporabljati živih barv!

How do you like this palette? Do you have it or will you buy it? :)

Kako se vam dopade tale paletka? Jo že imate oz jo boste kupile? :) Lahko jo naročite na spletni strani TUKAJ.

* Product was sent to me for review. / Idelek mi je bil poslan v oceno.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Weekly makeup tag: Blue & pink

I cheated a little! I did blue smokey eye and pinkish lips. I couldn't figure out the way how to incorporate pink with blue eyeshadow, so I left eyes blue because I liked them the way they are and used pink lip stain :).

Check out Aqeela's blog to see what other ladies created.

- Avon Ideal shade
- Oriflame Concealer kit
- Sleek blush Suede
- Essence Crystalliced Liquid highlighter

- Essence I <3 stage
- NYX The Runway collection Jazz night (blue & black)
- MUA Undressed (dark blue & the lightest shade)
- Essence Liquid eyeliner
- Avon gel eye pencil
- eBay falsies
- Bourjois volume Glamour mascara
- Catrice Starlight Expresso for brows

- Elf Lip stain Fashionista

Hope you like it and have a happy Wednesday! :)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lippie of the day: Lip stains need some love too!

I used to be so obsessed with lip stains and lip sticks that dry out my lips. I just applied lip balm over them and colour lasted me all day. Now I still like them, but I also developed my love for moisturizing lip products.
Today I'll show you Oriflame lip stain in colour Raspberry.

This lip stain is from Oriflame, I don't know if it's still sold or not. It's "Very me click it" product, which means you combine it with another product on the other side. I combined it with green liquid eyeliner.

Stain has the same applicator as lip gloss and it applies really smoothly, but you have to apply it twice on certain areas, otherwise it can be streaky. I think it's the same with all lip stains.


I love this bright pinkish shade. That day everyone kept looking me in my lips. Anyone else has the same problem when wearing bright colour? Well, I do that too sometimes, but if I like girl's lipstick, I give her a compliment and ask what shade she's wearing. :)

And that's how it looks on me :)

Do you like lip stains? What's your favourite?

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday Fitness Tip: Let's talk goals and motivation

In today's Saturday Fitness Tip I'll talk about goals and motivation.
(I found pictures on Facebook on Fun, Fit and Fab page).

Let's go back in time ... I was overweight and I wasn't happy. Maybe I didn't look as unhappy person on the outside, but on the inside I wasn't. I had trouble finding pretty clothes that would fit me, my dreams seemed so far away, I was lost ... When I started losing weight, I started to feel better, was healthier and happier. And then I started eating healthier and exercising regularly, people around me said that I don't need to lose anymore weight or that I should be careful not to become anorexic (really?) or that I didn't even look fat and that I was cute even when I was bigger.

Maybe I didn't have any more weight to lose, but I didn't want to lose body I earned! But then I had ups and downs, I moved a lot and wasn't truly consistant, I ate too much even though it was healthy or had really stressful era in my life and it showed. But last November after my Lasik surgery I didn't workout for whole month! That was the longest period of time I didn't workout. So, I made a promise to myself to go back on track and be the best version of myself ... for the rest of my life (I even signed a contract with myself! - mental thing)).

That's why I do monthly progress posts, to keep me motivated. My goal is to have defined abs and I already see some definition showing through layer of fat :P. I love eating clean, I don't feel deprived at all. Food is my energy and I don't live to eat, but I eat to live. (But I still eat too much sometimes and my body is so unforgiving!) I'm gonna steal Tina Maze's words: My way is my decision. ;) Being weak is a decision, so is being strong!

I work with what I have, I will never probably fit in XS size, because I am big boned and that's fine with me. Maybe I'll need more time to get to my goal than a person who was never overweight and doesn't have any excess fat to lose, but once you set your mind into something, your body will follow. 

Now little encouragment to skinny or slim girls that workout and eat healthy. Don't listen to people who say: "You don't need to workout, you're skinny already." Being active and eating healthy is much more than being skinny, it's about feeling great in your own skin. You can have naturally amazing slim body, but that's not a guarantee it will be like that your whole life. Skinny has nothing to do with being in shape.

My long term (fitness) goal is to be healthy and motivate others. It means world to me when someone writes me I inspired them. It inspires me to keep going. If you want something sooooooooooooooo bad, no excuse will ever stop you. If you have time for Facebook, you have time for 15 minute workout, if you can buy that chocolate bar, buy fresh fruit instead ... and so on. Excuses stink and you know you make them on daily basis!

I didn't workout on Wednesday, because I was lazy and now I kinda regret it. Nothing I can change it now. Next time when you feel unmotivated to workout or you want to indugle something you shouldn't, look yourself in the mirror to see if you are where you want to be. I know I'm not, but every day is a new day, day to make it right. The sooner you start, the closer to your goal!

Now stop making excuses and earn the body you've always wanted!
Have a healthy happy Saturday y'all!

P.S.: If you have any topics you'd like me to cover or give you any advice, please, share them in a comment and I'll do my best to cover them in my next Saturday Fitness post :)