
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Weekly makeup tag: Prom

I didn't go to my prom dance, so I never did prom makeup on myself. But still, what is suitable for prom makeup anyways? To me prom makeup is that you still look like yourself, maybe little bit darker eyes, flawless skin and light lips. I like dark lips, but I assume there would be a lot of kissing and eating, and you don't want to constantly check if your lipstick is still in place. Unless it doesn't wear off, then this is a whole another story :)

Check out Aqeela's blog to see what other girlies created.

- MUA Matte perfect primer
- Bourjois Healthy mix foundation
- Essence Stay all day concelaer
- Artdeco setting powder
- NYX Taupe
- Essence Cherry blossom girl blush 01 Asain sensation
- MUA Undressed palette Shade 1 for highlight

- Artdeco Eyeshadow Base
- Catrice Kohl Kajal in black
- Bourjois Eyeliner pencil Noir & Blanc (white side)
- MUA Undressed palette Shade 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11
- eBay false lashes (I cut them in half and applied at the end of lash line)
- Bourjois Volume Glamour mascara

- S-he lip liner (it doesn't have a name)
- Bourjois Rouge edition 04 Rose tweed
- Essence Stay with me longlasting lipgloss 03 Candy bar

Hope you like it and have a fabulous day!


  1. Všeč mi je ker je tak čisto naravn, ki ga lahko imaš skoraj k vsem oblekcam. Kako pa to, da nisi imela maturanskega plesa?

    1. Saj to sem imela v mislih, da paše k vsemu :) Uf, sem imela tisoč in en razlog, zakaj nisem šla :)

  2. Wow full dobro zgleda! Tudi jaz nisem fan full mocnega make-upa tako da mi je tole ravno prav 'smokey' :D

    1. Hvala! Se mi zdi,da moraš za maturanca še vedno zgledat sebi podoben :D

  3. Oh,I love this look on you,I think it suits you great <3

  4. Gorgeous, can't believe I forgot to submit my picture! I love your look

    1. Thank you! You can always send her later and she publishes them :)

  5. Prav lep MU, zelo ti paše :) Pa se mi zdi kar primeren za maturanca, gre lepo k vsemu pa ravno prav intenziven je :)

  6. I didnt go to prom too :( , thx to Aqeela she gave us opportunity to feel somehow we celebrate it :P
    ur look was my fav, I love ur hair in the pics and ur makeup is flawless as always xx

    1. I actually came up with this theme, so you have to thank me :P Thank you darling! I love your look as well Xx

  7. Zelo lepo zgleda, všeč mi je ker ni 'too much'. Nakatere grejo res mal overboard za maturanca in na koncu zgledajo prou grozne.

    P.S. Tut jst nisem šla na maturanca. :P

    1. Haha, you don't say ^^:D Hvala!

      PS: Nč nismo zamudle :P

  8. Loving the look! It's so soft, even though you used quite dark colours
    So prettyyy


  9. Krasen je. Moj makeup za maturantskega je bil katastrofa, ker mi ga je delala ena druga, saj jaz takrat še nisem bila tako dobro seznanjena z makeupom kot danes (ali kako bi to rekla drugače, takrat sem poznala še samo senčila in maskaro :P).

    1. Haha, pa verjetno nisi bila edina s čudnim makeupom :P

  10. A lot of kissing at the prom? A res? pol pa nisem na pravega šla.
    Imela sem pa črno obleko s asimetrično črto kristalčkov, tako da sem naredila srebrno-bele zadimljene oči pa mislim, da ni bil prevelik škiks, pri 19 sem imela že 2 leti senčenja oči za sabo.
    Senčenje obraza je pa druga zgodba, mislim, da sem imela samo en prekriven puder z zaščitnim faktorjem :D :D :D flash back galore

    1. hah, si predstavljam. Ne vem na kašnem maturancu si bla ti, no, js za svojo mamo vem, da bi me kušvala, pa pač ne bom nikol vedla :D

  11. Super makeup! :)
    Jaz sem si za maturantski ples prvič sama uredila makeup. :) Kak mesec prej sem šla na brezplačno ličenje v eno drogerijo, me je cel postopek naučila, potem sem ga pa ponovila doma, pa mi je še zdaj všeč, kako mi je uspel, hihi. :) Začetniška sreča pa to :P Sem bla pol ful vesela, da sem se sama namazala, ker nekatere so šle k vizažistkam pa imele kakih 5 odtenkov pretemne pudre. :D

    1. A res? Ne dvomim, da je bil dober ;) To s pretemni pudri pa mislm, da ne vidiš samo na maturantskih :P Isuse!
      Hvala za komentar ;)
