
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday Fitness Tip: Let's talk goals and motivation

In today's Saturday Fitness Tip I'll talk about goals and motivation.
(I found pictures on Facebook on Fun, Fit and Fab page).

Let's go back in time ... I was overweight and I wasn't happy. Maybe I didn't look as unhappy person on the outside, but on the inside I wasn't. I had trouble finding pretty clothes that would fit me, my dreams seemed so far away, I was lost ... When I started losing weight, I started to feel better, was healthier and happier. And then I started eating healthier and exercising regularly, people around me said that I don't need to lose anymore weight or that I should be careful not to become anorexic (really?) or that I didn't even look fat and that I was cute even when I was bigger.

Maybe I didn't have any more weight to lose, but I didn't want to lose body I earned! But then I had ups and downs, I moved a lot and wasn't truly consistant, I ate too much even though it was healthy or had really stressful era in my life and it showed. But last November after my Lasik surgery I didn't workout for whole month! That was the longest period of time I didn't workout. So, I made a promise to myself to go back on track and be the best version of myself ... for the rest of my life (I even signed a contract with myself! - mental thing)).

That's why I do monthly progress posts, to keep me motivated. My goal is to have defined abs and I already see some definition showing through layer of fat :P. I love eating clean, I don't feel deprived at all. Food is my energy and I don't live to eat, but I eat to live. (But I still eat too much sometimes and my body is so unforgiving!) I'm gonna steal Tina Maze's words: My way is my decision. ;) Being weak is a decision, so is being strong!

I work with what I have, I will never probably fit in XS size, because I am big boned and that's fine with me. Maybe I'll need more time to get to my goal than a person who was never overweight and doesn't have any excess fat to lose, but once you set your mind into something, your body will follow. 

Now little encouragment to skinny or slim girls that workout and eat healthy. Don't listen to people who say: "You don't need to workout, you're skinny already." Being active and eating healthy is much more than being skinny, it's about feeling great in your own skin. You can have naturally amazing slim body, but that's not a guarantee it will be like that your whole life. Skinny has nothing to do with being in shape.

My long term (fitness) goal is to be healthy and motivate others. It means world to me when someone writes me I inspired them. It inspires me to keep going. If you want something sooooooooooooooo bad, no excuse will ever stop you. If you have time for Facebook, you have time for 15 minute workout, if you can buy that chocolate bar, buy fresh fruit instead ... and so on. Excuses stink and you know you make them on daily basis!

I didn't workout on Wednesday, because I was lazy and now I kinda regret it. Nothing I can change it now. Next time when you feel unmotivated to workout or you want to indugle something you shouldn't, look yourself in the mirror to see if you are where you want to be. I know I'm not, but every day is a new day, day to make it right. The sooner you start, the closer to your goal!

Now stop making excuses and earn the body you've always wanted!
Have a healthy happy Saturday y'all!

P.S.: If you have any topics you'd like me to cover or give you any advice, please, share them in a comment and I'll do my best to cover them in my next Saturday Fitness post :)


  1. You go girl,follow your dreams and goals and you will get there!You have inspired me to start working out again,even I haven't done it for years,as well as to start eating clean.Lot of ppl around me (including my mum and my hubby) say I don't need to lose any weight,but I want my abs back and I want to be fit and feel better.That is why I am trying to work out on a regular basis and stay motivated.And you are a great friend and a huge support and I can't thank you enough for that.Stay amazing and awesome always my dear:)

    1. And you inspire me! ;)) Like I said, being skinny doesn't mean you're in shape. Far from that. Keep going and you'l eventually reach your goal :)
      Thank you for commenting

  2. Very inspirational. So glad I came across your blog (from #bbloggers on twitter). I am on this journey myself at the moment, I am almost 40 pounds down but have a long way to go. I'm enjoying the journey and am excited to reach my goal, however long it takes.


    1. Aw, thank you. Glad you found me! Hope you find many useful, inspirational and motivational things on my blog ;)
      Welcome to Deja Zu team ;)

  3. I always lose my motivation and can't get myself on track again. I'm an emotional eater and being a person who is easily affected by everything it gets hard. I love your determination and want more than anything to have such self-control. Your words are inspiring.

    1. Thank you, Anila! I was emotinal eater, still am sometimes, but I am on my way to recovery :) Maybe I'll cover emotional eatting in my next post.

  4. Deja, you've been my biggest inspiration to actually do what I've always wanted to do: live healthy. I took small, verrrryy small steps, but once I started reading your posts and once I started talking to you, I wanted more. And I want to thank you for that! Since a few months I stopped eating junk food, but since a few weeks I started eating healthy! I eat much more fruit and vegetables (even if it's just cucumber and paprika, because I don't really like vegetables) and I even signed up at the gym. I started analysing my lifestyle and I changed what I thought needed to be changed. I know what you mean that skinny girls get many comments on eating and living healthy, because I'm one of them. But I don't care about them. I might look skinny, but who says that my veins aren't clogged with cholesterol? And I was ill so often, also felt so weak and lifeless. I feel muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch better now!! I also motivate other skinny (and non skinny) girls to live healthy, because fat says (almost) nothing about your health. You only get one body, treat it well.

    I totally get what you say about people complaining about their body, but not doing anything about it. If you don't like something, change it. If you don't want to change, accept it and shut your pie hole! Lol, sorry. I've been complaining all my life about being skinny, until I realised: wait, let me analyse the situation and see why everything I try doesn't work. If you want result, work for it.
    I'm proud of you that you're accomplishing your goals!! Getting abs and all, uhuhhhh! Go for it, girl!

    I just want to thank you for inspiring me so much and for coaching me every now and then. My no-sugar challenge is over, but I still avoid sugar. I prefer living this way and sugar just tastes way too sweet now haha. Also, avoiding sugar isn't that bad at all! Besides, I'd rather eat pineapple and mango than a chocolate bar. Yes, I'm dead serious. Women always complain about "giving up the good food". No girl, you haven't been tasting the good food, otherwise you wouldn't say that!

    I'm really glad that I made these changes. I always wanted to change things, but you made me realise that I need to do it NOW. NOW is the time. Tomorrow is too late. Again, thank you for inspiring me. I really love reading these kind of posts! Sorry for the long comment, once I started I couldn't stop myself!!


    1. I'm just going to day that: Thank you for commenting!!!! :D (and taking time to read and comment! :P)

  5. Neverjetno dobro si to napisala. Jaz sem suha. In ko rečem, da probam vsak dan telovadim me vsi čudno pogledajo: zakaj pa? Sploh ne vedo kakšen užitek je gibanje in jest zdravo (čeprav na zdravi prehrani še morem veliko naredit) ter se počutit fit. Fit je lepše kot biti suh. Suh si lahko po genih. Fit pa samo če narediš dosti zase in za svoje telo.
    Tebi pa čestitam, ker mislim, da ti je že veliko uspelo in ti še bo..

    1. Hvala, Evelina!
      Vem, kako ti je, sicer nisem bila nikoli suha ali naravno suha, ampak ko shujšaš, se mi zdi, da kar vse mečejo v isti koš: anoreksičnih. Pač so ljudje taki, sem se že naučila, da gre čez eno uho notri, čez drugo pa ven :) In zdravo življenje je tako čudovito. Energija, dobro počutje, pripraljenost, pozitivnost ... Ko imaš enkrat nadzor nad svojim zdravjem, potem ti vse v življenju gre :)
