
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Products that suck

Today's post is not really a positive one, but regret purchases need space on my blog, too. I hope I won't need to write a lot of them! :)

Keep in mind, that if something doesn't work for me, it might work for you, it's the same the other way around. Everyone is different.

1. Balea Young Soft & Care Mildes Waschgel mit Vitamin-Cocktail
I was so pissed off at my skin at some point, that I went to a drugstore and buy comepletely random gel wash for my face. So I bought this one from Balea for Young skin. It's gel consistency with quite big granules, so it doesn't do great job as a scrub. After few days my skin was dull and roungher to touch, and I blame this product. I have sensitive skin and it didn't work for me.

2. Afrodita Hydra Thermal Natural Mineral Water + hyaluronic acid 24h nutritive moisturising
I wanted to try a moisturizer with Hyaluron, but this one gave me only dissapointment. I didn't feel like it gives enough moisture to my face and I've seen more cloged pores than before. So, I stopped using it and my skin was better, then I discovered Argan oil :). Like I said, I have sensitive and quite dry skin, but it works for my mother, who has normal skin.

3. Lee Stafford For hair that never grows past a certain lenght Treatment
Don't hate me, I know many of you like Lee Stafford products! I tried to make it work but it didn't. I assume that this product stimulates hair growth (well, it says that in the name), but if I put it on my scalp it made my hair really heavy and I had to wash it again next day. Also, I have sensitive scalp and it caused some itching and mild allergy reactions. Well, ingredients are bad and can't really do anything good for long term use.
If I put it only on my ends, can't really do anything for hair growth, can it?
However, it leaves my hair really soft and smells nice, but there are many other products that do that for my hair. I still finished the jar, but won't repurchase and price is kinda rediculous, too!

4. Lee Stafford Dry shampoo Original for Oily roots
Another Lee Stafford product that doesn't work for me, probably because I don't have oily roots. My hair just gets lifeless and scalp is more dry than oily second day after washing my hair. Once you spay this on looks like a white powder (like a baby powder) and when I had blonde hair it wasn't a problem, because it blended in my colour, but it doesn't work on my dark hair and I had to brush them and massage my scalp like a crazy woman to make it dissapear. It gives little volume, but after an hour or two, my hair looked flat again.

Have you tried any product named here? Did you like them?

Hope you're having a fabulous Thursday!


  1. Joj tale Hydra Aforiditina kolekcija je pa res polom, slabših sestavin pomoje še nisem vidla!

    1. Ande? Js pač nisem pregledala nič preden sem kupila. Note to self: ne ponovi napake :)

  2. Jaz se tudi spravljam pisat ta post že dva tedna, pa mi kar ne rata.
    Nisem preizkusila še nobenega od teh izdelkov, sem pa že gledala tale Balein gel za umivanje, ker ga je kar nekaj punc pohvalilo, ampak me je izučilo, ko sem kupila drug Balein gel za umivanje, ne tisti, ki ga vednouporabljam in mi niti približno ne ustreza tako dobro.

    1. Odvisno kakšno kožo imajo ostale, meni ne ustreza. Jaz ne uporabljam nič Baleinega za obraz, mi nekako ne ustreza.
      Le napiši, takšni posti so precej zanimivi :)
      Hvala za komentar

  3. Hvala za ta post. Sem imela namen kupit LS Hair Treatment pa ga probat, ampak sem si po tem postu premislala. Imam namreč tudi občutljivo lasišče in mi sigurno ne bi odgovarjal. Izdelke od Balee pa sploh ne uporabljam več, ker sem vedno po njihovi uporabi dobila izpuščaje/srbečico (geli za tuširanje, piling za obraz) in prhljaj.

    1. Večina deklet ga hvali, amapk meni ni kul, če nanesem na lasišče, sploh pa se temu bolj težko izognem, glede na to da mam kratke lase. Če pa naneseš samo na konice, pa growing part lih nima kaj zravn.
      Tudi meni Balea ne odgovarja vedno. Edino olje za lase uporabljam.
      Hvala za komentar!

  4. jaz sem tudi nekaj časa uporabljala tale Balea Young Soft & Care Mildes Waschgel mit Vitamin-Cocktail ampak je tudi mene razočaral :s

    1. Meni nič od njih ne odgovarja na obrazu. Hvala za komentar!

  5. "Regret purchases need space on my blog, too."
    Yes, yes they do :) Fajn je, da so ocene izdelkov tako dobre kot slabe :)

    1. Mi je blo brezveze pisat cel review, bodo tile posti postali redni, vseeno upam, da jih ne bo dosti :P
      Hvala za komentar

  6. Jaz sem dobila alergično reakcijo z to linijo od Afrodite- cela rdeča in zatekla :/ Seveda pametna pa ful na debelo namazala vse 3 izdelke-krema za oči,serum in krema.
    Ampak tudi moji mami še kar ok ustreza drugače :)

    1. Hah, boga. Res je katastrofa. Dobro,da mamam ustreza :D Hvala za komentar

  7. Edino kar sem poskusila je dry shampoo od Lee Stafforda in mi je bil všeč, na meni dobro deluje, da lasem volumen pa še diši mi božansko :) Sem pa vesela tega posta, že nekaj časa gledam Afroditine kreme, pa dobro da vem da se stran od tele držim :)

    1. Saj sem rekla, da kar meni ne ustrza, lahko ustreza drugim. Meni ni :)
      Lahko najdeš kakšno boljšo :)
