
Monday, April 22, 2013

What I ate

Haven't done "What I ate" post in a while, would be great if I remember to do one every two weeks or so, because I know many of you are curious what do I eat. Are you? I know you are ;).
Anyways, let's just get into the meals.

 Meal 1:

I had fruit smoothie for perfect start of the day. I blended half of banana, little bit of pine apple, mixed berries and soy milk. For some extra protein I added 1 tsp of hemp protein, I'm not a big fan of it taste-wise, but you can't really feel the taste in a smoothie and I have to use it anyways. Of course, I had cup of green tea too.

Meal 2:

This was my post workout meal, I just ate green salad with chickpeas, I just added about a spoon of olive oil, same amount of apple cider vinegar and little bit of salt. So simple and delicious.

Meal 3:

For third meal I just cut half of a medium sized sweet potato and some brocoli (my fave veg) and put it in the oven with some olive oil for half an hour (200˙C). I just sprinkled some salt and it was delicious! My month is watering just thinking of it.

Meal 4:

This meal was totally random, I just wanted to taste something sweet, not necessarily craved it, so I used the other half of banana from morning, about 8 almonds and tsp of honey. Random, but good!

Meal 5: 

Another salad. This time I had cabbage, green salad, chickpeas and tofu with sesame seeds. I put some olive oil in a pan, put tofu and about 2 spoons of sesame seeds and fry it on medium heat. Put it in a bowl with your salad, I just added little but of olive oil, apple cider vinegar and salt.

I hope you're having a wonderful Monday!


  1. You should do these posts more often!Smoothie looks so yummy,I would eat all except tofu,I don't really like the taste of it

    1. I am not a big tofu fan, but you just have to know how to prepare it :)
      Thank you for commenting!

  2. Najbolj mamljivo mi zveni 4. z bananami in mandeljni, verjetno zato, ker obožujem banane. :)

    1. Hehe, pa najbolj random obrok :D Meni so banane kul, nisem pa največji fan, imam raje kaj kislega :)
      Hvala za komentar

  3. Tole izgleda zelo dobro, prav ničesar se ne bi branila :)

  4. That smoothie looks amazing! What hemp protein do you use?

    1. Thanks. Just regular hemp protein I can find in my nearest health store or drug store. I think it's Slovenian brand.

  5. Ful mam rada takele poste, ker sem vedno brez idej!

    1. Bom še objavla, brez skrbi! Hvala za komentar in super, da si dobila kakšno idejo :)

  6. Izgleda zdravo in dobro. Pa še veliko idej sem dobila. Hvala (:

  7. ne bih se bunila ni protiv jednog ovog obroka :D

  8. Ravno spravljam se sestaviti zdrave jedilnike zase, ker tako kot sem do zdaj zivela ne gre vec naprej saj sem namrec en velik junk food fan :S Full hvala za ideje!

    1. Upam, da ti to kej pomaga in da ti uspe sestaviti super jedilnik :) Hvala za komentar

  9. i LOVE sweet potatoes! There so much nicer than ordinary potatoes.
    great posts!
    V xx

    Check out my new blog:

    1. I know! People need to eat them more! teehee ;)
      Thank you X

  10. I would love to see more of these posts! I really struggle with healthy food ideas so this is so helpful!

    Tori xx

    1. Will do my best to post more! Thank you! x
