
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Makeup series: Harry Potter Hogwarts houses | GRYFFINDOR

Ok, time to continue with the Harry Potter Hogwarts houses series. It's been awhile :). Today's look is inspired by Gyffindor. Check out other looks by clicking on the name of the house:

Gryffindor values courage, bravery, nerve and chivalry. Its mascot is the lion, and its colours are scarlet and gold. 

Products used:
- Yves Rocher Youthful glow foundation
- Bourjois Healthy mix serum
- Bourjois Healthy mix concealer
- Catrice All matt shine control powder
- MUA Bronzed perfection

- Avon eye primer
- KaNi cosmetics pigment Luste White
- KaNi cosmetics pigment Abstruse Gold
- KaNi cosmetics pigment  Royal Gold
- KaNi cosmetics pigment Red Pearl
- Onyx Eyeshadow Mineralissima Netherlands
- Bourjois Khol & Contour eye pencil Ultra black
- Essence Stays no matter what Waterproof eyeliner pen
- Misslyn Intense color liner 240
- Essence Colour arts eye base
- Essence Get big! lashes Volume curl mascara
- Duo eyelash adhesive waterproof dark-tone
- MAX false eyelashes

- Catrice eye brow stylist 030 Brow-n.eyed peas

- Catrice Wet shine stain long-lasting lacquer

And that was a proper start of a Sunday ;)

Tell me what you think. Thank you for reading, looking and commenting.

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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday fitness post: GLUTEN

Well this post was on my to write list forever. Yesterday I finally took time to do a research (I always write down in my note book first) and provide you (hopefully) understandable and useful information about gluten ...

What is gluten and where do we find it?
Gluten is cohesive, elastic protein, and is responsible for giving dough elasticity, chewiness and bounciness. Gluten is made up of many different proteins, two main groups are called the gliadins and the glutenins. In Latin "gluten" means glue.

Gluten is found in wheat (only wheat is considered to have true gluten), rye, barley, spelt, triticale and many other names for wheat: bulgur, durum wheat, kamut, whole wheat, flour, couscous, semolia, graham, seitan ... or anything with "wheat" in the name: wheat germ, wheat protein ... (except for buckwheat and wheat grass - like any other grass, is gluten-free).

Source: Pinterest.

The most common foods that contain gluten are:
bread, pizza, beer, pasta, pretzels, chocolate, crackers, deli meat, doughnuts, cookies, muffins, cupcakes, pancakes, sauces, soy sauce, tortillas (even corn), processed foods (read labels!) and even toothpaste. Even food that doesn't contain gluten can be contaminated by coming into contact with equipment in the same factory (oats for example).

What happens with gluten in our body?
When gluten enters your body, immune system responds by attacking the gluten and unfortunately, also attacks your body. When gluten reaches small intestine, the villi (they provide absorption of nutrients and help food to move along the digestive pathways) are damaged (glues them together), which leads to that your body can't absorb nutrients properly. Toxins and gluten can pass through damaged villi and enter the bloodstream. Body will respond by foreign substances by attacking them, as well as healthy cells. Malnutrition is very common and can lead to many different symptoms.

Happy healthy villi vs. sad glued villi. Source: Pinterest.

bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, fatigue (adrenal fatigue, spring fatigue, tired after a meal), depression, moodiness, anxiety, shooting pain, numbness, tingling of arms and legs, hormone imbalance (PMS, polycystic ovary syndrome, unexplained infertility), inflammation, swelling pain and joints, allergies, skin rashes, muscles cramping (caused by malabsorbtion of calcium), weight problems (not able to lose or gain weight), osteoporosis, migraine headache, Keratosis Pilaris "chicken skin" (mainly on the back of your arms), weakness ... just to name a few. Number of gluten sensitivity symptoms is more than 250.

Getting diagnosed
Conventional medicine (I found information for the USA) has done poor job of diagnosing gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. It takes around 11 years for someone who is gluten sensitive to get a proper diagnose and they have to see at least five gastoentrologists. If doctors don't find gluten sensitivity of celiac disease, they usually don't check them for wheat allergies. It's estimated that 95 % of Americans are affected by gluten at some point.

Who should eat gluten-free diet?
I personally believe anyone would benefit from not eating gluten (especially women), however, the obvious candidates for gluten-free diet are (I only wrote some symptoms and information for each):

* those with autoimmune conditions:
    - celiac disease: known symptoms are steatorrhea (a form of diarrhea), digestive issues - abdominal   pain, vomiting, bloating, gas, brainfog, delayed growth in children, vitamin deficiencies and anemia, inability to gain weight, tooth decay, missed periods, infertility, low bone density;
   - dermatitis herpetiformis: itchy skin rashes on buttocks, knees, elbows, back of the neck, scalp, hairline, face;
   - gluten ataxia: mental confusion, disorientation, disorder in fine movements, balance and posture;
   - other autoimmune disease: arthritis, lupus, thyroid disease, type 1 diabetes.

* those with Gluten Sensitivity (GS; also called gluten intolerance):
   they don't experience physical symptoms, but they are more likely to have non digestive symptoms, including bone and joint pain, muscle cramps, weight loss, fatigue.
Gluten sensitivity is often misdiagnosed because doctors relate its symptoms to other causes. It is believed that many GS may affect more than 6 times as many people as celiac disease does. GS people don't have to cut back gluten completely, only 1 % of population is assumed to be in death danger consuming gluten (those with celiac disease).

* those with wheat allergies:
   symptoms are abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, vomitting, hives, headaches, migrains, swelling, trouble breathing, tiredness, lethargy. It's possible to have wheat allergy at the same time as celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
Those people don't need to avoid barley and rye, however, some find that gluten-free diet works best for their lifestyle.

* those looking to live a healthy lifestyle:
   can be only supporting and joining along with someone who has to eat gluten-free or exploring new tastes and combinations and gluten-free diet can help with weight loss or healthy weight gain (if not eating gluten-free products you can get in the stores, because they are full of sugar, high GI and other junk).

I borrowed this book from a library and it's awesome. Even some information in this post is taken from this book. It has many tasty gluten-free recipes (some of them are even vegan). Source: Pinterest.

How to start with gluten-free diet?
If you assume you are gluten sensitive or you are experiencing any of the mentioned symptoms, best way is to write a food diary and write down how do you feel and what symptoms are you having after each meal.
After that, determine to go on strict gluten-free diet for 60 days. Your body starts to heal immediately. Some people start to feel better within few days, others within few weeks or months. It usually takes 60 days for inflammation to begin to resolve. Those with severe sensitivity will need nine to twelve months before becoming symptom-free. The more strict you follow gluten-free diet, the faster the recovery.

So, what grains can you eat on gluten-free diet?
Well, I'm glad you asked :)
Amaranth, quinoa, corn, buckwheat, rice, wild rice, brown rice, millet, montina (Indian rice grass), oats (if not contaminated when grown or in factory; buy labeled "gluten-free"), sorghum, teff.
Flours you can use are: almond flour, coconut flour, gram flour (chickpea flour), oat flour (if not contaminated), buckwheat flour, millet flour, cashew flour, rice and brown rice flour, tapioca flour, yam flour, xantham gum, soy flour ...

Little bit more geeky today, but I still hope it was understandable and useful :)
If you have any more questions, use google :P or ask me ;)

For gluten free recipes search through my blog, there are also many good gluten-free cook books as well and you can find many useful information on the internet.

Happy gluten-free Saturday! :)

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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Recipe: Vegan bolognese sauce

Today I'll show you how to do bolognese sauce the vegan way :). I found this recipe when I was searching for more exciting ways to use tofu and it was love at frirst try. So, here it is ...

- 1 leek, chopped
- 2 medium sized carrots, peeled, chopped
- 150 g of tofu
- 1 table spoon of tomato paste
- 3-4 dl of tomato sauce (I used pureed tomatoes that we keep in our freezer)
- salt to taste
- 1/2 tea spoon of curry powder
- pinch of red chili powder
- 2 table spoons of olive oil


1. Pour olive oil into preheated pan. Transfer chopped leek and carrots in it as well. Lower the heat and cook for about 2 minutes, so both vegetables become softer.

2. Place tofu in a food processor and process until minced (it should look like minced meet). Transfer it into a pan with vegetables. Stir.

3. Now add tomato paste and seasoning. Stir again. Add tomato sauce and place pan cover on top. Let it cook for at least 45 minutes (to 1 hour) on low-medium heat. Make sure you stir it occasionally while cooking. If tomato sauce evaporates, add some water. Serve with gluten-free pasta.

I served it with corn pasta, because that's what I had and wanted to eat, but it would be delicious combined with quinoa, amaranth, brown riceor even on its own.

Instead of leek use onion, instead of carrots use portobello mushroom, or use any kind of vegetables you prefer.

More recipes will be available in my cook book (it's in its last finishing touches :)).

Bon appetite :)

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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

DIY beauty: Spirulina mask

Spirulina is one of the greatest superfoods. It can be consumed in powder form (mixed in water or smoothies) or tablets. But you can also apply it on your skin, because it's ultimate food for your skin and its health.

Firstly, some short words about Spirulina.
Spirulina is algae, which is protein source (the highest concentration of protein among all foods, 65-71 %), contains 8 amino acids. It's rich in vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, E and K. It helps to build muscles and strenght, stabilises blood sugar, stimulates brain function, stimulates fast recovery, keeps nervous system healthy, keeps bones strong etc..

For face mask you need:
- 1 table spoon of Spirulina
- little bit of filtered water just to achieve thick mask consistency (few table spoons)


Put Spirulina in an empty bowl/glass/plate and start adding water gradually. Start with 3 table spoons of water and mix, add few more table spoons of water and mix. Stop when consistency is thick, but easy to apply.

Get your hair out of the way, remove makeup and apply the mask on your face. Leave it there for 20 minutes and then rinse. Follow by face toner and moisturizer.

Yeah, I know, I look funny ;)

This mask will leave you with soft cleansed skin. You can do this mask up to 3 times a week.

Tell me if you try it out and how did you like it?
Do you consume Spirulina?

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Monday, March 24, 2014

FOTD | Smokey with hint of green

I did pretty boring makeup look last week on Thursday, but still worth writing a post about it ;) I went with smokey with  little bit of green, because I rarely wear green or particulary this Artdeco eyeshadow, and I try to shop my stash since I have a lot of eyeshadows. I don't even remember the last time I bought new eyeshadow palette or single eyeshadow. I feel like I already have all the colours in the world, or I could combine more eyeshadows to achieve new colour.
Anyways, enough of chit chat, here' what I was wearing.

Products used:
- Bourjois Health mix serum
- Bourjois Healthy mix concealer
- NYX blush Taupe
- Catrice All matt Shine control powder

- MUA palette Undressed - shade 3, shade 5, shade 10, shade 11
- Artdeco eyeshadow 218 - shimmery brown, 49 - shimmery green
- Sleek palette Snapshots - Martini
- Bourjois Khol & contour Ultra black
- Essence Get Big lashes! Volume curl mascara
- Catrice Eye brow stylist 030 Brow-n-eyed peas

- Elf clear gloss

Happy Monday!

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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday Fitness Post: How to track your progress?

Many people think that you can track your progress only by stepping on a scale and trust the numbers. But let me tell you something, muscle is denser than fat. If you do a lot of body weight and weight training, you are gaining muscle and your number doesn't move or it even goes up slightly - especially if you don't have to lose so much weight. It is possible that your body composition is changing meanwhile your weight remains the same.

Source: Pinterest.

Your weight doesn't really tell your frame size - some people have smaller bone structure, lighter bones, some have bigger structure, heavier bones. It also doesn't tell how much % of fat do you have, which fluctuates during the year (we usually have more in the winter) and neither it tells how much muscle weight do you have.

Don't get discourages, I present you to other methods that can help you track your progress and achieve your goal (I already talked about them in the past, but sometimes you just need to publish again :)).

Source: Pinterest.

1. Take a before and after picture. Take a picture of yourself at the beginning of your weight loss journey and take a picture of yourself at more stages during the process - every 2 weeks or once a month is OK. Compare them side by side and see how your body has changed.

2. Another great method to track your progress is by measuring yourself. Get a measuring tape (it doesn't have to be anything fancy) and measure your body in different places - bust, upper arm, waist, hips and thighs are most common. Measure yourself at the beginning of weight loss journey and measure again every 2 weeks or once a month. I keep track of that in my workout diary :)

3. Focus on how you feel. Healthy food and regular exercise will give you more energy, you will feel much lighter, tighter (less jiggle-y ;)) and leaner, even though scale doesn't move. You should also feel much happier :). Also your skin will improve and you'll feel healthier overall. Which leads to another point ...

4. Focus on how you feel in your clothes and how do they look on you. Your clothes will fit better and you'll feel better in them. Or you'll notice that there's more space in your clothes than usual :)

Tell me, which is your preferred method? I hate the scale, but I like to measure myself and focus on how I feel.

Happy healthy Saturday!

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Friday, March 14, 2014

KaNi cosmetics mineral pigments REVIEW / OCENA

* This post is written in Slovene. / Ta objava je napisana v slovenščini.

Oh, prejela sem najlepše in najboljše pigmentke, da jih ocenim. Povrhu vsega sem pa ravno na božič zadela še njihov bon za 5 €, ki sem ga koristila istočasno, ko so mi poslali pigmentke za oceno. Sedaj imam 13 čudovitih novih pigmentkov, ki mi bodo dolgo služili.
Govorim seveda o KaNi cosmetics pigmentkih :) Njihovo ime ste lahko že zapazili na seznamu pri maskah za maškare (kliknite na ime maske):

Sedaj pa k opisu, oceni in swatchem ...

(prepis iz navodil, ki sem jih prejela poleg)
Mineralni pigmenti so osnova mineralnih ličil in niso končni kozmetični proizvod. Zaradi svojega naravnega izvora so primerni za kozmetično uporabo. KaNi mineralni pigmenti ne vsebujejo škodljivih sestavin (konzervansi, bismuth oxychlorid, nanodelci, parfumi, parabeni, smukec, alkohol in mineralna olja). Mineralni pigmenti KaNi cosmetics niso testirani na živalih. 

Pigmenti pridejo v plastičnih prosojnih posodicah/lončkih z navojem, ki se jih lahko sestavi skupaj, da prihraniš s prostorom (prva slika). Poleg sem dobila tudi sita, vendar sem do sedaj namestila samo enega, ker sem želela ugotoviti, kaj mi bolj odgovarja. Vsekakor bom namestila na vse, že zaradi tega, ker je veliko bolj higiensko in manj verjetnosti, da kaj po nepotrebnem raztresem :). Če se pigment ujame v navoj, se bo verjetno malce stresel po rokah ali mizi, vendar količina je res minimalna (nekaj bleščic :)), nič kar bi bilo moteče.

Sama sem izbrala barve:  
Dark Purple (6035), Red Pearl (508), Luster Brown (6082), Sparkle White (407), Cobalt Blue (6414), Apple Green (6512), Satin White Grey (6094), Luster White (404), Abstruse Gold (307), Royal Gold (303), Magic Violet (6312), Pearl Black (6993) in Magic Blue (6413).
Vsi vsebujejo bleščice, nekateri večje, drugi manjše (shimmer).

 Od L proti D: Dark Purple, Red Pearl, Luster Brown, Sparkle White
Zgornja vrsta swatchow je brez podlage, spodnja s podlago. Leva slika swatchev je slikana z bliskavico, desna brez.

Od L proti D: Cobalt Blue, Apple Green, Satin White Grey.

Od L proti D: Luster White, Abstruse Gold, Royal Gold, Magic Violet.

Od L proti D: Pearl Black, Magic Blue.

Pigmenti so lahko uporabljeni po telesu, na vekah kot senčilo, kot rdečilo za lica, na ustnicah ali na nohtih. Razen nekaterih odtenkov (modri in zeleni), ki so posebej označeni.

  • na ustnicah: pigment lahko zmešamo s kremnim mazilom (brezbarvni balzam za ustnice ali gloss npr.) in ga nanesemo, lahko pa tudi najprej nanesemo mazilo na ustnice in povrhu nanesemo pigment.
  • kot senčilo: v pigment se vmeša kozmetično glino ali mico (razmerje 4:1, pigment:mica/glina), s tem se senčilo boljše oprime in je dlje obstojno. Sestavine se zmeša v vrečki in shrani v posodici/lončkuk. 
  • kot lak za nohte: pigment zmešamo s prozornim lakom na papirju, foliji, kartonu ... neposredno pred nanosom.
  • kot UV/LED gel lak: dolg postopek, ga bom kar spustila ;). Sicer pa tako ali tako prejmete navodila ob nakupu.
Sama sem do sedaj uporabila samo kot senčilo brez kozmetične gline ali mice, nanesla sem samo podlago, na katero se je pigment bolje prijel (obstajajo posebne podlage za pigmente) in nisem imela nobenih problemov z nabiranjem v gubo ali neobstojnostjo. V bistvu so zdržali na mojih očeh cel dan, ravno tako ni bilo nobene spremembe v intenzivnosti.

Preizkusila sem jih tudi kot eyeliner. Pigment sem samo zmešala z malce vode, vendar bom drugič preizskusila s tekočino, ki je prav namenjena za mešanje pigmentov. Kot eyeliner sem uporabila Magic Blue pa ni bil najbolj obstojen, dan pred tem pa sem uporabila Pearl Black pa je na mojih očeh zdržal cel dan. (Slike spodaj).

Leva: Luster Brown - moja najljubša <3
Desna: Luster White & Pearl Black

Leva: Pearl Black uporabljen kot eyeliner.
Desna: Dark Purple (na očeh), Sparkle White, Luster White.

 L: Magic Blue in Cobalt Blue. D: Magic Blue kot eyeliner.
Ostale boste še videli va "akciji", ne skrbite :)

Ko sem za svoj očesni makeup izbrala pimgnete KaNi, sem vedno najprej nanesla očesni makeup, nato pa šele podlago za obraz, ker pigmenti so senčila v prahu, zato lahko kaj veče pade na obraz, samo pazljiv moraš biti.
Ravno tako je potrebno pred nanosom poskrbeti za čiste pripomočke, roke in delovni prostor. Pigmentov ne puščajte odprtih pri odprtem oknu in s prepihom v hiši (to lekcijo sem se naučila že nekaj let nazaj, tokrat se ni ponovila :)).

Da povzamem ...
Pigmenti so super pigmentirani in uporaba ni zahtevna. Posodica s pigmentom je skoraj polna, tako da dobiš res zajetno količno in bodo z mano precej dolgo. Cena je ugodna: 2,90 € za en pigment. V spletni trgovini imajo precejšnjo ponudbo različnih odtenkov (jaz sem imela kar težave z izbiro, priznam :)), kar je super, saj lahko vsak najde barvo, ki mu ustreza. Ravno tako je odlično, da imajo več namenov - lahko je lak, lahko je senčka itd. :)

KaNi cosmetics izdelke najdete na njihovi spletni Kjer poleg pigmentov najdete tudi pripomočke, čopiče, embalaže, darilne bone in galerijo.

* 3 pigmente sem "kupila" z bonom, ki sem ga prejela v nagradni igri, ostali so mi bili poslani v oceno :). Mnenje in ocena sta popolnoma moja.

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Facebook giveaway za slovenske bralce

*This post is written in Slovene.

Včeraj sem na Facebooku objavila sliko za giveaway, ki je namenjen slovenskim bralkam. Konča se v nedeljo, 14. 3., tako da pohitite :)

Vsa navodila so priložena poleg slike na FB Deja Zu strani: TUKAJ


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Monday, March 10, 2014

February favourites

I didn't post my favourites post for January, even though I wanted to, but then I got ill and it changed my schedule, so I skipped it. And here are my February favourites ... :)

I started using Essie polishes in December and I really like them. In February I mostly used shades Smokin hot and After school boy blazer. I was really sceptical about Smokin hot, because I never really use this kin of shade. It's dark mauve, grey and slightly purple, but it looks good on my nails and I really like it. After school boy blazer is navy blue, on nails almost looks black, but it's blue ;) (I also got one for you in future giveaway ;)).

I rediscovered Barry M Waterproof eye pencil. It's super creamy, it sets pretty quickly once applied on the eyes, but you can also smudge it if you work pretty fast. As you can see, I got good use out of it :)

Favourite lipstick of the month has to be Rimmel Lasting finish lipstick in 016 Heart breaker. I write about it in my Lippie of the Day post HERE.

I was in need of a new body lotion and I got Afrodita Red grapes Nurturing body milk, which smells the same as their hand cream with grapes. It's moisturizing and leaves me with soft skin. Another bonus is that little bit of product goes a long way.

Source: the official Robin Sharma facebook page.

I've listened to my first audio book and it was from Robin Sharma - The Monk who sold his Ferrari. I loved the story, it's so inspiring and uplifting. After I stopped listening to it I was super motivated to do something epic ;). You can listen to it on YouTube HERE (2 hours 40 minutes).
And Robin Sharma can as my favourite person of the month :). He makes motivational YouTube videos, how to become a leader, how to change habits, how to wake up early, what to do to become successful etc.. Check out his channel HERE.

Source: SoothingSista Instagram.

Another YouTuber I discovered is SoothingSista. Beautiful Stephanie does outfit videos (I love her style), sometimes even beauty videos, vlogs and other randomness. Plus she is stunningly beautiful. Check her channel HERE.

Source: Pinterest.

Best movie I watched is animated movie Brave. Princess Merida is determined to make her own path in life, which causes chaos in her kingdom. Granted one wish, Merida must rely on her bravery to undo this curse. Loved the story line and message in this movie.

And that's it for my favourites. What are yours? :)

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Saturday, March 8, 2014

Saturday fitness post: Healthy detox

I had a detox week previous week and today I'm going to talk about it, because sharing is caring ;) And maybe some of you decide to do it as well, so I give you all instructions how and what to follow. Let's just start.

This detox diet is based on Savina Atai (I believe she didn't come up with it or maybe she did, who knows :)), famous Slovene super food nutritionist, face yoga instructor, author of a best selling book and many more :). You can read about this detox in her online magazine (in Slovene): HERE (pages 51 - 57).

What NOT to eat
Any form of sugar (white and brown), white flour, grains with gluten, potatoes, all starchy carbs, pulses (except for lentils), fruit (allowed only in morning smoothie; lemon and grapefruit also during the day), dry fruit, nuts (except for almonds), dairy products (except for kefir), processed food in general (anything packaged and with long lists), red meat, honey, agave.

Source: Pinterest.

What CAN you eat
Enlarge consuming of vegetables and healthy fats!
Vegetables should be in every meal (cooked or raw or both), especially green leafy vegetables (they contain most amount of protein, provide oxygen to our body and regulate insulin). Don't be afraid to eat healthy fats: avocado, olive oil, coconut oil, hemp oil, pumpkin seed oil.
Occasionally you can eat seeds: chia seeds, hemp seeds and black sesame seeds. Eggs, fish, algae and white meat (chicken, turkey, fish) can be also consumed if you like to.
Gluten-free grains are allowed in one meal per day: buckwheat, quinoa, polenta, wholegrain rice, amaranth.
You mainly eat and drink smoothies, salads, soups, teas, healthy fats, eggs and fish.

Other instructions
Right after you wake up, drink 0,5 L of water with pinch of Himalayan salt OR tea spoon of spirulina. (I drank 0,5 L of regular water, later I drank hot water with lemon juice and separately I consumed 1 tea spoon of spirulina mixed in little bit of water).

You have 3 main courses during the day:
BREAKFAST should be the biggest meal: between 7.00 - 9.00AM
LUNCH between 11.00AM and 1.00PM
DINNER (last meal) until 5.00PM. After this hour you can have only vegetable soup or smoothie (I assume it should be made out of vegetables) and teas.
Go to bed before 10.30PM (at night out body is restoring and healing, we should be inactive in that time until morning).

The only workout written in the instructions are Face Force yoga practice (face yoga), breathing exercise and exercise for breasts.
Face yoga and exercise for breast regulate our hormones, emotions, stimulates lymphetic system, both help with losing weight and maintaining weight, help us to remain young and energetic and this post would be too long if I listed all the benefits - maybe next time ;)

Savina Atai in the picture doing Face force yoga: I know it looks weird, but it's rewarding ;) Source: Google.

What is the purpose of this detox?
Main purpose of this detox is to prevent spring fatigue and to restore our system and support our natural cycle (detox instructions were published more than one month ago for the first time, when we still had snow). Many people start with "spring cleaning" of the body when spring fatigue already kicks in. When that happens, we tire our system even more with detox, especially because many people do it wrong (they enlarge fruit content, don't eat enough healthy fats, they don't eat enough vegetables, they don't consider natural cycle).
I would say that now is the last time to do this detox if you'd like to, before official spring comes, to support our body - nature is waking up, we should wake up our bodies as well.

Source: Pinterest.

My experience

I started with this detox week on Tuesday, February 25th enthusiastically and super excited, even though I slept for only 5 hours with waking up in between. In the afternoon I felt extremely tired and not energetic at all. Went to bed earlier than usually.
First three days I was slightly tired, getting used to my new sleeping rhythm. Even though it says that you should be in bed at 10.30PM, I usually went at 11.00PM, I practiced waking up around 8.00AM. I slept really good, my body was really resting while I was in bed, the only "problem" I had, was that I usually needed go to pee during the night, because I drank so much water ;)
After three days I started to feel more energized, more myself again, waking up earlier wasn't a problem anymore and going to bed earlier was even less of a problem, because I felt tired and I slept like a baby :).
My meals were similar almost every day, I got slightly sick and tired of them after few days, so I recommend you prepare a list of meals you can eat and stock your fridge with all the ingredients.

Every day I had green smoothie for brerakfast (I used spinach for greens, banana, strawberries or mixed berries, orange or lemon juice and regular water or coconut water). Lunch was usually a vegetable or lentil soup or/and a salad. Dinner was soup leftovers or a salad and I had my last meal until 5.30PM, because I usually wasn't at home in time for dinner, so I cheated a little ;)
During the day I drank teas, water and sometimes I made myself a lemonade with lemon and grapefruit juice. Or water with little bit of salt.

Source: Pinterest.
Fourth and fifth day I had little bit of crisis, because I was craving nuts and I missed having beans or chickpeas in a salad, and eating fruit during the day (was craving something sweet and juicy in the afternoon), but I got over it. Instead of beans, I added cooked lentils in a salad, I drank lemonade to satisfy my fruit cravings and I bought almonds and ate them all :). I wish I prepared myself more to have more variations of recipes, but it wasn't hard at all. But most importantly, I was not hungry or deprived (but I love vegetables in general).

I didn't do the exercises that are mentioned in the magazine, but I did Face Force yoga exercises (I have a book, thanks to my friend ;)) and stretching yoga (especially for my back) or yoga for detox. I also did meditation for healing and meditation for chakras.

At the end of the detox I notice I had more energy and I woke up easily early in the morning without being tired (I now wake up around 7.30AM with no problem). Skin on my face looks brighter and healthier, I've noticed skin on my body is tighter and cellulite less visible, I believe I even lost few kilograms. But most importantly, I feel happier ;)

Would I repeat it?
Yes, but probably not for whole week, maybe for the weekend. Always up for a challenge :)

I didn't include any recipes in this post, because it would be even longer than it already is. Tell me if you'd like me to share some recipes with you. :)

Will you try this detox? Have you ever tried to detox? Was it successful?

And happy International Women's day to all my ladies! <3

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