
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

DIY beauty: Spirulina mask

Spirulina is one of the greatest superfoods. It can be consumed in powder form (mixed in water or smoothies) or tablets. But you can also apply it on your skin, because it's ultimate food for your skin and its health.

Firstly, some short words about Spirulina.
Spirulina is algae, which is protein source (the highest concentration of protein among all foods, 65-71 %), contains 8 amino acids. It's rich in vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, E and K. It helps to build muscles and strenght, stabilises blood sugar, stimulates brain function, stimulates fast recovery, keeps nervous system healthy, keeps bones strong etc..

For face mask you need:
- 1 table spoon of Spirulina
- little bit of filtered water just to achieve thick mask consistency (few table spoons)


Put Spirulina in an empty bowl/glass/plate and start adding water gradually. Start with 3 table spoons of water and mix, add few more table spoons of water and mix. Stop when consistency is thick, but easy to apply.

Get your hair out of the way, remove makeup and apply the mask on your face. Leave it there for 20 minutes and then rinse. Follow by face toner and moisturizer.

Yeah, I know, I look funny ;)

This mask will leave you with soft cleansed skin. You can do this mask up to 3 times a week.

Tell me if you try it out and how did you like it?
Do you consume Spirulina?

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  1. Hm to masko pa bi trebalo preizkusit:) Se odločam, če bi dodala Spirulina v svojo prehrano.. Pa že dva dni guglam kaj je razlika med spirulino in chlorella, pa se ne vem odločit, katero bi vzela :) Maš kak nasvet?

    1. Spirulina naj bi bila lažje prebavljiva (tudi izloči se sama, če jo zaužiješ preveč) in ima večji procent proteinov in železa, ravno tako vsebuje osem pomembnih aminokislin. Klorela naj bi pa imela višjo vsebnost klorofila. Za katerokoli se odločiš, ne boš zgrešila, saj sta obe super superživili :)

    2. Ahaa :) No hvala za odgovor, bo res čas da se odločim za eno :)

  2. Ufff bi probala ampak trenutno imam spirulino v tabletah. Da odgovorim še sabini, mogoče bi lahko vzela tudi ti te tablete, ki so iz 3 alg? Meni so super!

    1. Pa če probaš zmleti tablete? Ali pa probaš če so topni v vodi :)

    2. O hvala za predlog :) Bom malo poguglala :) Kje jih pa ti nabavljaš? :)

  3. Moja mama je jedla to spirulin, da pa bi si naredila masko pa sploh nisem pomislila. Odlična ideja:) Ampak jih žal ima tudi v tabletah:/

  4. Ja! Točno to bom, ko jo nabavim! :) In jaz sem se kar ustavla na tvojih učkah, kok bolj modre zgledajo zaradi kontrasta s črno. ahh :)

  5. This mask looks sooooo awesome haha! I've never tried spirulina, but man does this look awesome!

