
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday Fitness Progress: 1 centimeter is still a progress

Hello, my Fit peeps! How are you doing today? It's snowing here again and I am sick and tired of this winter weather. I need sun, mmm-kay?

Source: Pinterest

Anyways, I posted my first Fitness Progress Saturday post exactly one month ago( you can read it here: click), and this month was hectic for me. I was studying and doing other assignments most of the time, had insomnia and my energy was low during the day. Highlight of the day was doing a workout, which sometimes wasn't the best performance because lack of energy, that's why I didn't exercise some days. Also, when I am tired I usually eat more, even though I eat healthy, I still need to stick to portion sizes!

However, this month taught me that sleep is your numero uno friend. I felt disgusting in the morning, skin looked dull, I felt bloated. Secondly, don't eat food just because you feel sorry for yourself because you need to study! Now that I passed my exam (still not finished with uni though), my sleep is back to normal, I eat healthy, energy for working out and for other daily activities is getting back to normal as well. And now to the measurement ... (measurements are in centimeters)

9 Jan 2013
9 Feb 2013
Upper arm
Bust line
82 (-2 cm)
Left calf
So measurement haven't drastically changed, now I can really see how stress and not sleeping properly effect my body. But still, one centimeter (two are even better!!:)) is still a progress. I mean, I could write down lower numbers, but I would be lying only to myself.

Good thing is that I feel tighter all over. Skin is better looking and my arms look buffer :). I haven't practiced any of the exercises I want to become pro at, but I'll be more consistent this time! Still doing a lot of planking (I hold plank for 1 minute 45 seconds now :)), squats, burpees and lunges ...

 "Before and after"

I wish you all a happy healthy weekend! You deserve it ;)


  1. Well done sweetie,keep it going,the results are visible!

  2. Well done!! I need to start exercising more too!! How often do you exercise?
    And what is your usual schedule? I'd love to know a little more details about that


    1. I already answered you, but still: I try to every day, Zuzka Light is my trainer :D
      Thank you for commenting Xx

  3. Super pridna si, jaz sem tudi končno dobila motivacijo, da začnem :) Glede pomanjkanja spanja in preveč učenja pa sama dobro vem, kako vpliva, ravno zdaj ;(

    1. Yay za motivacijo! :)
      Oh, mislm,da premalo cenimo spanec. Res je pomemben!
      Hvala za komentar!

  4. Bravo! Vsak centimeter šteje! Najbolj je pa pomembno kako se ti počutiš... če ti čutiš da si bolj trdna, fit, potem si na dobri poti. :D

  5. Hey girl!! Excellent work! Congrats and keep up the good work, you look great! :-)

  6. tud en cm al pa dva.. je super! najbol je itak važno, da se sama dobro počutiš :)

    1. Res je :) Boljše eden kot nobeden anyways :)
      Hvala za kometar!

  7. This might actually get me to get my ass in gear. I've starting & failing diets for months now, when last year I was so dedicated. But you're so right, any little bit of change is progress! People get so discouraged if they don't see a drastic change, but in the long run all those little losses add up & those are the ones you're most likely to keep off. Keep up the good work, it will be so worth it in the end! :)

    1. Glad you got inspired! Oh I know exactly how it is with dieting. You usually see the biggest progress in the first month or should I say at the beginning, that's why people get discouraged. You lose more water, then you start losing fat.
      Thank you for your comment!!

  8. bravo,samo tako nastavi! ja sam u istoj borbi kao i ti!
