
Monday, February 11, 2013

NOTD: Fleur de Santé HOT RED!

* All Fleur de Santé posts will be written in English and Slovene. / Vse Fleur de Santé objave bodo napisane v angleščini in slovenščini.

I already mentioned this polish in my Fleur de Santé post, check it out here: click. Time to show you this beauty!
Tale Fleur de Santé lak sem omenila že v skupni objavi tule KLIK. Sedaj je čas, da pokažem tega lepotca!

 Glitter is hard to capture. / Težko je fotografirati bleščice.
It's red polish with teeny tiny red glitter, and it's absolutely gorgeous! I'm sucker for red polishes, it's always
my "go to" polish (or blue or black:)). I have probably 10 polishes in "red family", but haven't had a beauty like this one before. I also wore it three times in a row, which is really unlikely for me.
Lak je rdeče barve, ima drobne bleščice in je prelep! Obožujem rdeče lake, vedno izberem rdeč odtenek, ko ne vem, katerega bi uporabila. Mislim, da imam okoli 10 lakov v "družini rdečih", vendar noben ni takšen kot ta. Celo nosila sem ga trikrat zaporedoma, kar se običajno nikoli ne zgodi.

Do you love it or do you love it? :) / Vam je všeč ali všeč? :))

It comes in a squared bottle, 7 ml content and tiny brush, although it's a really good brush. I'm a clumsy polisher, but I managed to apply it without problems. I used two coats to achieve complete opacity, but one coat has pretty good coverage.
Steklenička je štirikotna, ima 7 ml vsebino in majhen čopič, vendar je super. Sama sem dosti nerodna pri lakiranju, vendar mi je spelo nalakirati brez večjih problemov. Nanesla sem dve plasti, čeprav je tudi že z eno dosti prekriven.

What are your thoughts? Which is your "go to" polish colour? :)
Kaj pa ti meniš o tem laku? Katere barve je tvoj "go to" lak? :)

Have a lovely Monday!
Pa lep ponedeljek ti želim!

* Product was sent to me for review. / Idelek mi je bil poslan v oceno.