
Monday, November 5, 2012

What I ate on Sunday

I figured out I haven't posted "what I ate" post in a long time. Yesterday I took pictures of every food I ate and here is my "menu" :). Let's see what I ate on Sunday.

For breakfast I had cooked oatmeal with half a banana, almonds, honey and little bit of cocoa. And of course a cup of green tea. Have to make this breakfast you can read it here. I had my breakfast around 10:00.

I had a snack around 12:30 and it was pomegranate. I haven't eaten them in a long time and I realized how much I love this fruit :).

For lunch, around 15:00, I made pancake (one egg, whole wheat flour, soy milk and little bit of salt, this makes 2 pancakes) and filled it with some mozzarella cheese, lettuce, 1/4 of avocado, cabbage and some spices. I usually eat it like a sandwich (with my hands). Next time I'll put feta cheese in it, mozzarella makes whole pancake wet. This has been my favourite lunch lately. It's so super yummy!
And I had a cup of green tea with it as well.

For afternoon snack (I think it was around 18:00) I had regular yogurt with half of banana, little bit of almonds and raisins.

I had dinner around 21:00 and it was zucchini, carrots and beans with quinoa. And I had a mandarin for a "dessert" :).

Now I'm off to make me a pancake and fill it with veggies :]


  1. Lahko bi se zmenle, da mi prideš kuhat. :D

    Pa eno verjetno zlo butasto vprašanje... kako pripraviš oatmeal? :D

    1. kuk plačaš? :P
      poslala link na twitterju :)

  2. Zgleda slastno :D Tudi jaz sem hotela prašati, kako narediš oatmeal, pa sem videla link :D Hvala!

    1. Pa ne samo da zgleda :) tudi je slastno! hehe
      Prosm :)

  3. Lahko bi nam blogerkam kaj skuhala, vse izgleda tako odlično. :D

  4. You eat so much healthy food. I need to start doing it more often :)x

    1. I do it every day :) It's my life style :)

  5. Njam! :D Ne samo, da mi daješ voljo do telovadbe, še navdih za kuhanje si! :D
