
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Why do you wear makeup TAG

I've came across with "Why do you wear makeup" tag for quite sometimes and I think it's such a fun tag to do. So, let's just get started :)

1. When did you begin loving makeup?
I've been attracted to makeup since I was a kid. I had one of those makeup palettes for little kids (which are probably bad for you) or always tried on mums lipsticks or put some before bed time (and washed it off of course), just to play around. I was even drawing on the wall with grandma's lipstick! :)
When I got older I mostly wore just black mascara, and then I started wearing black eyeliner and foundation, just basic. When I was around 16/17, I started using more and more makeup, my love for it has grown. Now, we make a cute couple :D.

2. How do you feel without makeup?
Honestly, I feel naked, I don't feel like myself. I look completely different without makeup. I rarely go out without it, I put at least mascara, concealer and blush on, and I feel much better already. I feel much more confident with makeup and I don't find that as a bad thing. It's the same way when I don't wear nail polish.

3. What do you love about makeup?
I love everything about it. I love how I can make my eyes bigger, I can make my lashes longer, I can give me some cheekbones or hide my flaws ... And I love playing with different styles, colours, I love that there are no rules (well, there are "basic rules", but rules are meant to be broken anyways :)) and you can play around with it. I think makeup is art, and I've been attracted to art my whole life. For me, makeup is self expression.

4. Three 'holy grail' items.
Only three? Ok, let's try.

I really love Bourjois Healthy mix foundation, it's been repurchased many times. Suits my dry and sensitive skin the best.

My all time favourite mascara is Artdeco All in one mascara. I can never go wrong with this mascara. I could not live without mascara, anyways.

And highlighter. For that I usually use light shimmery eyeshadows.

+ lipsticks, blushes, contour etc :D You get the picture. haha

Why do you wear makeup? I would love to read your posts 


  1. Super TAG in post. :)
    Tudi meni je pri mejkapu najbolj všeč to, da lahko (povsem) spremenim svoj izgled in, če želim, furam toliko različnih stilov.

    1. Me veseli,da ti je všeč :)
      Točno to,vse lahko narediš :)

  2. Odlično napisan post. Lepo, da si dodala še slike.
    Jaz pa se ne spomnim, kdaj točno sem se začela ličiti. Mislim, da je bilo enkrat v OŠ. Moje ličenje v SŠ je izgledalo tako, da sem nanesla na veke senčilo v barvi obleke, ki sem jo nosila tisti dan, in maskaro. Na začetku faksa sem imela obdobje, ko skoraj eno leto nisem nosila nič make upa (niti maskare), potem pa sem odkrila svet Youtuba, pogledala ogromno videov in se začela veliko boljše ličiti.
    Najboljše se počutim našminkana, ampak v javnost pa še vedno grem nenašminkana in moja samozavest ni nič manjša.
    Moji 3 HG produkti bi pa verjetno bili lipbalm, maskara in krema za obraz.

    1. Hvala.
      Me veseli, da si tudi ti odgovorila na vprašanja :D

  3. Tale tag je tudi na mojem 'to do' seznamu! Res fino je bilo brati tvoje odgovore. Meni rata kar slabo, ko se spomnim svojih začetkov... Modro kredasto senčilo za veke in gloss s tisočimi bleščicami. What was I thinking?! :D

    1. haha.mislim, da noben na začetku ni bil 'pro' :)
      se že veselim tvojega posta :))

  4. Loved reading ur answers to the questions! To be honest, i dont go anywhere too without make-up unless im doing groceries :p


    1. Thanks. haha.sometimes I go makeupless when I go grocerie shopping, too.but that' rare :D

  5. js pa šele zdej eksperimentiram z makeup-om, čeprou se mi velikrat sploh ne da s tem ukvarjat in grem vn brez usega :D

  6. Me too I cant seem to go any where without makeup well atleast concealer on
    and I really need to try that Bourjois Healthy mix foundation so many people are raving about it

    #muchLove Sd

    1. I really like this foundation, try it! :))
      Much love to you too :) X

  7. Super objava! Mogoče tudi jaz tole spišem. :)
