
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Summer time!

Summer is here, ladies and gentlemen! :)
My favourite time of the year. I don't like being cold, I don't find snow amusing at all and my birthday is in August. Last year I wrote about some summer must haves, and this year I kinda go through some stuff I think is good to have and do during the summer. I hope it's not too boring and you find it useful :).
(I will do a separate blog post on products I recommend having this summer).

Wear bright colours. Bright colours make you happier. So try to wear as much fun colours as you can, even on your nails. Chose yellow, red, pink, blue, green,  purple ... Or even incorporate them all in one manicure :D. Why not?

My tequila sunrise nails ^^

I recommend getting a pedicure, because you wear a lot of sandals, flip flops ... Nothing looks more awful than ugly feet :D. Do you agree?

I'm not really a lip gloss fan. I prefer lipsticks. For this summer I suggest bold and bright colours, such as fuchsia, red, coral ... There are so many funky ones out there, everyone can find a colour that suits you.

Lip stain from Oriflame.

Go out bare-faced (which is a no-no for me :D) or use light foundations. I recommend only covering your imperfections with concealer and use a mineral foundation all over your face. Minerals can help you heal your skin - good for acne, pimples, scars.
Don't wear a lot of makeup. I can't believe I'm telling you this, because I love makeup :D. The more the better! (just joking :)). In summer is usually hot and nothing stays put in place, and a lot of makeup doesn't look good out in the sun. So less is more. Embrace your natural beauty.

Stay hydrated! Water is your best friend in the summer. And lemonades and teas (yes, I drink them over the summer, too. I even order a cup of tea when I go out). If you drink enough water, your skin will look better (which refers to the previous point), you will feel better, you won't be so hot. Sugary drinks are a no-no (how many times will you keep repeating this, Deja?:D). Alcohol is bad for you too. :)

Eat light food on hot days. Salads, yogurts, smoothies, fresh fruits, veggies ... It makes me hungry even just thinking of it :D. Sometimes when it's too hot you don't even want to eat anything, and light food is ideal, because it's refreshing. And it saves you so much time, because you don't have to cook it.

Don't let the summer just go away. It's ideal time to go somewhere and meet people. Do something crazy, go swimming. Don't just sit all day at home by your computer constantly checking your Facebook account (Guilty!). Almost everyone has a smart phone now. Facebook, tweet, tumble ... outside and just when you need to, not all the time!!! You can do that on really hot days ...

... Try to read more books, find a hobby that makes you happy (I started drawing again, yay :)), do more DIY projects, learn a new language ... do something you always wanted to do. And stay inside just when is too hot to be outside.

Have fun and stay safe :)
This will be the best summer ever!

xoxo Deja


  1. Super post. Se strinjam z vsem napisanim. Jaz imam rada poletje, čeprav me ta vročina kar malo ubija. Mi je pa najljubši letni čas pomlad, ne poletje.

    1. pomlad je tut lepa, ja. sm nekak sm bla zmer večja ljubiteljica poletja :)
      priznam, težko se je učit v vročini in tega mam še dost :)

  2. js se tud držim tega kar si napisala ;) in končno je res poletje <3

  3. Jp jp, vse drži..
    Pa všeč so mi odtenki na tvojih nohtkih :)

    Fajn se mej!

    1. ooo.hvala :) tut meni so luškani.

  4. Thanks for checking out my blog! I followed you :)

  5. Stain je zakon <3 In strinjam se z vsem napisanim ;)
