
Monday, July 2, 2012

June favourites!

Sorry I've been MIA lately. I've been really busy busy and it's so freakin' hot, I don't even feel like blogging, although you don't really have to move much while blogging :D ...
It July already, I can't believe it! It's time for the monthly favourites:

My favourite fragnance of the month is Essence Like a trip to NY. I found it randomly in Muller and all their fragnances smell so spring/summer-y and so lovely! I wanted to buy all of them (haha. They are not that expensive though). Have you tried them? Which one is your favourite?

Best pimple killer is Purifiying oil Pure nature Organic tea tree and rosemary from Oriflame. I use it before going to bed.

I started using new night cream. I bought it on BB natura and it's from Derma E Ester C Creme with E. My skin in the morning is so soft and hydrated. My previous cream was also Derma E. Derma E never disappoints me :)

I love E.l.f. and of course I had to order some new goodies from their site. E.l.f. lipsticks are really creamy and pigmented. I bought two of them and the only thing I don't like is that they don't have a name on them. That's why I can't tell you the names. Both of them are in the pink family :)

Currently my best nail polish remover is Aveo mandel mit Aceton. It removes glitter like a boss! :)) Bought  it at Muller.

The best movie I saw in June was definitelly 21 jump street. This was the most hilarious comedy I have seen in a really long time. I was  laughing even the next day after seeing a movie. Highly recommend it! :)

I wasn't really reading any book this month, because I had to study for my exams (never ending story). And no particular song was on repeat this month ... (although I still like Payphone :))).

What are yours monthly favourites?

Have a lovely Monday!!

xoxo Deja


  1. men je tud elf zakon, si moram naročit kakšno šminko :D pa aceton bi blo fajn sprobat, glede na to da velik folije porabm da dobim bleščice dol :P
    super post :)

    1. men je vse do zdj blo všeč kar sm naročila :) kr sprobaj :)

  2. Nisem še preizkusila Essence parfumov, niti jih še nisem povohala, ker se moj vedno zmrduje, ko sva v Müllerju, da kaj bom s še enim parfumom. Moram iti enkrat sama in jih povohati ter kakega kupiti (ker so kot si rekla, poceni).

    Jaz sem že tudi razmišljala, da bi pisala take vrte postov, ampak potem ugotovim, da vsak mesec uporabljam iste stvari, ki so mi zelo všeč, edino lake menjujem, tako da verjetno potem niti nima smisla. So mi pa ti posti zelo všeč. :D

    1. hehe. js zmer al kupujem s kolegicami ali sama pa mi nima noben za težit :D
      ja, probaj napisat. sj js tut mislm, da skos ene in iste stvari uporabljam pa na koncu ugotovim, da je zmer o čem za pisat :) js bi recimo rada brala :) en mesec več lakcov, drug mesec knjig, filmov, glasbe ... mislm, sj js pišem o vsem tem :)
      fajn se mej! xo

  3. Note to self: Kupi tistle aceton naslednjič ko greš v Mullerja. Tale ko ga mam zdej je pain in the ass. :/

  4. Tudi jaz moram sprobati ta aceton ker me bojo drugace blescice spravile v norisnico :) Filmcek si bom pa danes definitivno pogledala.. thank u! :D

  5. Thank you for yet another fabulous review post!!!

  6. Si preverila, če imajo tvoje ELF šminke nalepke spodaj?
    Ime je sicer napisano zelo, zelo drobno, da rabim skoraj lupo, da preberem, ampak so. :)
    No, seveda obstaja možnost, da so pozabili prilepiti ali so se odlepile.

    1. majo nalepke in na njih ne piše imena :D
