
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Witch makeup series | Witch of the Spring

Fistly, I want to say thank you for your positive feedback on my comeback and writing beautiful comments on my new makeup series. You make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside ;). Third witch in the series is Spring Witch. You can check out other two by clicking on the name of the witch:

The story behind the series:

Why a Witch?
Because I believe in magic and I am firm believer that witches did and still do exist. People just misinterpreted their powers and energy.
A Witch is highly intuitive woman, natural healer (she can heal just with her presence), who is not afraid to set her goals high, is strongly connected to her Inner self/Soul/Being, is a woman of Nature, Moon and positive vibes. She is basically a magnet, what she needs and what her heart truly desires, she gets. She's a giver - giver of Love, Light and Blessings. Believes in magic, but she practices only white magic and does only good, because is a firm believer of Karma - what you do comes back to you.

There's no bigger story behind each look. I just tried to mimic the Witch characteristics - mysterious, glamorous, magical and beautiful with seasonal colours.

And as you may know - I suck at covering my brows just because I have thick and long brow hair and hooded eyelids. I'm not ashamed to show you the close up of the mess I've created :)

Products used:
- Catrice Camouflage cream

- baby powder  

- Avon eye primer
- Costal Scents 88 palette - matte greens
- Bourjois Contour clubbing eyepencil 50 loving green
- Essence Liquid ink eyeliner
- Avon gel eye pencil
- MUA Immaculate collection palette - shade 12, shade 14 and shade 18
- KaNi cosmetics pigment Apple green*
- Catrice All round mascara Ultra black Extra volume, length & curl
- eBay false lashes

- Stanger glue stick for brow covering

- Bourjois Khol & contour eye pencil Ultra black

Wit(c)h love, Deja

* Get your discount on KaNi cosmetics - use code KANI25

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Forgotten makeup looks

I've gone through pictures on my memory card and found some makeup looks I never published before, so I decided to publish them in one post. Because they're old(er), I can't remember which products I used for each look, but if you're curious, you can pop a question in comment section and I'll try to find a product(s) in my stash that I (probably) used.

Complementary color pair: Blue eyeliner and orange lips


Purple madness

Modern Mod

Tell me which one of the above makeup looks is your favourite. Thank you for looking, commenting and supporting my blog.

Have a nice day <3

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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Witch makeup series | Witch of the Winter

Today I'm showing you the second look for the Witch series. Last time I showed you the witch of the Autumn/Fall, ...

check it out: HERE

... today I'm showing you what I created for the witch of the Winter. Cool toned, shiny white and I think that the witch of Winter is the most mysterious of them all. No particular reason behind that statement, just plain ol' feeling :)

The story behind the series:

Why a Witch?
Because I believe in magic and I am firm believer that witches did and still do exist. People just misinterpreted their powers and energy.
A Witch is highly intuitive woman, natural healer (she can heal just with her presence), who is not afraid to set her goals high, is strongly connected to her Inner self/Soul/Being, is a woman of Nature, Moon and positive vibes. She is basically a magnet, what she needs and what her heart truly desires, she gets. She's a giver - giver of Love, Light and Blessings. Believes in magic, but she practices only white magic and does only good, because is a firm believer of Karma - what you do comes back to you.

There's no bigger story behind each look. I just tried to mimic the Witch characteristics - mysterious, glamorous, magical and beautiful with seasonal colours.


Products used:
- Bourjois Healthy mix serum
- Yves Rocher Youthful glow foundation
- Catrice Camouflage cream
- Catrice Matt shine control powder
- Avon ColorTrend final touch Translucent tan
- NYX blush Taupe

- Avon eye primer
- Catrice liquid liner Dating Joe Black
- NYX jumbo pencil Milk
- MUA Immaculate collection Shade 20
- Coastal Scents 88 palette - skin tonned shade, many shades of blue, matte black
- KaNi cosmetics pigment Luster White
- Avon Supershock gel eyeliner
- Avon Supershock Max mascara Black
- eBay false lashes

- Catrice eyebrow stylist (two different shades, but the writing is not seen on mine anymore)

Thank you for looking and commenting,

wit(c)h love, Deja 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Witch makeup series | Witch of the Autumn/Fall

Yay for new makeup series ;)
All I wanted to do is a witch series and I also wanted to do season series. So, why not combine them both, right? Before I show you the Witch of the Autumn/Fall (however you call it), let me tell you the concept behind this series.

Why a Witch?
Because I believe in magic and I am firm believer that witches did and still do exist. People just misinterpreted their powers and energy.
A Witch is highly intuitive woman, natural healer (she can heal just with her presence), who is not afraid to set her goals high, is strongly connected to her Inner self/Soul/Being, is a woman of Nature, Moon and positive vibes. She is basically a magnet, what she needs and what her heart truly desires, she gets. She's a giver - giver of Love, Light and Blessings. Believes in magic, but she practices only white magic and does only good, because is a firm believer of Karma - what you do comes back to you.

There's no bigger story behind each look. I just tried to mimic the Witch characteristics - mysterious, glamorous, magical and beautiful with seasonal colours.


Products used:
- Bourjois Healthy Mix serum
- Catrice Camouflage cream
- Catrice Matt shine control powder
- Avon ColorTrend final touch Translucent tan
- Sleek Rose gold blush

- Avon eye primer
- Essence Get big lashes Volume curl
- NYX jumbo pencil Milk
- Catrice Liquid liner Dating Joe black
- Coastal Scents 88 palette (gold, red, brown, black)
- KaNi cosmetics pigment Abstruse gold
- KaNi cosmetics pigment Royal gold
- KaNi cosmetics pigment Luster White
- Kiko Mixing solution
- eBay false lashes

- Catrice eyebrow stylist

- Avon lipstick Tangerine tango
- Essence lipliner Femme fatale

Have a magical day/night/weekend and tell me what you think ;)

Wit(c)h Love, Deja ;)

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Monday, September 1, 2014

New beginnings

It's been almost four months since my last blog post. How time flies! I left you without any explanation, excuse or notification that I won't be blogging for some time. Because it happened spontaniously, honestly. My main reason why I stopped blogging for a while is because I didn't feel like blogging, simple as that. I felt overwhelmed, I felt dissconnected to everything about blogging, I didn't like the direction my blog was going. So, I decided to make chages around here, because I miss creativity  and I miss writing in general.

What are the changes you ask?
This blog, Deja Zu, became something I didn't like anymore. I was all over the place, even though I liked the versatility I was providing, but on the other hand I felt like I was losing my main focus. I  was just filling up the space with watever content came to my mind and I was all over the place. To be honest, I never wanted to write reviews, because that's not my thing and there are plenty more bloggers, who are better writing them. I didn't start to write blog for that. I started to write to share healthy lifestyle, to share my creativity, to make people happy, to motivate people, to make a world a better place ... and whenever I wrote anything I wasn't hundred percent sure I want to write, I felt so shallow.

So, because I still want to keep this blog alive, I decided that from now on this blog will be mainly makeup oriented. No recipes, no health related posts, no random posts ... And you know I like extremes in makeup, so you know what to expect :). I don't have final outlook of the blog in my mind, but let's see how things go when I start.

Old posts will stay on the blog, so you can always come back to them.
If you were here only to follow my healthy advice, recipes and other shenaningans, you are welcome to unfollow. But fear not, I will start a new blog/website, which will be on a whole another level. Maybe not everyone's cup of tea, but in life is important to do things that you love, right? When I launch it, I will let you know. My facebook, twitter and instagram are remaining the same, so you are welcome to follow. Your feedback is much appreciated.

Here's just a picture od me, in case you forgot how I look like ;))

To new beginnings! (it's just a coincidance that it's Monday and first of the month ;))
Thank you for being part of my team.

Much love, Deja

Monday, May 5, 2014

Vegan gluten-free cook book

I can't believe it ... it's finally here. Long overdue, but best things are worth waiting for, right? :) I'm talking about my cook book, of course :).

Here's a little preview ...

"This vegan gluten-free cook book has 44 recipes, divided into 2 sections. First section is called “The Dinner is served”, which has 22 recipes for lunch and dinner or even for breakfast, if that is what you like to eat in the morning. Second part is called “Sweet tooth”, which contains 22 recipes for breakfast, desserts and treats. All recipes are vegan, gluten-free and sugar-free. Dishes are made with mainly one ingredient foods, which are nutritious and delicious. Bare in mind that recipes are not final – adjust, add, mix and switch ingredients however you feel like it. That’s why you also have other options at the end of each recipe – what and how to add, mix, substitute … If something does not feel right for you, then do not do it. 

Some recipes also have vegetarian options. I do not give you advice to become a vegan, I just provide recipes I personally enjoy. Make dishes with your own twist and satisfy your taste. I highly support experimenting in the kitchen, you never know what exciting combination you may discover next. Always listen to your own inner chef. :)"

Thanks to Katarina and Živa for support. Thanks to Maja for making this book all pretty and neat :).
Thank you for reading my blog and enjoying my recipes, otherwise I would not get inspired to make this cook book.

You can get my book by clicking "Add to cart" button below. It's instant downloadable and currently available only for PayPal buyers. It costs 15 €.

Add to Cart

Button "Add to cart" is from now on also the right side of my blog from now on.

Every share and mention of this cook book and this blog post is much appreciated <3
Thank you.

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

FOTD | Green for Earth day

Today is Earth day and I decided to do green makeup, because when you think of Earth you think of green colour, right? (and blue probably ;)) And because green is healing colour I decided to send healing to Earth through my makeup ;)
Here's what I came up with:


Products used:
- Bourjois Healthy mix foundation
- Bourjois Healthy mix concealer
- Catrice All matt Shine control powder
- NYX blush Taupe
- Avon eye primer
- Sleek palette Au naturel palette - Noir
- Sleek palette Snapshots - Martini, Kiwi flower, Green iguana
- Rimmel London 022 Brixton brown 5-colour eye shadow - lightest brrown
- Essence Get Big lashes! Volume curl mascara
- Avon gel eyeliner
- Catrice eye brow stylist 
- Essence lip stick 09 Wear berries!
- MUA intense kisses High intensity gloss - Kiss and Make up

Happy Earth day! Do something good for the Earth today <3

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Monday, April 14, 2014

Makeup series: Harry Potter Hogwarts houses | HUFFLEPUFF

Well, this makeup series took me longer than I expected, but at least I finished it ;) I already have 2 new makeup series in my mind, so I hope I'll be starting with one of them soon-ish :).
Today I show you the last one in the Harry Potter Hogwarts houses series, which is Hufflepuff. Make sure you check out other looks by clicking on the name of the house:

Hufflepuff values hard work, patience, justice, and loyalty. The house mascot is the badger, and canary yellow and black are its colours.

Products used:
- Yves Rocher Perfect primer
- Bourjois Healthy mix foundation
- Yves Rocher Youthfu glow foundation
- Bourjois Helathy mix concealer
- Essence Stay all day 16h long lasting concealer
- NYX blush Taupe
- Sleek Au naturel palette - Bark

- Avon eyeprimer
- NYX Jumbo pencil Milk
- NYX Jumbo pencil Black bean
- Sleek Au naturel palette - Noir, Bark, Regal, Honeycomb, Cappuccino
- Sleek Chaos palette - matte white
- Bella Pierre pigment 38 Money
- Essence Get big! lashes Volume curl mascara
- Essence Liquid ink eyeliner waterproof 
- MAX false eyeleshes

- Essence stays no matter what waterproof eyeliner pen
- Catrice eye brow stylist

- NYX Jumbo pencil Black bean
- Bella Pierre pigment 38 Money

If I ever go to Hogwarts, I'd like to go to Hufflepuff ;). You?
Tell me what you think and which makeup look from this series is your favourite.

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