
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

It's blogoversary!!! Time to celebrate!!! ;)

Half an hour ago in a car: "When's my blog's birthday? I know it's in February, but I can't remember which day ..." Came home, check out my blog, went all back to 2011 and first blog post was written 3 years ago on 5th February (in Slovene).

Healthy cake ;)) Source: Pinterest.

No giveaway today, because this date totally surprised me :P But I'll be having more giveaways on my twitter, facebook and here on blog later in the February and in March (no promises, will see how it goes ;)).

I didn't prepare a speech ;), so I'll be quick and cheesy:

Thank you for being a follower, reader, supported and friend. Thank you for fun comments, tweets and facebook messages ... This blog wouldn't be what it is without you. 
Thank you with all my heart.

Keep an eye for future giveaways ;)

Much love, Deja

Follow me:


  1. oo čestitke, kr 3 leta že ma Deja Zu :D Še veliko objav ti želim in norih makeupov :)) Predvsem pa užitkov ob ustvarjanju bloga :) Zdej bi pa tako torto s slike jedla :)

  2. Čestitam! Upam, da boš še naprej tako pogosto pisala, kr res rada berem tvoj blog :)

  3. Čestitke. :) Moj blog je imel tudi rojstni dan par dni nazaj, ampak jaz sem čisto pozabila. *ups* :P

  4. Happy Blog-Birthday :)

    Kayleigh xo
    Ruffles and Rabbits

    P.S that "cake" looks amazing

  5. Čestitke in hvala tudi tebi za super make-up looke in vse druge nasvete :)

  6. sretan ti blogorođendan, neka ih bude još :D

  7. Čestitke! Tortica zgleda yummy! :) x

  8. Dejaaa, vse najboljše tvojemu blogu in tebi. Zdaj grem pogledat tvoj leto 2011 in tvoj prvi post, me daje radovednost. Veliko uspehovše naprej z blogom (:

  9. Vseee najboljše tvojemu blogu :)!
