
Monday, February 17, 2014

Desert Essence Thoroughly clean face wash REVIEW / Desert Essence Thoroughly clean čistilo OCENA

*Post is written in English and Slovene. / Ta objava je napisana v angleščini in slovenščini.

I was contacted by Ekobutik online store to choose three products I would like to have and they would send me one of their choice for me to try out. I received Desert Essence Thoroughly Clean Face Wash - original for Oily & combination skin Eco-Harvest Tea Tree Oil and Awapuhi. You know I don't have oily or combination skin, I actually completely overseen that information, but my skin still breakouts pretty easily, so I must say that is suitable for dry skin as well.
On their website they sell organic teas, super foods, mineral makeup, natural cosmetics and perfumes, products for home and accessories. All products and items are cruelty free.
Spletna trgovina Ekobutik mi je ponudila naj si izberem tri izdelke in od teh treh izdelkov, mi pošljejo enega po njihovi izbiri in presoji. Prejela sem Desert Essence Thoroughly clean čistilo za obraz za mastno do mešano kožo z oljem čajevca in awapuhi-jem. Kot veste, nimam mastne ali mešane kože, ampak sem infomacijo za kakšno kožo je popolnoma spregledala, ampak lahko rečem, da je ustrezno tudi za suho kožo.
Na njihovi spletni strani prodajajo organske čaje, super živila, mineralna ličila, naravno kozmetiko in parfume, izdelke za dom in nakit. Vsi izdelki so cruelty free.

Desert Essence Thoroughly clean face wash comes with 250 ML / 8.5 FL OZ clear plastic bottle with a pump. Packaging is recyclable and biodegradable, which is always a plus. Bottle is quite big, so it's not the most convenient for travelling, but you can easily transfer it into a smaller bottle.
Desert Essence Thoroughly clean čistilo ima 250 ml plastično embalažo s pumpico. Embalažo se lahko reciklira in biorazgradljiva, kar je super podatek. Embalaža je kar velika in zaradi tega ni najbolj priročna za potovanje, vendar se lahko izdelek z lahkoto prelije v manjšo embalažo.

Product is in liquid form, has slightly yellow-brown transparent colour. Smells like tree tree oil (can you imagine? :)), very clean and fresh. Because products is liquid, it's the best to bring your hands really close to the pump and get the product in hands slowly, otherwise it will spill.
Izdelek je v tekoči obliki, ima rumeno-rjavo prosojno barvo. Diši po olju čajevca, (meni osebno) diši sveže in čisto :). Ker je čistilo v tekoči obliki, je najboljše, da se roko čim bolj približa pumpici, ko se dozira, v nasprotnem primeru se lahko razlije in poškropi na vse strani.

I use this cleanser mostly at night (even though it says twice a day). Firstly, I remove my makeup, moisten my skin again with water, use about 3 pumps of a products in my hand and massage it with my fingers in my face avoiding eye and mouth area. I accidentally got in my eyes once and in it stung, it also doesn't taste delicious :). If your skin has open wounds or cuts, it will probably sting a little. With massaging it lathers a little, after one minute I rinse with cold water and pat it dry with face towel. After that my skin feels slightly rubbery, but it's glowing and healthy looking. After I use my face toner, the rubbery feeling is gone.
Čistilo povečini uporabljam za nočno nego obraza (čeprav piše dvakrat dnevno). Najprej očistim obraz vseh ličil, nato pa ponovno zmočim obraz, uporabim približno 3 pumpice čistila na roki in začnem masirati, izognem se očem in ustom. Se mi je že zgodilo, da sem izdelek po nesreči dobila v oči in je precej peklo, pa tudi najboljšega okusa ni :). Če imate na koži odprte rane in ureznine zna malce peči. Z masažo se čistilo peni, po eni minuti si obraz sperem z mrzlo vodo in ga osušim z brisačo za obraz. Po uporabi je koža na dotik malce gumjasta, vendar je sijoča in izgleda zdravo. Ko uporabim tonik, gumjast občutek izgine.

Directions & ingredients. / Navodila za uporabo in sestavine.

Even though cleanser is meant to be used on face, I used it as a body wash as well, because skin on my body can be really dull and has no healthy glow whatsoever, to see if it would help. But I didn't use it for that long to notice any difference, but I must say that it made my skin feeling really refreshed. Because of its refreshing after feel and because it removed excess oil from the skin (but doesn't make you feel dry), I would especially recommend it for warmer season, when skin usually tents to be oilier (mine too :)). Also scent reminds me of spring and summer :)
Čeprav je čistilo namenjeno za obraz, sem ga preizkusila tudi na telesu, ker je moja koža nima naravnega zdravega sijaja in je malce "dolgočasna". Vendar ga nisem uporabljala dovolj redno, da bi opazila spremembo, vendar lahko rečem, da je koža bila precej bolj osvežena. Ker ima čistilo osvežujoč učinek in ker odstrani odvečno maščobo (vendar ne izsuši), bi ga predvsem priporočala za toplejše mesece, ko je koža splošno bolj mastna (tudi moja:)). Pa tudi vonj me spominja na pomlad in poletje.

Yay for non nasty ingredients and being vegan! :) / Juhej, ker nima slabih sestavin in ker je veganski! :)

I've been using this product for a month now and I noticed that my skin is more glowing and silky soft in the morning. I also noticed that my nose blackheads are smaller right after I wash my face, this face wash also helped me heal some random breakout I got, under skin pimple was also cured faster. It really disinfects and cleans skin.
Opazila sem, da je moja koža bolj sijoča in mehka na dotik po enem mesecu uporabe. Ravno tako sem opazila, da se orgci na nosu skrčijo in zmanjšajo takoj po uporabi, ravno tako mi je čistilo pomagalo pozdraviti nekaj mozoljčkov in celo podkožni mozolj. Čistilo res dezinficira in očisti kožo.

To sum up, I would say that this product is amazing, it received Better nutrition Best of beauty award in 2009 for a reason. International readers check out You can get your bottle HERE (11.99 €).
Moja končna ocena je, da je izdelek čudovit in z razlogom prejel je Better nutrition Best of beauty nagrado leta 2009. Kupite ga lahko na TUKAJ (11,99 €).

* Product was sent for review purposes. / Izdelek mi je bil poslan v oceno.

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  1. Uu tole se pa sliši super za mojo kožo. Bom morala sprobati :)

  2. Joj meni je bil pa tole čistilo čisto preveč izsušujoče :(
