
Friday, December 6, 2013

Soft kissable lips

Colder weather is here and with that also drier skin, especially lips. I don't suffer from extremely chapped lips, but when I get them, I know how to easily fix them.

My "secret" (which is not really a secret) is scrubing off dead skin cells rather than just applying a lip balm over. If you're one of the people who constantly reapply their lip balm, you may stop doing it because you're actually making your lip skin "lazy" and you're slowing down skin's own ability to provide moisture. If your lips get chapped pretty easily, it's probably because you're applying fake moisture too oftenly to your lips.

I've noticed since I started using gentle moisturing lip scrub, I don't even need applying lip balm so many times. I make my own lip scrub out of olive oil or coconut oil and sugar, I keep it in a container until I use it up or I use Everyday naturals Sumotuous lip polish. I don't exfoliate every day, maybe once or twice or three times a week, depends on a season and weather.

Another tip for dry lips instead of using lip balm is using olive oil. You can apply it before bed time and optional in the morning. Let it sit for some time and then add some sugar to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin cells. After that reapply olive oil and you won't probably need any extra moisture during the day :)

Let me know how it goes for you if you try it.
What are your favourite lip products?

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  1. To delam tudi jaz + doma narejena labela in zmaga!

    1. Uu, kako jo pa narediš, če ni skrivnost? Sem v elementu za packanje :D
      Hvala za komentar.

  2. Jaz sedaj pozimi dokaj redno uporabljam piling za ustnice, vsaka 2, 3 dni, kot se spomnim, in res pomaga, da so moje ustice lepše in tudi labele ne našam več tako pogosto. Sicer pa super, uporaben post. :)

    1. Uporabljaš kupljen piling ali si ga narediš sama?
      Hvala :) in tebi hvala za komentar!

  3. Tak piling uporabljam tudi sama - je najbolj učinkovit pa še poceni :) Sem si pa enkrat naredila tudi mazilo za ustnice iz čebeljega voska..samo sem že pozabila, kaj sem takrat ustvarjala :)

  4. Jaz bom tudi mogla bolj uporabljat tale piling.. z olivnim oljem bom pa tudi sama poizkusila. Hvala za tole (:
