
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Saturday Fitness post: How to eat healthy?

I have some short and useful advice how to eat healthy. I think I mentioned and included them in my posts before, but repeating and including them all together will harm no one, right? :)

Source: Pinterest.

1. Buy and eat real food. With that I mean that real food doesn't need to be packaged, such as fruit and veggies. I know that those can be packaged too, but you know what I mean :). Even if you have to eat cookies, try to make them yourself, because you'll have to "work" for them, you probably won't be baking and eating them every day.

2. Packaged and canned food is allowed too, but it's good to read labels. Packaged food that is good for you: quinoa, amaranth, brown rice, whole grain pasta, canned beans, tuna, white cheese, Greek yogurt ... Those are mainly one to three ingredient foods, and I kinda "allow" myself five ingredients, but I always check if there are all ingredients that I can pronounce. If I don't know the ingredient, I won't buy it.

Source: Pinterest.

3. Another good tip is to ask yourself: Is this food good for me? Will it benefit me? Is it healthy? Does my body really need this? If the answer is no, than don't buy/eat it. Avarage person eats too many empty calories per day already. I'll write about empty calories in the future.
And don't get me wrong - having a cheat meal every once in a while is ok, it's not ok to have cheat meal life :)

I hope you find this post somewhat helpful. :)

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  1. I like the idea of questioning ourselves if the food is healthy for us. oh and my new school made it a must for us to consume a fruit and vege each day. lol I never thought I can do so...but I'm trying my best to adopt. healthly food habbits.

    I wanna ask who do you follow for your exercise routine, I mean any particular trainer's videos?

    1. That's good! Small changes are the most permanent ones! I wish you all the best! Fuit and veg are really good tasting. My every meal is based on either of these.

      I haven't been exercing for a while now since I injured my knee, but now I'm ready to work my ass off :) I love Zuzka Light on Youtube or you could check out her website, she does HIIT (high intensity interval trainings), short (10 - 20 minutes!) workouts which are super efective and you won't ever get bored of them! She's currently charging for "ZGym" membershit, but is still super cheap, I think it's 10$ per month, but she has over 60 charge free workouts on her yt channel.
      Also, I like doing yoga, there are many great yogis on yt, check them out :)
      And another health yt channel I love is LeanSecrets. She has amazing tips, recipes and also workouts.

      Thank you for commenting :)

  2. Great post, I have changed my eating habits dramatically and try and follow all the above tips. Just found your comment above helpful too I'm always looking for youtubers to watch for food and workout inspiration. Would definitely like to read more posts from you on these topics. :) xx

    1. Amazing! Good for you! :) those are really simple, yet effective tips. Glad you find even comment above useful :) Maybe I'll do my favourite fitness sites and yt channels posts. Thank you for the idea ;)
      Thank you for commeting Xx

  3. Super prispevek in ravno primeren zame (danes sem se odločila, da je dovolj zabušavanja!), ker sem zadnji mesec precej "grešila", čeprav sem se odločila, da bom spremenila svoje prehranjevalne in vadbene navade. Mislim, da si res povzela bistvo in se strinjam s teboj, da je boljše piškote in podobne stvari peči sam, saj jih potem manj poješ, ker ni volje vsakič speči nove pa še narediš jih lahko bolj zdrave kot tiste, ki so kupljene.

  4. Jaz sem pa ful ne morem dat v to "zdravo" življenje....sej ne da jem skos neumnosti, ampak recimo od aprila-septembra še shajam k mamo ful sezonskega sadja, pa se ful več gibami tudi ko pride mraz in to sem jaz pravi sneženi mož in sm najraje v hiši cele dneve + jem ful več, sploh nezdrave hrane in potem pride še december, prazniki, vsi 4je doma imajo rd in se nabere sladkarij za 2 meseca in sem jaz tista, ki vse to je...

    Ko kupujem hrano sm se navadla da grem sita v trgovino k mi ful pomaga, pa niti ne kupujem neumnosti, razn bonboni me ful ko kaj pečem pol vse sprobavam!

  5. slažem se, hrana oko koje se moraš namučiti vrijedi nemjerljivo više od gotove koju kupiš :D
    premda mi je sirova najbolja, naročito kad se radi o voću <3
