
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday Fitness Tip: Excuses #3

Here we are again ... Talking about excuses ;) This is the last post about excuses, so make sure you check out part 1 and part 2, they are all connected :)

One more time - everything starts and ends with you :)

Source: Pinterest.
7. Food keeps my stress levels down.
That's emotional eating and this topic deserves a post on its own. You need to substitute you self-destroying habit with something that will be good for your body. You can even just paint your nails, get a massage, meditate, draw, go for a walk ... everything that will calm your mind. Keep in mind that food is expensive "anti-depressive", there are many other healthy ways to keep your stress levels down. And I also think that your stress was caused by certain bad food in the first place.

Source: Pinterest
8. Someone forced me to eat that. People think that living healthy is lame and I want to be cool.
I still get strange looks when I say no to ice cream, if I order salad instead of pizza, if I say I workout every day, because I don't drink alcohol, coffee or because I order tea on a hot summer day ... If there is one thing I've learned living a healthy lifestyle is that people should mind their own business. I do it for myself, for my health and my well being.
Let me tell you something even better - living healthy is above average! Average people get wasted, eat crap and don't take care of their body. But you know the value of your health and take care of it. Yes, it is a challenge to live in world full of negativism, but you don't have to be a part of it. You eat for yourself and no one else. You're more awesome than you think! People who don't appreciate whatever you do, want to bring you down, are not really people you should hang out with anyways. So, don't worry about what others think, always do you! And I want to be like that old lady when I'm 90 ;).

Source: Pinterest.
9. There's no such thing as organic food, because everything in the world is already poisoned.
And then you buy big corporation foods, which factories actually are poisoning our environment. So you are giving them money to continue to do so. Ironic, isn't it? Be part of solution, not a problem!
Maybe food is not as clean as it should be, but organic food is free from pesticides, chemicals, hormones and antibiotics, in that way is better than non-organic food. Best thing is to have your own garden, so you're 100% sure it's organic and you can also calm your mind with gardening :).
On the other hand, I personally rarely buy organic. Why? Because person's health is not measured by how a certain food was processed. You can still buy organic sugar, but it's still just sugar - empty calories and our body doesn't need it in the first place. Non-organic banana is still better than a chocolate bar. Non-organic almonds are still better than fries ... You get the picture. If you can get affordable organic vegetables and fruit, good for you, but you won't die from eating non-organic veg and fruits, just make sure you wash them really well. Here is a good article "Is organic food healthier than non-organic": click.

To sum up excuses, I would like to say that excuses are just another way of saying that your dog ate your homework :). If you want a change really bad, no person, no excuse, no ego will stand in your way. Also, making excuses is just creating negative energy, always try to be a part of solution not a problem!

I hope you enjoyed excuses series, I enjoyed writing them, even though they were quite time consuming. If you have any more excuses and solutions, please share them in a comment, maybe I'll write a similar post in the future.

If you have any other ideas what should I talk about in my Saturday Fitness posts, don't hesitate to write your suggestions in a comment, through Twitter, Facebook or e-mail me ;)

Hope you're having a happy Healthy Saturday! I love you ;)


  1. Eating healthy can be really hard. My family doesn't appreciate healthy food, so I have to make a compromise because I can't afford nor do I want to make 2 separate meals for us. Like pizza loaded with lean meat and tons of veggies instead of pepperoni and ham.
    This is a really neat post, I enjoyed it quite a bit. In fact I'm about to go look up other foods to help alleviate stress because I just can't stomach bananas lol.
    Hope you're having a lovely weeked!!

    1. If I would cook for everyone than I would make healthy food, if someone doesn't like it, then they should make their own food. Luckily, I cook only for myself.
      Thank you, I enjoyed writing it. Oh, there are plenty of foods that can help you alleviate stress. I just posted this photo because I though it was fun :)
      Thank you for commenting!

  2. Great and helpful post my dear,living a good life and eating clean are choices we have to make on a daily basis,it isn't always easy but it pays of in the long run:)

    1. Thank you! It becomes easier over time and of course it pays off! Abs are made in the kitchen anyways ;)

  3. Hud post:), luštno je, ker vključiš noter tudi humor:)


  4. Se strinjam z vsem, kar si napisala! Res dobra in resnična objava:)

  5. I'm going to buy me some bananas! ;) I didn't know they were good for stress eaters
    Again, love how you take away the power of these excuses. I'll try to keep my eyes & ears open for more excuses, because I love these posts!


    1. I eat bananas on daily basis, maybe that's why I'm calmer lately. lol
      Thank you! I do my best ;). I am sure you will find some new excuses. haha


  6. Tole je pa res odličen post in se strinjam z vsem, kar si napisala. Jaz sem dejansko opazila, da odkar se bolj zdravo prehranjujem in se izogibam junk hrani (v prvi vrsti predvsem sladkorju), sem manj živčna in napeta, tako da po mojem mnenju junk hrana precej vpliva na počutje (priznam, da sem bila včasih tudi čustveni jedec. Če se mi je kaj slabega zgodilo, npr. padla izpit ali se sprla s fantom, se žrla čokolado, kar sploh ni bilo prav). Osme točke pa raje ne kometiram, ker pri nas v Prekmurju je katastrofa, kar se drugačnega prehranjevanja tiče (svinjska mast in meso sta pri nas itak zakon in če ju ne ješ, si čudak).

    1. Super, da opaziš razliko, ker določena hrana res vpliva na naše počutje, zdavje in izgled. Čustevno hranjenje še pride na vrsto, tudi jaz sem bila ena izmed čustvenih jedcev oz sem včasih lahko še vedno.
      Hvala za komentar!

  7. Meni je celotna serija bila čisto top. Prav žal mi je da je konec. In tudi jaz želim bit takšna pri devetdesetih :D Boma skupaj prevale delali, ne Deja? :P

    1. Saj bi še kakšnega napisala, samo mi res dosti časa vzame, bom pa z veseljem napisala, če dobim še več izgovorov in bom imela odgovore na njih.
      Seveda! Prevali ftw ;)
      Hvala za komentar!
