
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Favourites: April & May

I actually wanted to make a video about my April favourites, but I ran out of film first three times, fourth, fifth and sixth I had a major talking problem, eighth was successful, but I sounded so fake, because I had to re-film it so many times. Then I deleted it and went out before I threw my laptop out the window. Just kidding, I never get THAT stressed :). And here we are ... May is over, so I decided to combine both months together. I hope I won't be too long :)

Starting with beauty products.
3 polishes I've been using a lot are China Glaze 666 Rodeo fanatic, Rimmel 500 Disco ball and Nail polish by H&M Nail Him. They are all in blue family, can you tell I love blue colour?

I was sent OPI Natural nail Base coat from Slovenian site Click2chick, and I really like it. I dries super fast and makes my nail polish stay on longer. Of course I forgot to take a picture of it. It's shy I guess ;). I'll post separate review soon.

For makeup I've been loving Sleek i-Divine Snapshots palette, you can check out review and swatches: here. On my lips I've been wearing Ingrid cosmetics in 292, it's prefect pinkish lavender. You can check out how it looks like: here. Another 2 eyeshadows I've been loving are from MUA shade 16 - matte (perfect matte shade, matches my skin tone) and shade 12 - pearl (check out here). Another MUA product I really like is their Matte prefect primer. My skin is not really oily, but it makes my foundation application smoother and stays on longer.

I randomly bought Felce Azzurra Deo Spray and I've been loving it. It's great deodorant if you have to refresh yourself during the day or if you're travelling.

For my body I've been loving Balea Bodycream Cocos. I tried many body lotions, but I always end up coming back to this one. Makes my skin soft, smells amazing and it's super cheap. Win win.

Now to the health section (I didn't even know I have sections, lol).
I love dandelion root tea. Benefits are endless, here are some: improves digestion and aids weight loss, eases congestion of the liver, helps to ease bloating and aching joints, helps to cure skin conditions, contains calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, vitamins ...

The one and only supplements I take atm are Spirulina tablets. They contain about 60 % of protein, vitamins (even B12 vitamin), iron, are good for weight/fat loss, give you more energy ... They are good for you :)

Favourite fruit of both months have to be strawberries, which are not on the picture because I ate them all (true story). I put them in smoothies, oatmeal, make an ice cream and repeat ... No, but serious, I love them.

Dear friend borrowed me this wonderful book Iz uma v srce (From mind in to the heart?) written by Maja Debelak "Dobra vila Maja". It's basically book about Law of Attraction and life in general, but you can never get too much information :). I believe it's not translated in other languages.

As for the music goes, I've been listening to a lot of 90's and I blame my home girl Petite Sal for that. Thank you sista ;). And I can't stop listening to Kings of Leon as well. I never listened to them before so much. Now I know all the lyrics by heart. Almost.

Movies? Haven't watched a lot of them, but I liked Iron man 3 ;).

What are your monthly favourites?


  1. Tud js sm trenutno obsedena z modrimi laki in jagodami :) Tole knjigo pa morem prebrat med poletjem, se sliši zanimivo :)

    1. Js sm vedno obsedena z modrimi laki in jagodami :P Le preberi, je res fajn! Hvala za komentar

  2. Tole kokosovo kremo za telo pa morem kupit, obožujem vonj po kokosu! Balea je zakon :D

  3. Se zelo strinjam glede Baleine kokosove kreme za telo. Obožujem jo! Res naredi mehko kožo in res božansko diši. Pa zelo všeč mi je, da je tako ogromna. In to za super dobro ceno.

    1. Me veseli, da je navdušila tudi druge :) Kokos pa itak čist njam ;)
      Hvala za komentar!

  4. Sleek palettes are always among my favorites:) I have been loving bright barbie pink lipstick,some shea body butter...

    1. Yes they are! Best thing that happened to makeup world ;P Barbie pink lippie sound lovely ;)
      Thank you for commenting!

  5. Jst mam pa Baleo kokos zmeraj za poleti in je res božanska pa njen vonj, mmm :)

    1. Js jo mam kr za skos ;P Res je njam! Hvala za komentar

  6. Mmmm tole Baleo si moram pa tut js kupit, trenutno sem na breskvi. :D Super post! x

    1. Kar probaj še kokos, mislim, da te ne bo razočarala ;) Hvala! x

  7. Kokosova krema za telo-mmm... tako dobro diši in še ogromno dobiš:)

  8. Aja, pa Maja je prevedena v angleščino! ;)

  9. In pa krasno branje - kot vedno <3

    1. Da odgovorim kar na oba komentarja: nism velda, bom pogledala kakšen je ang naslov in dodala ;)
      Hvala ! <3

  10. joj, taj balein kokos je moj favorit stoljeća <3

  11. NIsem preizkusila še nič od tega, bi pa z veseljem Sleekovo paletko. :)

    1. Jo lahko zadaneš v nagradni igri ;))
      Hvala za komentar

  12. Loved reading about your favourites! The title of the book (or at least the translation of it) sounds very interesting. Too bad it's not translated in other languages. Like you said; you can never get too much info :)

    Hahaha I'm not even sorry for making you addicted to the 90's! It was a good decade for music ;) Why not enjoy it 20 years after! :)


    1. the book is translated! I tweeted you that :P

      I'm not sorry either :P 90's for life! I even listen to Caught in the Act while I drive ;)

      Thank you for commenting X

  13. Ljubiteljica kokosa najbrž mora poizkusiti Balea kremo. Takoj ko porabim konopljino (: Hvala :D

    1. Le daj jo, mislm, da te ne bi smela razočarati ;) Hvala tebi za komentar ! :)

  14. Sami super izdelki. Tole kokosovo Balea kremo za telo pa kupim ob prvi priliki, ker že na daleč diši. :)

    Dobro vilo Majo sem pa osebno spoznala, ko mi je poklonila en njen prstanček - rožico. Pravi sonček je!

    1. Le poizkusi jo! :)
      A res? Ja valda, da je, to se že v knjigi čuti ;)
