
Monday, May 6, 2013

Mariah Carey OPI Liquid sand nail lacquer REVIEW & SWATCHES

* This post is written in English and Slovene. / Objava je napisana v angleščini in slovenščini.

I received box of 4 mini OPI polishes along with Sleek i-Divine Snapshots palette (review here) from Slovenian site I hadn't known much about these polishes before I got them, because I usually don't check out new collections (how lame that sounds, huh? ^^). They are definitely something different, you don't see matte glittery polish everyday, do you? Box came with 4 shades, all named by Mariah Carey songs: Get Your Number, Can't Let Go, The Impossible and Stay the Night.
Slovenska spletna trgovina mi je tole škatlico štirih mini lakov za nohte poslala poleg Sleek i-divine Snapshots paletke (ocena tu). Preden sem jih prejela, o njih nisem vedela kaj dosti, ker običajno ne spremljam, kdaj pridejo nove kolekcije (slaba beauty bloggerka! ;)). Tile laki so vsekakor nekaj posebnega, ne vidiš vsak dan mat glitter lakov. V škatli so štirje laki poimenovani po pesmih Mariah Carrey: Get Your Number, Cant' Let Go, The Impossible in Stay the Night.

What does is say on the box? Dries to a textured matte finish infused with reflective glints of light. Apply base coat and two coats of color. Do not use top coat.
Kaj pravijo "navodila" na škatli? Lak se posuši v mat finiš in odseva bleščice. Nanesite podlak in dve plasti barvnega laka. Ne uporabljajte nadlaka.

They are kinda sheer, so I you'll need 3 thinner coats or 2 thicker coats to achieve complete opacity. Because you don't apply top coat, drying time takes quite awhile and you know I'm impatient with that! I also tried applying clear top coat over it and it looks quite different, not so much glittery anymore, I prefer it sandy looking!
Laki so kar prosojni, jaz sem uporabila ali 3 tanjše plasti ali 2 debelejši plasti za popolno prekrivnost. Ker nadlak zaradi mat finiša ni priporočljiv, je tudi čas sušenja daljši, jaz pa sem precej nepotrpežljiva s sušenjem in zna biti naporno. Ravno tako sem poskusila nanesti čez prozoren nadlak, barva mi je izgledala precej drugače, tudi bleščice so bile manj opazne. Mi je peskast izgled bolj všeč.

Each polish contains 3.75 ml - 1.8 fl. oz. of the product. Brush is slightly smaller from regular OPI brush (15 ml), but it's still easy to work with, I had no problem with application. The only downside with packaging is that bottles don't have names on them. Names are written only on the box itself, so it's best to store them in it, unless you don't care about the names :)
Vsaka steklenička ima 3,75 ml vsebine. Čopič je manjši od navadnih OPI lakov (15 ml), vendar sem ga nanesla brez težav. Edina stvar, ki me je pri embalaži zmotila je, da posamezna steklenička nima imena, zato je najboljše, da se jih shranjuje v škatli, s katero so prišli, ker vsebuje imena.

Now, let's swatch and describe each polish individually. First sentence is description on the box.
Sedaj pa k swatchom in opisom vsake posamezne barve.

Get Your Number
I applied blue polish on my middle finger just to see if there's any difference. You can see it's slightly more opaque.
Wearing this matte blue with sparkles is a great call.
I think this one is my favourite, pretty blue (and I'm sucker for blue polishes!) with silver glitter (different sizes of glitter) that sparkles in different colours. Looks like a rainbow!
Get Your Number
Mislim, da je ta barva moja najljubša od vseh štirih, čudovita modra (modra je le moja najljubša barva!) s srebrnimi bleščicami različnih velikosti in se tudi svetijo v različnih barvah. Izgleda kot mavrica!

Can't Let Go
I applied purple polish on my middle finger, you can see slight difference.
Hold on to this matte purple with dazzling sparkle.
I'm not a big fan of purple polishes, I don't like how they look on my nails, but this one is still dark enough for my likings (you make no sense, Deja). Glitter is again in different sizes and in purple colour.
Can't Let Go
Nisem največji fan vijoličnih lakov, ker se mi zdi, da na meni zgledajo čudno, vendar je ta še vedno dovolj temna, da mi je všeč (ima ta stavek smisel?:P). Bleščice so v različnih velikostih in vijolične barve.

The Impossible
Applied red polish on middle finger, can't really tell the difference.
This matte fuchsia with star confetti will never give up.
Am I colour blind, but this one looks more red to me? Anyways, it's gorgeous red with glitter in different sizes. Another colour I'm sucker for!
The Impossible
Sem jaz barvno slepa ali je ta lak bolj rdeč kot fuksija? (na škatli piše fuksija). Kakorkoli, je čudovita rdeča z rdečimi bleščicami različnih velikosti. Še ena barva, ki jo obožujem!

Stay the Night
Applied black polish in middle finger, difference is almost unnoticable.
Make it last in this matte black with red glints.
Love this one! It's black with red glitter (all same sizes).
Stay the Night
Tale mi je zelo všeč! Črn z rdečimi bleščicami (enake velikosi).

I can't decide if I love them or not. I always rub my fingers over my nails because I'm not used to rough surface with polishes.  
Še vedno se odločam, ali so mi vsesplošno všeč ali ne. Vedno se s prsti dotikam nohtov, ker nisem navajena grobe površine na nohtih.

Do you like this trend? Have you tried Mariah Carey polishes? How do you like them and which colour is your favourite? 
Vam je všeč trend peskastih nohtov? Ste že preizkusile Mariah Carey lake? Kako so vam všeč in katera je vaša najljubša barva?

Svoje lahko kupite na

* Product was sent to me for review. / Idelek mi je bil poslan v oceno.


  1. Vse bi bi ti pokradla razen črnega (ker ga že imam hehe) :)

    1. Prvo najdi, kje sem doma :P Hvala za komentar ;)

  2. Vijoličen že sam po sebi izgleda kot galaksija:)

  3. Oh my... meni so čist hudi! Prav ne morem se odločit kateri mi je bolj všeč! Dober prispevek! ;) jutri si grem po enega :D

  4. Hmm not too sure about these... I also struggle with textured polishes. :-(

    1. I still haven't got used to the texture. Still feels and looks funny to me. hah. Then you won't have to spend money on them ;) Thank you for commenting xo

  5. Meni so vsi všeč, ampak zadnje čase sem itak usekana na ta finiš. :P

    1. heh, no fajn, da so ti všeč ;) Hvala za komentar

  6. gimme, gimme, gimme! So mi padli v oli ze v Mullerju;)


    1. hehe, res so posebni :) Hvala za komentar

  7. I love these liquid sand polishes and the effect they give.Stay The Night is my favorite,its just so gorgeous <3

    1. Glad you do ;) Oh, it's gorgeous, I agree :)

  8. I like the blue one, looks like a night sky! xx

  9. Love 'get your number'!
    Great post Deja, I had never heard of these nailpolishes. :)

    1. You have a good taste in polishes :P
      Thank you for commenting X

  10. I LOVE that Aqua colour! I never like colours like that usually so I am shocked at how much I LOVE that colour!

    xoxo Bree
    The Urban Umbrella

    1. haah, I knew this one will change many people's lifes :P
      thank you for commenting!

  11. Stay the Night is my favorite of all, and it happens to be one of my fav Mariah Carey songs~ In fact, I can't help but am singing it now! ;pp

    1. haha, you have all rights to sing it ;) Thank you for commenting!!
