
Monday, May 27, 2013

Giveaway time!

Just recently I've reached 400+ GFC followers and over 100,000 page views. And all I can say is THANK YOU <3
When I started writing my blog more than 2 years ago I have never imagined I would have so many readers, that I would have met so many beautiful souls, people who would motivate me to continue with my blog. You are truly my inspiration and I am extremely thankful for each and everyone of you! <3

So, time for a giveaway ;)

  • Sleek i-Divine Snapshots palette (review here)
  • NYX glitter nail polish
  • Essence Lip Creams in 03 Soft nude and 04 Silky red (review here)
  • NYX lipliner pencil 848 Flower
  • MUA Hot Lips Lip balm
  • Sleek eye shadow 971 Nude
  • BeautyUK nail wraps portobello
  • bunch of Derma E testers :)
Prizes were kindly sent to me from, MojaDrogerija and BB Natura. I bought Essence lip creams with my own money, because I love them so much :)

Terms and conditions:
1. Please DO NOT follow my blog just because you want to win, follow because you are interest in content I provide. And it's unfair to my loyal followers, so don't be a party breaker :) But of course, new followers are welcome - I shake you warmly by the hand ;)
2.This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY. Everyone can enter!
3. Fill in the Rafflecopter form below.
4. You have to be a GFC follower, so I can check (is going nowhere with June 1st), ALSO you have to leave a comment and you have to leave your e-mail address, so I can email you if you win.
5. Giveaway starts today, May 27th and ends 25th June 2013.


a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Super blog imaš. Najolj so mi všeč tvoji mu-ji, sploh teli zadnji od Tima Butrona, čisto moj stil :)

  2. Uf, to pa je lepa nagrada. Brez skrbi, boš imela partibrejkerje, tudi take, ki te sploh ne spremljajo, pa bi radi pokasirali nagrado (največji minus nagradnih iger :/).

    Moji najljubši posti na tvojem blogu so itak tisti z makeup fotkami, ker si izjemno talentirana in vedno pokažeš kaj zanimivega. Pa tvoji posti z raznimi nasveti (tako lepotnimi kot tistimi za zdravo življenje) so mi super, odkar te spremljam, sem se veliko naučila. :)

  3. Congrats my dear,I am glad you reached the big 400 and I wish you many many more followers and success with your blog :* You are the inspiration for many <3
    my email is:

  4. čestitam na sljedbenicima, sad možeš osnovati vlastiti kult ;)
    meni su tvoji make-up postovi najinteresantniji, krasno ih odradiš i prezentiraš <3

  5. Oh kako lepo:) Jaz te spremljam komaj pred kratkim, ker prej niti nisem spremljala blog sfere:). Najbolj so mi všeč tvoji make up looki, najbolj sem si do zdaj zapomnila Sweets tag pa Tim Burton tag, kjer sta mi bila oba make up res odlična. Kar tako naprej:)

  6. I'm a new follower! But I really like to read reviews and looks... Going to fully read through some interesting posts of yours now. =)

  7. I love your make up looks! I'm terrible with make up to I'm always impressed with the wonderful ideas you come up with and how well you carry them out :)
    Kel x

  8. Čestitam za številke! :D
    Moje najljubše objave so tiste 'taposebne', kakšni tips&tricks, zdravo življenje, motivational, pa ocene kakšnih nepričakovano super poceni izdelkov :D

  9. Super! Čestitam za uspehe :)

  10. Congrats on the two milestones!! You deserved it, my friend! It makes me happy to see that you and your blog are growing :)

    xxxxx your favourite follower tihihi!

  11. I like to see products review because they are always helpful! :)

  12. Super nagrade :)
    Najbolj so mi všeč seveda make up looki in pa reviewi :D

    Pa še moj blog:

  13. Najprej čestitke, you deserve it girl. Drugače pa so meni najljubši tvoji weekly make up tagi oz pravzaprav vse v zvezi z make up-om na tvojem obrazu, ker res vedno zadaneš v nulo in res obvladaš :)

  14. Čestitke za sledilce! =))
    Tvoji mejkapi so out of this world in z veseljem pridem pogledat vedno nove stvari na tvojem blogu, si izjemno talentirana =)) ti želim še veliko več pravih sledilcev (ne tistih, ki samo hočejo nagrado)! =*

  15. Čestitam za tako lepo doseženo številko sledilcev, sploh je pa čisto zasluženo saj so tvoje objave lepo spisane & tvoje slike make upa perfektne ;) Tudi sama upam, da jih bo nekega dne toliko spremljalo moj blog.

  16. I love your weekly make-up tag! Especially the Audrey Hepburn one :) I also want to use this opportunity to say you are the first giveaway holder I've ever seen say that people SHOULDN'T follow you just to enter the giveaway and I think this is great!! My email is

    Jodie xo
    What Would Audrey Wear?

  17. I love seeing nail art, product reviews!

  18. Čestitam za mejnik, si zaslužiš <3 Všeč so mi tvoji mejkapi in pa zadnje čase recepti oziroma objave, povezane s hrano :)

  19. I love your FOTD and the unique inspirations you come up with! :) x

  20. Great giveaway! :)
    I love your entries for the Weekly Makeup Tag, you are so talented! x

  21. Čestitike! Meni so super posti s hrano :D pa tudi tvoji MU so čudoviti! <3 xx

  22. Uff, všeč so mi tvoji praktični nasveti (ravnokar "priskroal" do tistega proti zdrsavanju čevljev - must try myself ), pa recepti (piškoti iz torkove zgledajo zelo njami), make-up umetnine, veselim se tudi tvojih novih video posnetkov, objave, o izdelkih ki so ti cool in tisti, ki so sucks... Čist razturaš! :)

  23. Reviews are my favourite!

  24. všeč so mi post-i v katerih nam pokažeš kak odštekan make up :)

  25. Hello dear
    I love seeing their makeups are so beautiful .. Are super original and very colorful


  26. i like to see your lovely makeup looks.
