
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Saturday Fitness Progress: Don't get discouraged

Another month has passed, time for another weekly fitness progress post!

#Inspiration #Fitness #Quote 
Source: Pinterest.

Firstly, I'd like to say some words about "No Sugar Challenge". I can tell you it has helped me so much. I've come to the point when I don't even crave anything sweet anymore and when I think about it, I just ignore it. I never really craved anything sweet in a past few weeks, I just craved fruit - something more "watery" and sweet. Another great thing about no eating sweets is that my skin has cleared out. I still get pimples here and there, but I assume there has to be another reason for that. Talking about skin - overall appearance of my skin has improved, cellulite is less visible, skin looks more tight. Last but not least, I have much more energy. I think I also have to thank gluten free diet, although I think oats are not gluten free? (Well, I ate them coupe of times, when I wanted something warm and delicious :)).

Anyways, progress is not huge, but like I said before: 1 centimeter is still a progress (and 2 centimeters - even better! :)).

You can check out my last Saturday Fitness Progress post here. 
All measurements are in centimeters.

9 Mar 2013
6 Apr 2013
Upper arm
Bust line
103 (-1)
61 (-1)
Left calf

I measured my waist in different parts of the day and it varies about 2 centimeters.
I am trying new diet plan and will start with little bit different workout regime. Sometimes is good to switch things up a little and see if it works. I like to experiment with my body - in a helathy way, of course :)

No naked picture od myself today. lol! You get another hot girl ... :)

my dream abs 
Source: Pinterest.

I want to encourage you, if you're on a "getting in shape" journey, don't get discouraged, if progress is little. Take a look at your whole progress (from beginning till now) and there are many more ways to know if you shaped up:

1. Weight yourself. I'm not a big fan of this option, because I think that people get scared when number doesn't move or when it shows that you gained weight. Guess what, muscles are heavier than fat, and if you workout you can gain weight, especially if you don't have a lot to lose. And people get easily obsessed with weighting myself. I've been there.

2. Measure yourself. My favourite technique as you may know. Much more convenient as weight.

3. Take before and after picture. Just don't take photos of yourself everyday. Once a month is enough and then you just compare them.

4. Focus on how you feel. If you feel lighter, tighter and leaner, congratulations, you're doing great, although number stay the same. I first start to lose weight three years ago, I started to feel more energized and I was happier. So, be aware of how you feel.

5. Lastly, if your clothes fit you better or they are loose, then my dear friend, you've lost weight and centimeters. Or your jeans just got bigger ;)

Source: Pinterest.

Hope you find this posts helpful and motivational. I would love to hear about your progress ;)
Have a happy healthy Saturday!


  1. I looooooooooooove this post and girl let me tell u I miss ur blog sooooooooooooooo much, sorry for being away last month
    I will start the no sugar challenge tomorrow I love those baby steps I hate hard diets
    thx hun again for sharing xoxo

    1. Last month? It seems like eternity :D
      Good girl! Baby steps are extremely important. I didn't do them though :D Diets suck! I will never ever diet in my life again!
      Thank you for commenting Xo

  2. Teli tvoji posti so full motivacijski, jaz sem tudi v obdobju ne samo hujšanja, ampak spremembe načina hranjenja :) We can do it! :D

  3. samo hrabro naprijed! vjezbam i ja koliko mogu i vjezbe prilagodavam svojim mogučnostima

  4. Great progress, the No sugar challenge sounds so hard aha:) x
