
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday Fitness Tip: "No sugar challenge" or do you read food labels and ingredients?

Month of March is almost over and as you may know, I posted a "No sugar challenge" post at the beginning of the month. You can read it here.
Today's post in not really a tip, but more of a confession.

Tomorrow is the last day of the challenge and I hope you are doing well if you decided to join me.

Today I want to cover food labels and ingredients on packagings. Do you read them? I read them always when I'm in unfamiliar shop and if I'm buying something new. But when I already know the content of it, I don't. But last week I discovered that canned beans I've been using have sugar in them and I felt that they were kinda sweet but beans are naturally on a sweeter side. Well, I haven't eaten those beans ever since, so I think I've been sugar-free now. :)

Challenge failed, but I'll continue with it anyways, because I want this to be a permanent thing not just one month thing.

10 Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget
(Source: Pinterest)

One person once told me that reading labels is bullshit and that it's too much time consuming ... But is it? Like I said, it can take a little bit more time if you're buying something for the first time or in unfamiliar shop with unfamiliar brands, but later you will already know what to buy. Or just buy veggies, fruits and other un-packaged real food that doesn't even need a label. With that you can be 100 % sure, you're eating sugar-free and healthy. :) (Fruit has natural fructose/sugar in them, but it's natural and a good source of energy.)

To me not paying attention to labels is like not paying attention to/taking time for yourself. And I am the only one who has to live with myself all my life and in the same body. I have to work on me, because no one else will. I want to be happy, healthy and strong, and I will take time for myself every single day. Everyone should. Do you?
I don't know about you but this looks kinda scary to me. (source: Pinterest)

So, my healthy tip for today is: stick to 5 ingredient rule. That means if a label has more than 5 ingredients, put it back on a shelf! And ignore the food that has any kind of artificial sweeteners in them (sugar has many names) AND if you don't know what certain ingredient is or you don't know how to read it - PUT IT BACK! It's probably some chemical ingredient that shouldn't end up in your body anyways.
Sorry, for being so harsh, but sometimes you need to scream because it's über important :D

Don't just pig out during Easter, now is a perfect time to cleanse and detoxify. Your body, soul and apartment/house ;).

Have a happy, healthy Easter and be safe.


  1. Great post my dear,I think if we want to live and eat healthy we can never be to careful,they put all kinds of crap in the food.

    1. Yup, you can also find meet source in regular toast bread. No joke.
      Thank you for commenting!

  2. Jaz tudi vedno preberem, če ne zaradi drugega že to, ker sem vegetarijanka (želatina pa te fore). Pardon my french ampak to je pa totalni bullshit, da branje sestavin vzame preveč časa. Se mi sliši bolj kot izgovor. Verjamem, da si bla ful pridna med brezsladkornim izzivom *.*

    1. Js sm tut vegetarijanka in bolj poredko kupujem kaj pakiranga, razen oreščke, moko, žita itd., ampk vedno preberem. Če ma pa fullll sestavin, pa itak ne kupujem.
      Drgač mi je izziv uspel, razen s tem fižolom sm zaj* :D
      Hvala za komentar

  3. Nastojim svaki put čitati deklaracije na proizvodima. također azim na to koliko masnoća i šećera sadrzavaju pojedini proizvodi

    1. Jaz prvo sestavine preberem in potem ostalo :)
      Hvala za komentar

  4. Hi! love your blog!

    I´m following you now. What´s about to follow each other? Besides, I have an international raffle and you can participate!


  5. I like the 5 ingredient rule! I'll need to remember that when fending for myself :) xx

    1. Glad you do and it's super easy to remember, too ;) Xx

  6. Congrats on (almost) completing the challenge! I heard about the 5 ingredient rule before and it completely makes sense. Why put so much crap in your body? Half of what is in it is unfamiliar to you. And no, you're not harsh! You're just being a good coach :)


    1. I like that rule, easy to remember :D and also if something has 5 ingredients, you easily see if it contains sugar or not. It's not even time consuming :)
      Thank you for your lovely comment ;) X
