
Monday, March 25, 2013

I love argan oil!

I've heard good things and good things only about argan oil, so I had to try it out. Today, I will share with you my experience with argan oil, enjoy ;)

100 % natural and 100 % organic

I bought my first bottle of Argan oil in late January or early February, I don't remember exactly. Anyways, I googled it and tried to find the cheapest version, but still 100 % pure. So I found 125 ml bottle for 10,19 € and I think that was the cheapest I could find. I ordered one more face cream and had free shipping, how cool is that? ;)

Too bad bottle is not dark, you have to keep it away from the sun and heat.    

So, I massaged it into my face and neck first night and expected a miracle in the morning. Well, the miracle didn't happen to me, so I was kinda disappointed. I continued to use it for couple of nights, I actually applied it over my night moisturizer. I assumed that it started clogging my pores, that's why I stopped using it for a week or so. For that week I used regular face moisturizers and my face was not getting any better and I didn't see any changes. I wrote that like I expected a botox face in the morning.

It's really easy to use and measure it right with this top.

After that week I decided to give argan oil another chance to prove itself. Before bed time I always take off my makeup, sometimes I use face scrub (once a week or twice), tone my face and then massage argan oil into my skin. This time I used it without any other moisturizers or creams. After three nights I was pleasantly surprised. My skin was feeling softer, bigger pimples were gone, after one week even my nose blackheads shrunk.

Oil for younger skin! It contains Vitamin E that is a strong anti-oxidant, makes your wrinkles less visable and makes your skin younger looking! ;)

I suffered with dry skin my whole winter (we still have hard core winter in here) and this is the only thing that helped it to recover. Sometime I even apply it in the morning if I feel like I need extra hydration. My conclusion is: I love argan oil ;)

Oh, yeah, I bought it here (slovene site).

Happy Monday!!


  1. I've never tried argan oil, but maybe I should!
    Great post!

    Inês xxx

    1. I think you should ;) Thank you for commenting! ;)

  2. Super post :)
    Mogoče veš, če se lahko to olje uporablja tudi na laseh?

    1. Ja, lahko se! Je namenjen celemu telesu, sem pozabila to napisat, ups :)
      Hvala za komentar.xx

  3. This sounds like a great product! xo

  4. O super, že kar nekaj časa razmišljam o nakupu tega olja :).

    1. Zdaj ga lahko kupiš pa poročaj kako se ti zdi ;) Hvala za komentar

  5. Uuu, hvala da si to delila z nami mislim, da si ga bom kar kupila in tudi jaz poizkusila. (: In mu dala priložnost, da se izkaže še na moji koži :P

    1. Pa poročaj, kako se ti zdi :) Hvala za komentar :)

  6. I LOVE Argan oil!! It has worked wonders for my skin. Cleared up blemishes and left it looking very clear. I have the pure argan oil which stinks but works a treat! Great review! x

    1. I'm so glad that I discovered it, such an amzing product, I don't even want to use anything else on my skin! :)
      Thank you for commenting! Xx

  7. Če res pomaga suhi koži si ga moram pa tudi jaz nabaviti. Nobena krema mi ne pomaga. :/

    1. Le nabavi in poročaj, kako se ti zdi ;) Hvala za komentar

  8. Sliši se super, ampak na mojo kože/lasje nobeno olje ne paše, pa bi res rada da bi :( Mogoče še nisem našla pravega

    1. Oh, škoda. Mogoče lahko še arganovo preizkusiš in mu daš možnost, da se izkaže :)
      Hvala za komentar :)

  9. Just tried argan oil on my hair,and I love it it does wonders for my dry bleached hair:)I didn't know you can use argan oil for the face as well,but I will have to try it:)

    1. You can use it for everything basically! It's miracle for all your body :)
      Thank you for commenting.

  10. I also use it a lot. Love it!!! First time here on your beautiful blog.

  11. I'll have to give this a try. My skin is pretty dry, and this winter was super rough on my skin. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yeah, this winter was super rough on my skin as well. Hope it helps you if you try it!
      Thank you for commenting X

  12. morat ću i ovo probat... meni zimi pomogne jojobino ulje :D

    1. Super, nisem še probala jojobinega, ga je uporabljala pa moja sestra :)
      Hvala za komentar

  13. I've never tried argan oil for my skin. I've been using coconut oil instead to both remove my makeup & also cleans & moisturize before bed for a few weeks now & my skin is so, SO soft! LOVE it.

    1. Yeah, coconut oil is great as well, but I've read that it can clog pores if your skin is sensitive, so I stay away from it and use olive and argan oil :)
      Thank you for commenting.

  14. Yes, it is @Fatima Elabdellaoui. Thank you for commenting

  15. Your hair is so beautiful! may I ask you if you tried the shampoo and conditioner from the same series as argan oil
