
Saturday, March 2, 2013

Saturday Fitness Tip: 3 detoxifying foods and a challenge!

I originally wanted to post this post previous Saturday, but I wasn't feeling like writing anything, snowy weather does its magic (as well as first day of that time of the month, you know which), but watching The Avengers and Iron man 2 wasn't the worst scenario either :).

I will talk about 3 anti-oxidant foods probably everyone has at home (if you don't, get them right now!!) and at the end I'll share and explain a diet challenge I'm doing this month and I would be happy if you join me! :)

Our body has a natural ability to clean itself, you don't need to starve to detoxify! We just have to provide the right foods to help it flush out any toxins. Let's start with 3 anti-oxidant foods you should eat/drink every day.

10 Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water
Source: Pinterest

First food I want to talk about are lemons. Lemons are really cleansing and detoxifying, and they also help you balancing out your acid and alkaline levels: meat, eggs, coffee etc. are acid, lemons are alkaline foods.
How to include them in your diet: I squeeze one lemon and pour it into 1l bottle with water and drink it throughout the day. Sometimes I drink even more, I noticed that in colder weather is really hard for me to drink enough water, that's why I prefer water with lemon juice, it just tastes like I'm drinking something fancier than water:).

green tea...
Source: Pinterest

Another beverage is green tea. It's a mild source of caffeine. Coffee can be really toxic to our body, especially if you drink high doses of it. If you drink green tea instead of coffee, your skin will look better, you'll feel better and it's good to drink green tea before you workout, you'll sweat all the nasty stuff out of your body!
How to include it in your diet: I cannot start a day without a green tea, it's my coffee in the morning, I'm not even kidding. You can drink it whenever you want to, I suggest you don't drink it too much though, it can cause insomnia (if you drink it late in the day).

Japanese artist Takaya adorns models with raw vegetables and blossoming flowers.
Source: Pinterest

Next one probably sounds kinda silly, but I don't think everyone is eating enough of ... Vegetables! Preferably raw veggies. It's recommended to eat vegetables in every meal, the more colours (of veggies) on your plate the better. Vegetables are good carbs, they provide vitamins, minerals, enzymes, they provide anything that keeps your body going.
How to include them in your diet: I try to plan my meals, this way I have a complete control what I put in my body. If you don't find veggies that exciting, try to add them in smoothies, I put spinach in my green smoothie (I'll post a recipe soon!), make yourself a vegetable soup, make a gluten-free vegetable pizza ... There are so many exciting ways to make your veggies more appealing, google is your best friend, mmm-kay? :)

I also wanted to write 3 foods you should avoid eating but I feel this post would be too long. So, I'll do that some other time and I'll talk about a challenge I'm doing whole month of March. It's no sugar challenge. And you are more than welcomed to join me :).

No sugar means no chocolate, ice cream, cakes, any other desserts, no candy ... nothing sugary is allowed. Make sure you read labels, most cereal, corn flakes, ketchup have sugar in them - sugar has many names. You can read '50 other names for sugar' article here: click.

If you want something sweet eat fruit instead. Natural sweeteners (stevia, truvia) are allowed. Raw honey is ok, but in moderation, honey has high glicemic index. Stay away from agave nectar and maple syrup for this month. And don't drink any alcohol as well. Most alcoholic beverages are just plain sugar or are absorbed in our body as sugar.

Another food you won't see on my plate this month is wheat. Wheat is absorbed the same as sugar, it doesn't provide any nutrients to our body. 

Trust me, it's not that hard. Our body doesn't need sugar ... at all! We crave it because we know the taste of the sugary stuff. Our taste buds were not made to taste this "flavour full" foods, we are totally over-loading our taste buds. Make yourself a favour and cancel out sugar! :) Your body and mind will thank you.

Thank you for reading and joining me with this challenge! Because I know many of you are thrilled to do it ;). Or at least support me :)

Have a happy healthy Saturday!


  1. Obozavam zeleni caj, ali ne pijem dovoljno vode tokom dana. :/

    1. I ja obožavam zeleni čaj! :) Imej steklenico vode vedno blizu!

  2. Super napisano! :) Vodo tudi jaz pozabim pit, pa sem si nabavila limone in kot si rekla "it just tastes like I'm drinking something fancier than water" ;) Zeleni čaj se tudi trudim pit, največkrat kar takoj zjutraj, ampak ga bom mogla malo bolj redno začeti (se mi ga ne da kuhat) :) Vnos zelenjave pa sem tudi zelo povečala tako, da mislim, da sem na pravi poti :D Res fajn napisano, bom delila na mojo fb stran :)

    1. Tako, da maš dvojno zdravje - limono in vodo! :) Res mi je lažje zadnje čase to pit kot navadno vodo. Lahko si narediš tudi "ledeni zeleni čaj", ga spraviš v hladilniku in ga spiješ zjutraj, lahko tudi kar mrzlega. Super, zelenjava je tvoj prijatelj! :)
      Hvala ti! :))

  3. Water helps to flush out toxins out of the body as well. I drink 8 glasses or more each day. That really did help clear my acne and add glow to my skin.
    Thanks for the tips. I like the idea of consuming green tea before work out.
    The No- sugar challenge will be hard. But I'd love to join in with you, I want to test my self control..ha.ha.
    Please do a post about how your month of march went with out sugar. :)

    1. Of course, water is common sense to me! :) I drink at least 2 liters a day.
      Yeah, you really have "different sweat" when you drink it before workout, if you know what I mean :D
      Yay! the more the marrier! :D It's not hard if your goal is healthy body and mind. Seriously, sugar is the main cause of any kind of disease.
      Of course I will. I'll do Saturday fitness progress next week and I'll try to "check in" every few days tho :)
      Thank you x

  4. Obožavam zeleni čaj,pogotovo sa mentom,i pijem ga dva-tri puta dnevno,a upravo mi je u frižideru pun bokal od dvije litre vode sa limunom koje planiram popiti do kraja dana ;))

  5. Tole s sladkorjem vem, da ne bi zdržala, bom pa poskusila uživanje sladkorja omejiti samo na enkrat na teden. Baby steps. :D

    Jaz sem se zdaj kar navadila vodo piti in se prav dehidrirano počutim, če jo ne spijem dovolj, bom pa zdaj zjutraj še en kozarec z limono spila. Sem že slišala za to finto, ampak vedno pozabim. Najboljše, da si kar v opomnik dam dokler mi ne pride v navado.

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life

    1. Tudi samo enkrat na teden je kul, baby steps so pa itak najpomembnejši..iz postopnih korakov se razvije navada :)
      Sj jo js tut dost spijem, ampak mi je še vseeno lažje poleti spit več :)
      Hvala za komentar!

  6. imam i ja 2 zalena čaja,ona prava iz čajoteke i super su. vodu volim pit samo sto me sad zimi grlo boli

    1. Jaz ponavadi kupim kar v vrečki. Oboje je dobro! :)
      Hvala za komentar

  7. Super, vsak dan zjutri spijem 1L čaja z limono :D. Samo še več zelenjave moram pojest (jem samo surovo zelenjavo in je mal problem je veliko pojest), ampak zdaj grem itak na zelo strogo dijeto, kjer je več ali manj samo zelenjava dovoljena (pa oreščki in ribe), tako da bomo tudi to izboljšali :).

    1. Uf,dobra si s tem čajem :) Js probam zdej z vsakim obrokom zaužit zelenjavo, uspeva delno :D
      Hvala za komentar

  8. I'm in! Vikend je bil sladek, zato začnem z jutrišnjim dnem..Ne bom se sicer izogibala kečapu (ga jem samo takrat, ko naredim domačo pico) - pa tisto tortico za prijateljičin rojstni dan in sadno kupo ob nedeljah bom tud pojedla (torej največ 4 sadne kupe v marcu)..Ampak ja, se bom potrudila in bila preostale dneve pridna :) Vsaj nekaj pa res lahko naredim za telo (gibanje je pa itak stalnica).

    1. Lahko raje narediš domač kečap! Pa niti ni tako težko! Sj baby steps, kot sem napisala Sandri pa bomo nekam prišli :)
      Lepo, da si se mi pridružla :)
      Hvala za komentar

  9. Glede na to, da pijem že leta samo vodo in čaj. Je tako tudi zdaj. Mogoče bi edino moralo malo večkrat dodati limono. Naj bi bila tudi zdrava topla limonada Mogoče veš zakaj?
    In še malovečkrat zeleni čaj. Najbolj pa mi šteka šri zelenjavi. Ne jem cvetače, ohrota, brokolija, korenčka, graha in mamino kosilo vsebuje zelo malo zelenjave. Ampak bom se potrudila, lepo počasi..

    1. Pomoje je topla limonada bolj za zdravljenje prehlada, topla voda je pa itak dobra za prebavo, sploh zjutraj na tešče.
      Probaj s smoothiji ali pa najdi na googlu kakšen recept, da zelenjavo naredi bolj privlačno. Vse se da. če se hoče :)
      Hvala za komentar

  10. This is why I love your blog: so much diversity and the tips (esp. on health) are amazing! I didn't know green tea before exercising is a good thing to drink! I usually don't like green tea, but I'm going to force myself to like it :)
    Lately I've been trying to take better care of my body. In the end we only have one body, so you better take good care of it:) That's also why I work out more often and more intense. I've got to say that you inspired me a lot. And you inspire me every time again when I see that you're working out haha :) It's becoming an addiction too, actually..

    About the no sugar challenge: I'M IN!!! Lately I've been cutting on the sugar and I feel much better. Also, sugar is highly addictive. The less you eat, the less you crave. I've experienced that as well. Tweet me when you're starting your challenge! I've got to mentally prepare, but I'm in! :D
    Just one request: Coach me during the challenge (just a little!). I'm a difficult eater and drinker (I don't like water, for example.. I want to but I just don't!) so I'm afraid I'll fall back on food or drinks with sugar..

    I'm excited about the challenge :)


    1. you're the one who loves my blog for that and other people probably don't like it for that, because it's mixture of everything :) But I LOVE YOU for loving my blog (and because of many other reasons as well ;))
      so glad and happy people get inspired by me, so amazing!
      I will guide you day by day so you are on a good healthy path with me ;)


  11. Že okol 2 meseca redno pijem limonin sok in pa zeleni čaj zjutri - prej ni šlo brez kave, sedaj sem se pa kar lepo navadila na to :-)
    Z zelenjavo sicer nisva najboljše prijateljice, sam se trudim :-P
