
Friday, March 1, 2013

February favourites

It's this time of the month again, time to talk about my favourites of the month. I haven't bought any makeup or nail polishes this month, I just bought Bourjois healthy mix foundation yesterday because it was -50% and I needed it, mmm-kay? :)

Enough talking, let's start with the favourites :)

Most products are the ones I got in a swap. First one I have to mention Rimmel Glam'eyes professional liquid eyeliner. Brush is so thin and I can easily do perfect winged eyeliner. And it's also super pigmented.

Next thing has to be Revlon Just bitten kissable balm stain in Éprise. Was my go to lippie of the month and the best thing is that it lasts all day long. I just reapplied it to give back some moisture to my lips.

For my cheeks I've been using a lot BYS blusher in Fierce fuchsia, which is super pigmented, have to be careful to not look like a clown :) and Essence Cherry blossom girl blush in Asain sensation, really pretty peachy shade.

Next product I wanted to mention in my last favourites post, but I forgot, so I'll do it now. I've been loving L'Occitane Stick deodorant for men (yes, for men!). You can't really smell it once applied, but it does its work. I got it for Christmas from my mum.

And non-beauty related ... I really enjoyed watching The Avengers, you know I love super heroic movies :). Favourite song of the month I couldn't decide ... Been listening to Marina and the Diamonds A LOT. Whole day on repeat.
Haven't read any books this month though. Will do better in March! :)

What are your monthly favourites?


  1. Od teh stvari imam samo Essence rdečilo, ki je bilo ta mesec tudi pri meni večkrat v uporabi. Če bom šla kaj v Avstrijo, bom preverila ta Rimmelov liner. :)

    1. Res je fino tole rdečilo :)
      Le preveri, ker je res v redu :)
      Hvala za komentar

  2. I Love the look of the BYS blusher it looks pretty :)

    Great blog

    Would love it if you could check mine out if you have a spare 5 minutes and if you like it maybe give me a follow.

    Thanks x

    1. It is pretty! ;) thank you for commenting X

  3. The blusher color is so pretty and eye liners is always my fave :)

  4. a res je ta deodorant dober? Joj, ga bi morala sprobat..ker iščem in iščem primernega pa me ni še noben prepričal v ponovni nakup:)

    1. Meni je fajn. Mami ga je mela prva pa ji je ustrezal pa sem ga hotla še jaz :D

  5. Najvise mi se svidja essence rumenilo! :)

    1. haha, svem se svidja ovo rumenilo :D Hvala

  6. The peach blush looks awesome! I always end up buying pink blushes and totally forget about the peach/apricot shades; I'm a creature of habit, what can I say? And men's deodorant really is superior to women's! I stole my husband's a while back and I was shocked at how well it worked.
    Lovely post!

    1. haha, maybe you know that pink blushes suit you, sometimes is good to step out of your comfort zone ;)
      Men's parfumes and deodorants smell 100 times better than women's. at least to me :)
      Thank you x

  7. Lovely favourites! I love men's deodorant, especially the smell! Too bad u can't smell the one you have haha:)
    My favourite music for this month is definitely classical music! I always listen to it, but this month extremely often. Love it :)


    1. I know right! I used to wear men's parfume a while back :P
      Classical music is awesome, I agree!
      Thank you! X

  8. Od Essence rdečilo zgleda ful luštno!

  9. Tole Essence rdečilo je tudi pri meni konstantno v uporabi, eden lepših blushev :) Teli Revlonovi lip-staini se pa povsod po blogih pojavljajo, upam da pridejo k nam da še jaz kakšnega dobim v roke :)

    1. Se strinjam :) Jaz tudi upam,da pridejo k nam, bi še kakšnega imela! ;)
