
Thursday, February 21, 2013

What I ate

I haven't done "what I ate" post in a while, so let's do it today. :) It's basically a post about all meals I had in a day, so you get an idea what do I eat.

Meal 1:
"Pancake" made out of 2 eggs and little bit of coconut flour, I topped it with 1/2 of honey, raw cocoa (unsweetened) and half of banana. Had my cup of green tea with it, of course. 

Meal 2:
 An apple and 10 almonds. I try to balance any kind of fruit with some protein and almonds are a good source of it (and also fat).

Meal 3:
 I had warm salad: some chicory and mixed veggies, I just put them in a pan with some olive oil and topped it with some brie cheese.

Meal 4:
 This was my pre workout meal, I made myself a green smoothie, I usually put 1/3 fruit (usually mango, kiwi, frozen strawberries or half of banana, it depends on what I have at home), 1/3 spinach and 1/3 coconut water or regular water. I put one tsp of hemp protein powder or on tsp of chia seeds.
Meal 5:
And this was my post workout meal. Cooked sweet potatoes and mixed veggies (brussel sprouts, red pepper, onion, garlic, eggplant and beans).

I try to incorporate lean protein, carbohydrates (veggies and fruits) and healthy fats in every meal, but not every meal is always perfect. I just do my best :). This day was quite good.

Tell me if you would be interested in more posts like this one, I actually quite enjoy writing them :)

I wish you all happy and healthy Thursday!


  1. mmmm that looks yummy everything looks so yummy I may try that green smoothie saw it many times but never tried it
    keep doing this posts pls I love them xx

    1. Try it! It's super yummy and you won't be hungry for hours!
      Thank you for your comment! X

  2. Such an interesting post, loved reading it!
    And yes, you should do more posts like this one:) x

  3. Točno takšen post sem čakala :P Si mi dala super ideje za par obrokov in ja, se ne bi branla še več takšnih postov :)

    1. Super, me veseli, da ti je všče, bom še napisala :)

  4. Mmmm, vse zgleda zelo dobro, čeprav nisem ravno ljubiteljica zelenjave.. In kako ti uspe pojesti tako malo mandljev. Jaz vzamem pest, pa potem še eno pest, pa še eno. Nikoli se ne konča pri eni pesti (:

    1. Kako? Ker vem,da je ena pest dovolj in da so polni (zdravih) maščob in tudi zdrave maščobe je lahko preveč :)
      Hvala za komentar

  5. Mmmmmmmmmm,this warm salat looks tasty ;)) I would just add a bit of quinoa or cous cous for complete meal;)Do you put salt in it?

    1. Quinoa sound good! Couscous is wheat, if I'm not mistaken and I don't eat wheat :)
      I just put little bit of salt and maybe some other spices. I like to experiment:)
      Thank you for your comment

    2. You can find some recipes with quinoa and vegetables on my other blog if you run out of inspiration ;)
      I will definitely try out some of these yummi stuff ;))

  6. Super post, še več takih prosim :) Pa vse bi pojedla, kar je na slikah, noro dobro zgleda

    1. Bom se potrudila :)
      Pa tudi je dobro! Hvala!

  7. You eat such healthy food and it all looks very yummy :)

    Tanesha x
