
Monday, February 25, 2013

Fleur de Santé Liquid eye liner REVIEW

*All Fleur de Santé posts will be written in English and Slovene / Vse Fleur de Santé objave bodo napisane v angleščini in slovenščini.

I love liquid eyeliners. Winged liner has been my signature look for many years and I still love it! Such a classic timeless look, can't go wrong with it! :)
With that said, I was really happy when I received Fleur de Santé Liquid eye liner, because girl can never have too many liquid eyeliners. :) Now to the review.
Obožujem tekoče eyelinerje, klasična črna črta je že dolgo moj vsakdanji makeup in nikoli ne gre iz mode :). Zato sem bila zelo vesela, ko sem prejela Fleur de Santé liquid eyeliner, ker dekle nikoli nima preveč tekočih eyelinerjov :). Sedaj pa k oceni izdelka.

Eyeliner comes in black packaging, 4 ml content. Tip of an actual eyeliner is spongy, not a brush, which I like, I think it's easier to apply it that way. However, I was little bit dissapointed because the tip is a little bit round and if you're a clumsy applier this can be a problem. Also, if you cry or your eyes water a lot, it will smudge, because it's not waterproof.
Embalaža je črna s 4 ml vsebino. Konica eyelinerja ni čopič, temveč je (kako se temu reče? :D) "spužvast", "gobast" :D. Skrajna konica je malce zaobljena, kar zna povzročati probleme, če nisi previden. Eyeliner ni vodoodporen, če se dosti jokaš ali se ti solzijo oči, potem verjetno ni zate.

Thin, little bit thicker and thick line. You can see it's not the most pigmented eyeliner./ Tanka, malce debelejša in debelejša črta. Na sliki se vidi, da ni najboljl pigmentiran.

Now to the colour of an eyeliner. If you like the blackest black eyeliner, then this one is not for you. Once you apply your first line, your skin will still be showing through. But I always go over it one more time to fix some mistakes. However, also with two applications is not the most black colour.
Barva eyelinerja ni najbolj črna, ko naneseš prvo črto, se bo pod njo še vedno videla koža. Vendar jaz vedno nanesem še enkrat, da popravim manjše napake. Vendar tudi po dveh nanosih še vedno ni najbolj črna.

It will wash out under the water. / Pod vodo se bo spral.

My conclusion is that you can still work with it. I managed to do quite thin line and wore it for 8 hours without any smudging or other problems. It's not the best out there, but I've used worse and I've used better ones, too.
Moj zaključek je, da je eyeliner še vedno uporaben, jaz sem uspela narediti precej tanko črto in ga nosila okoli 8 ur brez razmazovanja ali drugih problemov. Eyeliner ni najboljši na trgu, vendar sem uporabljala že slabše in tudi boljše.

*Product was sent to me for review. / Izdelek mi je bil poslan v oceno.


  1. men so pa bolši tisti, ki so kot svinčnik :P

    1. Ja so super, ampak se znajo tudi prehitro posušit!

  2. Great review hun,I like that you are honest and not just saying how awesome and amazing the product is just because it was sent to you!

    1. Of course, I always tell the truth! Otherwise it would be nonsense having a blog :)
      thank you

  3. Great, honest review hun, xoxo.

  4. Nice honest review, great post!

  5. Tudi meni je všeč, da si zelo iskreno to napisala (: To je prava ocena.! In to imamo bralci radi...
