
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Weekly makeup tag: natural

Yay, weekly makeup tags are back! I passed that bloody exam and I couldn't be happier :))

This week's theme was natural. So I went with the brownish shades, I just knew I wanted to use my new favourite all over eyes eyeshadow from Artdeco in number 218 (applied all over lids), it's shimmery but once you blend it in your crease it looks like you put another colour in there and also a lot of effort (but you didn't :P). And I couldn't finish the look with just one colour, had to add my all time favourite Sleek palette Au Naturel. I mean, it says "naturel", can't go wrong with that :)

Here is the finished look:


- Bourjois Healthy mix foundation & concealer
- E.l.f. High definition powder
- MUA blusher shade 2

- Too faced shadow insurance
- Artdeco single eyeshadow no 218
- Sleek Au naturel (taupe, regal and noir; I also used capuccino and bark on brows)
- Essence liquid eyeliner
- Sleek Lashes to kill mascara

- Alverde 55 Rosy caramel


I actually got a little bit rusty since I didn't really do any makeup looks in January. But this will be fixed soon :).
I hope you like it anyways :).

 Make sure you enter my *blogiversary GIVEAWAY* ;)


  1. Krasno, naraven look ti res zelo paše. <3

  2. ČEstitke za izpit:) Meni je tole najbolj nosljiv make up in se največkrat znajde na meni :)

  3. Zelo lepo! Too faced shadow insurance kaj misliš o tem primerju? Si sprobala tudi slavnega od Urban Decay? Nujno namreč rabim primer, pa se ne morem odločiti katerega od teh dveh naj izberem.

    1. Meni je ok, sem pa opazila,da se mi še vedno pri nekaterih senčkah nabere v gubo. Ampak mislim,da je to bolj zato, ker sem preveč nanesla. Manj je več očitno. Pa še povešene veke imam.
      UCPP sem tudi imela, sem bla pa zlo zadovoljna z njim. Too faced je pa bolj higienska embalaža in tudi dalj časa ga bom imela, se mi zdi.
      Pa hvala :)

  4. First Congrats on passing your exam:)Love this natural look,its wearable and suits you well,really pretty<3

    1. I was so happy (still am ;)) Thank you! <3

  5. Tale make-up je pa čist po mojem okusu.
    Pa čestitam za izpit. :)

  6. Love it! :)
    Takšni naturalčki se pri meni vsakodnevno znajdejo na sporedu, ker si nažalost bolj drznih ne upam imeti.

  7. Hi. Very nice makeup! I like your eyeshadows!

  8. Prekrasna sminka! Malo previse sjajno za mene licno, ali svakako prelepo! :)

  9. gorgeous as always. Well done on passing your exam. :) x
