
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Happy birthday Deja Zu!! *Blogiversary GIVEAWAY*

Ou. Em. Gee. I can't believe it's already 2 years since I started blogging. That was 327 GFC followers away. I had no Twitter, Facebook blog page or any other social whatever. I didn't know any bloggers, I didn't know which way I was going with my blog ... But now I really enjoy blogging, it's a healthy (sometimes not so healthy, but let's skip that :)) hobby, I have so many people I can call my friends, ask anything, talk about everything, loyal readers and people who comment ... I am so blessed with each and everyone one of you. THANK YOU for being part of my life! I mean it.

ooh mini cake with candles
You better don't eat that! :P 
Source: Pinterest

But, before I tell you about the blogiversary giveaway, let me tell you why is February special to me. We are much closer to spring and summer time! No, but really, I started working out regularly on February, three years ago. And for that I am thankful to myself that I started. Thank you, Deja. ;)

Because of all the reasons I mentioned, I will be having more than just one giveaway. It's like December all over again. And it's not even December, ain't that great? :D
So stay posted!!

At the beginning of January I blogged about books that changed my life (you can read it here: click) and I decided to give away "The Law of Attraction" book by Esther and Jerry Hicks. It's not beauty related, because I truly believe that beauty comes from within and if you are not a happy person, than no amount of makeup can fix/hide that. I want you to have a happy life and you can have one! This book is just a little guidance :). And book is in English, so everyone who knows English can participate. :)


Giveaway rules:
- Fill in the Rafflecopter form.
- You have to be a visible Google Friend Connect (GFC) follower. I will check.
- You have to leave me your email address in the Rafflecopter form, so I can email you back if you win.
- And please leave a comment on this post.

Giveaway is open internationally. Giveaway ends on 3rd March. Winner will be chosen at random. Happy entering! (and keep an eye for other giveaways :))
a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Yaaaay happy anniversary! I'm glad you started blogging, otherwise I wouldn't have met you.. And the giveaway prize is amazing! I'd love to read this book, so if I don't win, I'll search for it in the library. I got my fingers crossed for winning though!
    What I like on your blog are your makeup looks. Every time you surprise me with something new and I love to see that! Also I love your lifestyle posts. I've learnt a lot from them and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I just love the fact that your blog is so diverse, but still you! So, I'm sorry but I can't think of anything to improve!


  2. happy anniversary! i love your makeup tag and your posts about lipsticks !

  3. Happy anniversary.! :) I started reading blogs few weeks ago & I'm glad that I found yours, cuz of your posts that ain't just about make up, but also other things. That post about life changing books is very helpfull, I decided I want Jillian Michaels book - so I will buy it :) Keep on good way ;*

  4. sretna ti godišnjica, neka ih bude još :D

  5. Happy Blogiversary,I am really glad I found your blog that I always enjoy reading,but I am also glad I met such a sweet and dear person:)

  6. I don't think your blog need inprovement but I like product reviews and DIY posts.

  7. Sretna godisinjaca! I da slavimo jos mnogo, mnooogoo narednih!

  8. Happy Blog Birthday lovely.
    I love your make up look which you probably know. you are so talented. x

  9. Čestitke :))
    Veliko bloganja še naprej!! ;))

  10. aaaah, super nagrada :-) odlična ideja, me like it a loooot :-)

  11. Tudi z moje strani čestitke (:

  12. Vse najboljše Deja Zu! <3
    Meni sovsi tvoji posti všeč. Vedno znova me navdušuješ s svojimi make-up mojstrovinami, rada pa vidim tudi kakšne ideje za zdravo prehranjevanje in recepte. :)

  13. o wow, kakšna kul nagrada! =) se popolnoma strinjam s tem, da moraš bit najprej srečen, da to ven siješ =) čestitke za obletnico! =)

    1. sicer pa obožujem tvoje mejkap poste, ker totalno obvladaš =) in pa keeping up the positive vibe, to mi je tudi zelo všeč na tvojem blogu, zaradi mene ne rabiš ničesar spreminjat =)

  14. woo, čestitke! :) kar tako naprej, drgač so pa men makeup-i, recepti in nasveti za zdravo življenje ful ušeč. si res ena inspiracija :) xx

  15. čimveč postov o šminkah haha :D pa tud recepti vedno prav pridejo.

  16. Najbolj mi je všeč tvoja energija in pozitiven odnos..Kar se pa tiče objav pa najraje prebiram objave o zdravem načinu ž zelo zelo zelo všeč so mi bile tvoje Halloween objave :)
    Želim ti veliko pisanja in ustvarjanja make-upov še naprej! :)

  17. Najprej čestitke za obletnico in hvala za super giveaway :) Meni je tvoj blog super tak kot je, zanimiv miks mejkapa in zdravega življenja.

  18. Čestitke za obletnico! :) Blog je super, najbolj so mi všeč objave o zdravem načinu življenja, receptih ter seveda makeup-u in tvoja pozitivna energija :)
