
Friday, March 7, 2014

Lippie of the day | Finally, bright orange

I was searching for bright orange lipstick for the longest. I love bright orange lips for many reasons: it's bright, it's orange and it's bright orange ;) I got this lipstick just yesterday, and I decided to show you this beauty, just because I like it so much.

Lipstick I was wearing today was Avon Ultra colour Tangerine Tango. It's creamy, moisturizing and really easy to apply. Packaging is casual shiny black and lipstick has slightly sweet scent. It's opaque in one application.

Shade is (I would describe it as) neon blood orange shade and it has tiny gold shimmer in it, which is not even visible. Shimmer becomes slightly visible when it wears of a little, but it doesn't bother me at all. 

Lipstick is long lasting on me, it wears of slightly when I ate and drank, but overtime it kinda stained my lips a little. I even tried to blot it with a tissue, but no colour transferred to it. And my lips were still bright orange. It moved slightly into the fine lines around my lips, but nothing a lip pencil can fix (I wore it without).

I got some stares today, I must admit, it's so bright and in your face against my pale complexion, you can't really not see it. It's for girls who dare to wear bright shades for sure. And luckily I'm one of them ;)

Tell me, do you wear orange lipsticks? Do you like them? <3

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  1. Kul barva, mam na srečo tester doma ^^
    Drugač sem pa obsedena z oranžnimi in marelični odtenki že kakšno leto :D

  2. Ful je lepa in ful ti paše. Ugotavljam, da imam zelo malo oranžnih šmink/glossov doma.

  3. Meni so oranžne šminke ful lepe (če je pravi odtenek), ampak jih pa ne nosim, ker se mi zdi, da mi ne pašejo preveč.

    Tale tvoja je res noro krasna, pa zadnja fotka je ful lepa! :)

  4. wow, ful lepo ti paše :) sama nimam niti enega odtenka oranžne šminke, zame so malo preveč žive barve in tudi meni ne paše tako lepo kot tebi :) imam pa to šminko v drugem odtenku in je res fajn :)

  5. ful lepa barva ! obvladaš :))

  6. Odličen odtenek:) Res izstopa, na meni enako, če pa imam tako svetlo polt:)

  7. Lep odtenek pa že dolgo nisem nič zasledila nikjer od Avona, nekaj novega :)) Lep blog, sledim :))


  8. waw, res čudovita šminka :O res ti zelo paše :)

  9. This lipstick looks awesome! Perfect for summer too :) Ah, what am I saying? It's perfect for every season ;)

