
Monday, January 27, 2014

Products that suck #3

Haven't written a post about regret purchases in a while. Let's just say that when I find something that works, I'll probably stick to it for a whilem that's why I don't have a lot regretable purchases. But then I went through my stash and found some things that didn't work for me and forgot about them, so here they are.

Bare in mind that whatever doesn't work for me, it may work for you, it's the same other way around.

I have dry, sensitive skin and I break out quite easily. In hope to help me with my breakouts I bought Afrodita Young & Pure Deep Cleansing gel + peeling + mask for normal to oily skin. I used it on the certain areas where I tent to break out more, but it broke me out even more and it really dried out my skin. But I would recommend it for oily and acne prone skin, it might work for you. If you have dry skin, stay away from it! :)

I am searching for a new moisturizer, because still haven't found one I would be 100% satisfied with and going through every moisturizer in a drug store I ended up purchasing Olay Anti-wrinkle Nature fusion night cream. Just because it was on sale and just because most people compliment Olay products. That desperate purchase didn't end up well. Once I apply the cream I have a feeling that it just sits on my skin and it doesn't do anything. I even noticed more cloged pores and more black heads.

Another dissapointment has to be Alverde hair mask (glanz-haarkur Zitronenblüte Aprikose). It just didn't do anything to my hair and that's all I have to say about it. At least I can use it as a shaving cream.

I even have few polishes that I don't like, but I still use them, because I secretly cheer for them to get better :D

First one is Kleancolor Nail laquer 236 Chunky holo black. I ordered it few years ago on eBay, because it looked beautiful on pictures, but when I got it I couldn't open it, after awhile I finally did it and the product itself is really thick, has gel-like consistency, once applied takes forever to dry and it chips really fast.

Second one I didn't like is Ruby kisses HDP18 Whiter than White. Brush is terrible (bristles are some sort of a plastic, really uneven), extremely clumsy, the polish smells 10 times worse than any polish I've tried and it just doesn't want to dry once applied.
Are all Ruby kisses polishes like that?

Last one that doesn't work for me is Catrice Quick Dry & High shine Top coat. I know it gives shine, but quick dry? Nah. Now I don't even use any top coat to finish my manicure, just because nothing worked for me and the more coats I apply, the faster polish chips.

Have you tried any of these products? What are your thoughts on them?
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  1. Ta maska za lase je res slaba. Pa še smrdi mi.

  2. Moji Ruby Kisses laki vsi smrdijo, ne vem, kaj dajejo takega v njih. Jaz imam tudi en Kleancolor lak, ampak ga še nisem preizkusila.

  3. Se strinjam glede maske, nič ne naredi za lase. Moja gre h sreči proti koncu.

  4. Ne vem kaj je s temi Olay kremicami, vsi jih neizmerno hvalijo, pa jih čedalje pogosteje vidim v "regret buying" kategoriji. Sem pred časom imela eno 'complete care' kremico od njih, v beli flaški, pa je sicer bila super, samo mi je mašila pore. Od Alverde sem pa imela eno masko, mislim da avokadovo (vijolična embalaža) pa mi je bila kar všeč kar se tiče učinka, ni pa dišala.
    xx, moonchild beauty blog

  5. afroditina "čistila zmes" je res za nič!!

  6. za Kleancolor se popolnoma strinjam, da je čisti fail :/ Za Catrice nadlak pa...meni je pa top tale! :)

  7. Škoda za Kleancolor lak, ker je res lep :(

  8. nisem še nič od tega probala ampak mi je všeč naslov haha :P

  9. Hm, meni je pa maska zelooooo všeč - čist mehke lase mi naredi :)

  10. Imam dva Ruby Kisses laka in oba grozno smrdita, sušita se pa tudi čisto predolgo tako da sem jih nehala kupovat :P Ostalega pa še nisem sprobala, mi je pa super post ker tako vidiš tudi kaj komu ne ustreza :)

  11. Nobenega izmed teh izdelkov še nisem sprobala, niti jih zdaj ne bom, sem pa preiskusila enih par drugih krem od Olay in sem bila do sedaj z vsemi razočarana...

  12. kleancolor imam i ja, i službeno su mi lakovi s najgorim vremenom sušenja, premda krasno izgleda strava je :P
    catrice nadlak isto spada u istu kategoriju - upotrijebiti samo u slučaju nužde i to baš ako morate ;)

  13. ta lak od catrice je meni čisto ok :) je pa res da si ga dam gor komaj ko se mi je lak na pol posušil :) mi pa pomaga da se lak do konca posuši pa da pol ni odtisov gor na nohtih :)

  14. Od teh izdelkov sem preizkusila samo top coat od Catrice in tudi meni ni bil čisto nič všeč...

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life
