
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

2013 favourites

I've been avoiding to finish this post, because I knew it will take me quite some time to write, but it's January is flying by so quickly and it's about time I publish it ... let's start :)


I am not oily, but sometimes if I wear makeup all day, I get little bit shiny and it's nice to have a primer underneath to prevent that. MUA Matte perfect primer does its job and I really loke it. I'm a huge fan of Bourjois Healthy Mix collection and last year I started using Bourjois Healthy mix serum. It's light, gives me dewy finish and it stays on me quite long. I usually don't powder my whole face, but I set my foundation around the eyes, around my lips and I even use powder as natural eyeshadow to set eyeshadow primer. Catrice All matt plus Shine control powder does a great job with all that.

Skin care discovery for my face has to be Alverde Clear Waschcreme. It removed my makeup and cleans my face perfectly and it's super gentle. Another skin care product I loved in 2013 is Balea Aqua serum, I just ran out of it, that's why it's not in the picture :). For my hair I've been loving Balea Oil repair spulung (conditioner). Makes my hair super soft and shiny. Deodorant I really liked was Felce Azzura Deo spray. It's in spray form, it's great to refresh during the day and this green scent is the only one I like from their line.

I cannot live without eyeliner and mascara, in 2013 I really liked Essence Liquid ink liquid eyeliner in waterproof form. Just be careful not to apply too much otherwise it will start to peel off. Another liner I liked was Catrice Gel eyeliner Black Jack with Jack Black, even though it's not the blackest liner out there. Stays on its place whole day, it even lasted me pretty decent amount of time. Gel liner tent to dry pretty fast. Mascara of the year has to be Isa Dora Big Bold Super volumizing mascara, which I won in IsaDora giveaway on Twitter. The wand is big and can be messy on lower lashes, but if applied carefully it did its job. Nice volume, length and intensity. Last couple of month I've been using only Catrice eye brow pencil for my lashes. As you can see on the picture, I need a new one ;) I don't have a full name or name of the shade, but I think it's the darkest one. I can't apply eyeshadow if I haven't applied primer first and I really liked Avon eye primer. It's beyond amazing.

Most used lipsticks have to be Ingrid 242, MUA lipstick Shade 11 and Revlon Just Bitten Kissable balm stain Smitten.


Best base coat is OPI Natural Nail Base coat. This is the best base coat I tried and I think it even dries my colour polish faster. Other favourite polishes have to be: Essie Aruba blue, Essie Sole Mate and Barry M Racing Green.

I read quite some amazing books in 2013,  But first book that comes to my mind is from Cristy Žmahar called Nebesa odgovarjajo (Heaven response; only available in Slovenian atm). Here's a little description: click.

I'll have to go with whole newest album from Panic! at the Disco - Too weird to live To rare to die. You're probably sick and tired of me mentioning them, but I really do love them and still haven't gone sick and tired of their songs ;). You can listen to whole album on YouTube here.
Second album I really dig has to be from Fall Out Boy - Save Rock and Roll. Listen to whole album here.

Source: screenshot from their videos.

I discovered so many amazing YouTubers last year and I already shared that in my Favourite Youtubers post in December (here). My all time favourites have to be Claire Marshall (queen of editing and I probably re watched all her videos quite some times :D) and MadeYewLook (young talented positive girl, she also has her own brush set line).

Source: Pinterest.
For movies I'll have to go with the two I saw in November/December, because those are the only ones I remember :D The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, of course. Jennifer Lawrence brought Katniss on a whole another level, fell in love with her even more and movie is much more understandable and it sticks to a book. And I watched it twice. In the cinema, yes. :)
Second one I really like was The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, because I love hobbits, elves, dragons and fantasy movies. :) And now I just remembered I got inspired to do one more makeup for The Hobbit makeup series ;)

Are my favourites your favourites too? :) Tell me what was your favourite product, music, series, book ... in 2013.

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  1. Jaz sem ravno kupila Bourjois serum in prvi vtis je super. Balea serum, Catrice svinčnik za obrvi, Essie laki so izdelki, ki so tudi meni zelo všeč. :D

  2. Tale Revlon stain me mika že celo večnost pa v Kranju nikje rne prodajajo Revlona, bo treba enkrat v Lj. mal pofirbcat. A je tale Catrice gel liner tudi vodoodporen? Sem navdušena nad Essence gel linerjom pa so jih dali iz prodaje in rabim nadomestek ;)
    Tele objave so zakon, samo niso prijazne do moje denarnice, ker hočem vse sprobat kar je drugim všeč :D

    Pa še najini najljubši proizvodi:

    1. Te Revlon staine tudi na click2chic prodajajo. Catrice liner nima napisa vodoodporen, vendarr bi kar lahko rekla, da je :)
      V bistvu so zelo prijazne do tvoje denarnice, saj če prebereš, te nič ne stane ;)
      Hvala za linke

  3. Fab selection!

    Stephanie (@hopefreedomlove)

  4. krasni favoriti :D
    moram priznati da još nisam probala bourjois healthy mix, essence puder mi je tako dobar da jednostavno ne tražim zamjenu :D

  5. I have never seen that poster for the Hunger Games... thats a weird poster to use!

    And you really make me want to try the Bourjois foundation, your skin always looks so nice!

    Danniella x |

  6. Tisti alverde čistilec je top :) Ne vem, če bom še kdaj kaj drugega kupila, ker je tale super za kožo :)

  7. U, kar nekaj teh izdelkov je tudi meni zelo všeč. Se pa čisto strinjam za Avonov primer, res si nisem mislila, da bo tako super..
    Se mi pa zdi, kot da sem edina, ki še ni pogledala niti prvega dela Hunger games. Ups :)

  8. oooo kakšni super izdelki. Sem si pa tudi jaz kupila to helthy mix podlago pa še korektor. In sem res zadovoljna. Vsako malenkost prekrije.

  9. Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum je tudi meni super! :)
