
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

What I ate

It's been a while since I posted a "What I ate" blog post, even though I always promise you I'll be more consistent with them. I think this problem will be fixed when I get Instagram (my current phone doesn't support Instagram) and I'll be publishing more "Instafood" :)

Meal 1: cooked oatmeal in water, cinnamon, walnuts, honey and half of banana. And green tea. Typical breakfast.

Meal 2: vegetable soup (look it even smiled at me ;)), piece of gluten free vegan bread with 1/4 avocado. To be honest - I had another piece of bread after I finished my lunch, just because it's so crunchy and delicious :)

Meal 3: I have no idea how is this fruit called. In Slovene it's called "kaki", but I could not found an English name for it anywhere. Help? :) (orange and red are hard to photograph)

Meal 4: quinoa with tomato sauce, mixed vegetables, 1/4 avocado.

I drank at least 3 litres of water and had one cup of tea in the afternoon and one before bed time.

Tell me, what did you eat today? :)

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  1. Vse izgleda zelo okusno, še posebej zelenjavna juha. :)

  2. Njam njam njam, kakšen okus ima kvinoja? Zgleda ful dobr, ampak ne upam probat haha :D

    1. Malce orehast. Meni je ful dobra, drugače. Samo jo moraš sprat prej, ker lahko malce pogreni drugače.
      Hvala za komentar.

  3. mmm, slastno! kakiju se v angleščini reče persimmon :)

  4. Vse bi poizkusila razen zelenjavne juhe, ki jo resnično ne prebavljam... Enkrat si morem naredit ta zajtrk... ((. Dobra ideja. Velikokrat zjutraj ne vem kaj bi jedla...

    1. Moja je boljša od ostalih - ne uporabljam kocke ;) Res je naboljši zajtrk, pa še čez noč lahko namočiš :)
      Hvala za komentar

  5. Mmm, zelenjavna juhica zgleda zelo okusno. :)
