
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Saturday Fitness Post: Favourite fitness and health sites

I received a comment from lovely Numra A in my last Saturday Fitness post. She asked me who do I follow for my workout routine. I replied and the next comment I received was from Bright Town Girl and she found my previous reply useful. I got inspired to write today's post. Thanks girls ;)

*I got all pictures on google.*

I've already mentioned Zuzka Light, but she was my inspiration to start working out on regular basis. She does HIIT - high intense interval training, about 10 minutes up to 30 minutes per day. If you remember, I done her Zcut power cardio series this year and gave me amazing results in just one month (read a review: here).
Even though she's now charging to excess her workout's, she has few new workouts every week. She's still much cheaper than any gym membership and she does that for a living, so you can't really be angry at her :).
If you're not ready to pay for the membership, she still has 70 charge free workouts (ZWOWs - Zuzka's workout of the week) on her YouTube channel, has a lot of recipes, tips, trick and advice + she also has 3, 4 or 5 minute short workouts for busy days. I like her zen and happy persona. She's a cool chick, check her out :)

Zuzka Light website:
Zuzka Light YT channel:

My favourite health channel has to be Lean Secrets. I already mentioned her in my Favourite YouTube channels post and I'm going to mention her one billion times more. Brenda has very informative videos (why you should stop eating wheat, drinking coffee, about carb cycling ...), gives advice for fitness chicks, how to get ready for fitness, gives the best recipes, motivates you, shows you workouts, what equipment should you use, reviews fitness and health stuff ... To sum up - everything fitness and health related :).
She also has a program called Lean Secrets, which you can purchase on her website. She radiated positive energy and strength. Amazing woman.

Lean Secrets website:
Lean Secrets YT channel:

I've been into yoga lately, because I injured my knee awhile age and I wasn't able to exercise for more than a month (miss my muscle definition!), and yoga just feels right for me right now. I found Yoga with Adriene on YouTube and I've been doing her flows and I can assure you that they're not easy. Yoga is really challenging, because you have to control every movement, finding your breath and some transitions are really hard. People who say that yoga is easy, apparently they have never tried it :).
Adriene is really sweet, funny and gives useful advice. I think you'll like her if you're into yoga.

Yoga with Adrienne YT channel:

I also follow Blogilates, but never done her workouts, since I've been doing mainly HIIT, but her workouts look challenging. I love her recipes though. She does Cheap clean eats and shows you that eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive. She's really bubbly and funny as well.

Blogilates YT channel:

I cannot finish this fitness post without mentioning the taughest fitness trainer, Jillian Michaels. I think that everyone knows her 30 day shred exercising programme. I did them myself, but I get bored if I have to repeat the same exercise for few days in a row. Anyways, I love her story (she was a fat kid), became extremely successful, has written best selling books ... Inspirational :) You can also watch The Biggest loser on YouTube, she was one of the trainers.

Jillian Michaels website: 
For her workouts I just typed Jillian Michales and you can check them here: YouTube

Other sites I use for motivation are:
- my blog :P (sometimes I need to reread my own advice, recipes etc.). Shameless self-promotion :) ;
- if I'm searching for more motivation, pictures, quotes etc., I go through Pinterest (no sh*t ;)). Check out my boards: I use Google for those, too ;)
- Cut and Jacked has a lot of fitness stories, interviews, recipes ... Even though those girls and guys are all bulky (and I'm not), I still find it as a great source of information. Check out their site:
- Another site for recipes, diet tips, advice ... is Shape Magazine.
- Tone It Up - I'm subscribed to them, but somehow I always forget to watch their videos (too many subscribtions problem). They are nice chicks, they have workout videos:

I hope you found this post useful. Tell what fitness/health sites and YouTube channels do you follow?

Thank you for reading and commenting <3

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  1. Super, da si tole delila z nami :) poznana mi je Zuzka, po kateri sem naredila tudi nekaj vaj (res so naporne) in Jillian (nekoč imam namen it skozi njen program). Ostalo bom pa z veseljem pogledala in upam, da me še kdo navduši, ker motivacije in nasvetov ni nikoli preveč :)

    1. Prosim. Lahko je preveč, ko poznaš in spremljaš toliko fitnes strani, da ne veš, komu bi sledil :) Mislim, da sem izluščila (meni) najboljše :)
      Hvala za komentar

  2. Ooo hvala za tole. Nekatere že poznam (zaradi tvojih prejšnjih objav) nekatere pa nisem.. Super seznam.. Zdaj imam še več youtube channelov naročenih.. :P Ojooj... Pa premalo časa jih spremljat.. Ampak ko bom brez motivacije.. Vem kam se zatečt :P

    1. Prosim :) Moram še seznam knjig razširit, da bom lahko kakšen post napisala. Hvala tebi za komentar.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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