
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Saturday Fitness Post: Detoxify your body

Most people overindulged during the holiday, it's important to detoxify our body to keep it going, prevent sickness and feel great again. I have some tips how to do it ...

Source: Pinterest.
1. Eat plenty of veggies and fruits.Eat at least one meal a day made out of vegetables and fruits only. Or even better - make yourself a smoothie. You can also choose to drink only smoothies one day. Search through the Internet for smoothie recipes ;)

2. Drink plenty of water. Add little bit of lemon juice, because lemons are one of the most detoxifying foods. Help you flush out the toxins and water hydrates you, which is important for better looking skin, hair, nails and helps with overall health.

3. Drink dandelion root tea and green tea. Both teas are great anti-oxidants and will help you with cleansing your body. If you're not used to caffeine, I don't recommend drinking them in the late afternoon though, otherwise you may have problem with sleeping :)

4. Breathe deeply, imagine you're breathing out toxins. Take 15 minutes per day (even just 5 minutes will be better than none), light the candels and take time for yourself. No phone, no computer, no people around you ... Just breathe deeply and provide more oxygen to your sistem, which will help you revitalise and oxygen. Maybe even try to meditate, if you're familiar with it or would like to try.

Source: Pinterest.

5. Exercise will not just let you sweat off the toxins, shed fat and tone you, but will also improve your digestion and make your metabolism work faster. Lately I've been doing quite a lot of yoga for detox and I can say that it's amazing (check it out here). I even noticed my body changing doing detox yoga.

6.  When you detoxify your body, mind needs detoxification too. Do that with positive thoughts, read positive books, watch a comedy, laugh, use positive affirmations, do something that cheers you up etc. Cleaning up your home will help with detoxification of the mind as well. Get rid of all old clothes, books and other stuff, make space for new and fresh beginnings.

I hope this post helps you with detoxification. Let me know how it goes ;)

Happy Saturday!

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