
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Recipe: Baked carrot with avocado sauce

Yes, another recipe and I believe you don't mind ;)
I was watching Jaime Oliver yesterday and he was making baked vegetables, using olive oil, salt, pepper and different kind of herbs for each kind of vegetable. I don't remember what he used for carrot (maybe rosemary), so I used oregano instead. As you can see on picture, I baked eggplant and mushrooms, too, because I had little piece of eggplant and 2 mushrooms left in a fridge and they needed to be used :). And I combined baked vegetables with avocado "sauce", which is a great mayo substitute.

- 4 medium sized carrots, halved
- eggplant & mushrooms (optional), chopped into smaller pieces
- salt, pepper
- oregano
- olive oil
- avocado, halved, deseeded
- apple cider vinegar
- powdered garlic

1. Put carrots into a baking sheet, add 1 table spoon of olive oil, salt, pepper and oregano. Toss them, so they are covered with oil and spices. Do the same with eggplant and mushrooms.
2. Put the baking sheet in a pre-heated oven on 180˙C for 30-40 minutes (it depends on how baked you want them to be. Bare in mind that smaller pieces (eggplant and mushrooms) will be baked sooner. Make sure you don't burn them).
3. Meanwhile prepare an avocado sauce. Scoop out the avocado into a food processor, add 2 tea spoons of apple cider vinegar, salt and garlic to taste. Process until avocado becomes creamy and all ingredients are well combined.
4. Serve. ;)

If you're using bigger carrots, quarter them. You can also use any kind of other vegetable you prefer.

Tell me how you like this recipe if you try it out! Maybe even for Christmas dinner or lunch? ;)

Merry almost Christmas!

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