
Monday, December 2, 2013

My favourite YouTube channels

Blogmas day 2 :).
Today I decided to share with you some of my favourite YouTubers. So, let's just start ;)

*I screen shot all the pictures from their videos. Click on their names which will lead you to their YouTube channel*

Cool chick, makeup artist, she does from beauty videos to fashion to recipes to vlogs to DIYs. I love the variety she provides. And I also love her editing. I usually don't enjoy vlogs so much, but hers are always fun to watch :). Must not forget to mention that she has a really adorable cat named Bruce Lee :)

When I found Lex' channel about a month ago, I watched all her videos in couple of days. She does Halloween looks all year round, mostly body painting. She is funny, positive, extremely creative (it blows my mind) and is just awesome person, I guess :)


In one word: shameless! She is promoting shamelessness, does beauty, any other advice, motivation, positive body image etc. I love her energy and shameless persona :)

Ah, funny Natalie. She was probably one of the first channels I subscribed to, way back in the day, when I didn't even know what being subscribed even meant :). She does short funny videos telling you some kind of story. I get really excited when she uploads a new video :)

Already mentioned him in my favourites post, but I'll mention him again. He's a Swedish gamer, who comments though playing video games, but trust me, it's much more interesting and funny than it sounds. He is one of the most subscribed YouTube channels atm and he still does everything by himself - content, film, edit ...

One of the best channels about fitness and health on YouTube. Brenda provides informative videos, gives "lean secrets", motivates you, shows you amazing recipes, shows you the workout and she's also very beautiful. :) She has also written an e-book named Lean Secrets which I just purchased and can't wait to read it :)

Another YouTuber who does Halloween all year round. He is amazing in creating creatures from horror movies, does really in dept explanation how to do it and watching him just makes me happy and motivates me to be more creative :)

Amazing artist. Whatever she does look so effortless and beautiful. She shows you that you don't need a lot of makeup to achieve a certain effect. Her voice is really calming and relaxing, too. 

Reidell bros make kinda awesome awkward funny videos, which make no sense sometimes but are so meaningful at the same time. Does this make sense? :) They won Internet icon award and I think you'll love them!

There are plenty more I watch and enjoy, but some of my favourite Youtuber stopped making videos, or they upload really rarely (Petrilude, Audfaced, JazzyBabyCakes, Nymphette415, PiecesofRisa, dougboy411 ...), so I didn't include them in this post. But you can still check them out ;)

Do you watch any of my favourites? Tell me, which YouTubers are your favourite?

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  1. Nobenga od teh še nisem poznala, tako da sem zdej mogla vse pregledat in se naročit :D PinkStylist-a verjetno ne smem ponoči gledat, ker ne bom mogla spat ;) CommunityChannel pa me je prepričala v prvih par sekundah :D In TheBothersReidell sta zakon! :D

    1. No, super, da si kaj novega našla :) Hehe, js nimam problemov :) CC je res zabavna, ne vem, zakaj nekomu ne bi bla všeč :) Reidell sta pa itak special edition :P

  2. Prvič vse vidla.. Wow, kake make upe in maske za obraz delata. Kaj si nor. Se obedve obvladata.. (MadeYewLook in KlairedelysArt). Shameless je zanimiva... CC pa smešna :D Super izbira..

    1. Pač ne gledam najbolj tipčnih youtuberjev, tako je bolj zanimivo :)
      Hvala za komentar
