
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Goodbye 2013, welcome 2014!

I won't name this post "cheesy" New Year message, I'll try not to be chessy at all :)

Let's just say that the year of 2013 was extremely interesting. It had a lot of ups and downs, sadness and joy, fear and even more action, but most of it all, I've learnt so many things about myself and I've never been truer to my self than this year. Even though my plans for the end of the year were completely different and I failed at some "New Year resolutions", but I listen to my intuition and achieved more that I could ever imagined. I even shocked myself sometimes. It's been an incredible year, and I truely believe that next year will be even better.

Source: Pinterest.

And to all my loyal readers, followers, friends ... I wish you all the best, set really high goals, so when you reach them, you'll surprise yourself. Don't just wish for good 2014, make it a good one :)

Bring it on 2014, I'm ready for you :)

(Was I chessy? :D)

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  1. Bring it! Ni blo cheesy :) Zdravo in uspešno 2014 tudi tebi <3

  2. Kratko in jedrnato :) Pa tudi tebi vse dobro v novem letu :)

  3. Best wishes and happy new year, Deja! I am ready to turn that page, and make 2014 one of the best years yet. My best to you :)

  4. Tudi tebi želim vse najboljše v letu, ki je pred nami :-)

  5. Ob takih željah se že spodobi bit malo cheesy ;). Vse lepo v 14tki tudi tebi, Deja :)!

