
Thursday, November 28, 2013

Recipe: Stuffed apples + exciting announcement :)

Made this recipe few days ago and I loved it so much, I decided to share it with you. 

- 2 apples
- handful of walnuts (or any kind of nuts)
- handful of raisins
- lemon (zest & juice)
- cinnamon
- coconut sugar (you can substitute it with honey or maple syrup or stevia)
- coconut butter

1. Scoop out both apples, so they get in a bowl like shape :). Set aside.
2. Put walnuts in a plastic bag and beat them with hard object until they form into smaller pieces. Chopping or grinding them in a food processor will do too, but I prefer beating them ;). Transfer them into a bowl.
3. Add raisins, dash of cinnamon, little bit of lemon zest, 2 tea spoons of coconut sugar and 1 tea spoon of lemon juice. Mix all ingredients together until well combined.

4. Fill the apples with the mixture you just did. Put 1/2 tea spoon of coconut butter on both filled apples. This will spread over them and add creaminess.
5. Transfer the apples on cookie sheet and put it in a preheated oven for 10 minutes on 175˙C. Serve and eat them while still warm :)

I love surprises, but I'm bad at keeping them secret for too long! And today's announcement is that I'm writing a cook book! Yes, my very own cook book. All recipes are healthy, vegan and gluten-free, but I also give you options how to make them vegetarian. And it will be an e-book, so it'll be easily accessible.
I have told that I'm writing a book to some people, but never really announce it out loud, so here it is :).

Tell me if you tried out the recipe and how you liked it :)

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  1. Tole pa zveni zelo okusno, moram probati. Pa čestitke za knjigo, se veselim tvojih receptov na enem mestu. :)

  2. Congrats on your e-book! I'll try out the recipe, it looks delicious and healthy, xoxo.

  3. Tole bom pa definitivno sprobala, ker obožujem vse sestavine :) Čestitke za knjigo, se je res veselim, ker so mi tvoji recepti super :)

  4. Ooo, čestitam na knjigi! Ne dvomim, da bo polna super receptov.

  5. Woop, woop, komaj čakam knjigico! :)

  6. Wow, congrats for the cookbook!!! Komaj čakam, da jo dobim v roke! :)

  7. wooww, to pa je zelo super slišat. Tudi jaz komaj čakam na knjigo (:

  8. Čestitam za pisanje knjige :) a bo dostopna v slovenščini ali v angleščini?

    1. V angleščini, ampak razmišljam, da bi jo potem mogoče izdala tudi v fizični obliki v slovenščini. :) Hvala
