
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Saturday Fitness Tip: How to eat when you travel

I asked you guys on Twitter what would you like to see in my next Saturday Fitness post and most of you requested "how to eat when you travel". I'll start with snacks while on the road and contuinue with how to eat when on actual holiday.

1. Make sure you prepare your snacks for the road.

My favourite snack on the go are energy or protein bars, which you can get in almost any store - just make sure they have no artificial sweeteners or you could also make them yourself with mixing dates or raisins and any kind of nuts. Also you can combine protein bars with some sort of fruit or vegetable. Or you could bring just fruit and nuts with you.


Another favourite snack on the road are salads: any kind of mixed veggies with source of protein and I put them in Tupperware, I put dressing in smaller container, so salad remains fresh. You can also prepare yourself a healthy sandwich: whole grain bread with lean protein and vegetables. Make sure you also have water somewhere near you so you rehydrate yourself regularly.

2. If you're staying where someone else is cooking for you, let them know what eating habits you have. Give them an example and maybe you could even teach them something new :). If there's no way you could eat like you do at home on regular basis, then I would suggest you stick with smaller portions, say no to desserts (because they make you bloated) and fried foods.

Source: Pinterest.
Ask for more salad, veggies or maybe even try to help with preparation, so they wouldn't have extra work with your meal. Drink loads of water and freshly squeezed lemonade.

3. In restaurants salads are your best friends. Many restaurants have many options for salads or have salad bars, where you can pick anything you'd like. If there's not a healthy option on the menu, don't be afraid to mix options, because YOU are paying for this food. If you ask kindly, no waiter/waitress will harm you ;). For example: fries with lean chicken, substitute fries with mixed veggies. Same goes for hotels.

Source: Pinterest.
And please, stay away from fast food restaurants. Please. Thank you :).

4. And if you're cooking for yourself ... Make sure you eat a lot of fresh fruits, veggies and you have many advice how to eat healthy on my blog ;). Your body will thank you in this heat.

Do you have any more advice how to eat when you travel?
Have a Happy Healthy Saturday everyone!


  1. Super objava!! Najtežje je jesti zdravo, če okolica ne sodeluje. Danes sem hotela sama skuhati kosilo, pa me ati prehiti in naroči pico, super. Pojedla sem tri koščke (brez skorje) in mi je bilo takoj slabo kot že dolgo ne. Najbrž se telo navadi na zdavo, sugar-free hrano.

  2. Res so odlični nasveti. Je pa tudi pri meni isto, kot pravi Nuša, kar se tiče okolice. Mama se jezi name, ker sem se odpovedala večini hrane, ki je kuhamo doma (večinoma mesu) in mi govori, da zaradi mene ne zna nič več skuhati, ker mi nič ne paše in če mislim vedno jesti samo solato. Sem ji lepo rekla, da tu ni nobenega problema, ona naj kuha kot prej, jaz pa si bom že sama pripravila nekaj za pojesti. Upam pa, da ko se navadijo, da se bodo nehali razni komentarji na račun mojega prehranjevanja. Mi pa bodo prišli ti nasveti zelo prav, posebej, ko bom še šla v LJ glede diplome, ker tam imam vedno težavo, kam naj se odpravim na kosilo ali pa kaj naj si nesem s sabo, da bo zdravo. :)

  3. Se strinjam, zelo dobra objava :) Vse se da, če se hoče, samo trdno se moraš odločiti pa gre. Tvoje objave o izgovorih mam pa kar "bookmarkane" in vsakič, ko se mi ne da, jih preberem :)
