
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Saturday Fitness Tip: Benefits of living healthy

Change of the plan: in today's post I am covering benefits of living healthy, and I'll write last post about excuses next Saturday - they take quite some time to put them together, and I'm already late today.

The list is endless, but I think I mentioned some main points ;)

1. I have much more energy. My energy level doesn't fluctuate and after a meal I feel energized, I never want to lay down and sleep.

2. I have learnt how to cook ;). Before I started with the diet, I was really basic in the kitchen: pasta, eggs, hot dogs ... :D Now I even make my own recipes. I'm proud of myself ;)

Source: Pinterest.
3. I am more connected with myself. However lame that sounds, but now I know how to listen to my body. If I need rest, I rest, if my body doesn't want a certain type of food, I won't eat it, if I need an active rest day, I'll have it ... we are bonded :).

4. My mind is clearer - I can think more straight, do more things, because I have more energy and I am more prepared to face the challenges. I feel physically and mentally stronger.

5. My functional strength has improved. I can carry heavier things without complaining how heavy it is and without any major pain afterwards.

6. My skin, hair and teeth look better. Never had any major problems with them, but they shine bright like a diamond :P. Also, skin has slight healthy glow. (I haven't noticed any changes on my nails though).

7. I've gained self-esteem. I really started being me and I don't have to hide behind the clothes any more.

8. My overall health has improved. I don't have any allergies anymore and I used to be a really ill kid. I rarely get ill in general.

9. Clothes fit me better ;). I used to have a major "shopping problem" - I went shopping and didn't buy anything just because I felt ugly or I felt like I don't deserve it or nothing fitted me. And after shopping I felt even worse.

Source: Pinterest.

10. Healthy lifestyle helps me with stress control - I workout to feel more relaxed and healthy food keeps me calm.

11. I sleep better. Here I have to thank meditation, too (post about meditation coming soon ;)).

12. I finally have some bum :P. No, but really, my body is more toned, I finally have some shape to my body. I was undefined before.

13. My mood has improved. I am basically happy and feeling positive all the time, my overall mental health is better.

14. That time of the month is much less painful. Foods full in sugar, salt, energy an bad carbs always made me feel grumpy, bitchy and I felt like crap. Now if I have any pain, I workout to "shift" it to another part of my body (weird, I know :D).

15. I have learnt to enjoy in little things. Food is not everything, food is not my comfort anymore.


Like I said, the list is endless ... You can also tell what changes have you experienced if you live healthy.

Until next time, stay healthy! ;)


  1. Uff, ravno to potrebujem te dni....spodbudo... Lepo slišat, da ti tako fajn uspeva vzdrževati zdravo življenje.

    1. Me veseli, da je spodbudno ;) Sploh ni težko, samo odločit se je treba :)
      Hvala za komentar!

  2. Odlična objava, vse zelo drži kar si napisala! Boš mogoče kdaj z nami delila kakšen svoj recept?:)
    Če imaš čas, pridi pogledat še na moj blog, danes sem napisala prvo objavo!

    1. Nekaj recpetov sem že delila in z veseljem bom še kakšnega ;)
      Lušten blog! Se že veselim več objav ! ;)

  3. I actually experience the same benefits! And also, my body is less exhausted at the end of the day!


    1. It's amazing what healthy lifestyle gives us!
      Thank you for commenting!

  4. Včasih se res ne zavedamo koliko dobrega nam zdravo življenje prinese... Zato se mi zdi, da bom še kdaj prišla pokukat ta post - za spodbudo. Te dni jo potrebujem. Hvala. (:
    P.S. Komaj čakam na objavo o meditaciji :P

    1. Prinese nam veliko, samo ljudje se včasih tega ne zavedanjo. Me veseli, da najdeš spodbudo, vsi jo včasih rabimo :)
      Je še v nastajanju ;)
      Hvala za komentar <3
