
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Favourite products of June

I don't have a lot of products to show you in today's post, but I decided to write this post anyways, maybe someone will find some new products to use and will love them, too ;).

Let's start with polishes. I recently bought just 2 polishes, I have around 80 polishes and I see no point in buying new ones before I don't use up some of what I already have. Anyways, these 2 polishes are from Bourjois 1 seconde silicon gel texture. I like the wide brush, application is easy, unmessy and quick. They dry pretty quickly once applied, but I'm not sure about the gel texture. They look quite like any other polish to me and I don't apply top coat. I got them in shades 22 Turqiouse block and 23 In the Navy (notd post here). My 2 fave colours ;).

I've been using Elf Makeup mist setting spray for quite awhile and it comes really handy now that it's finally summer and it's even hot some days (weather is funny this year, let me tell you. I am not complaining though). It sets my makeup in place and it usually lasts all day. It probably wouldn't survive a rainy day without umbrella, will try it out next time ;).

I finally found (or should I say re-discovered, because I used it before) a mascara that works well for me. Max Factor Masterpiece HD mascara gives me length, is really rich black and it doesn't make my lashes clumpy. And I thought that there was no hope for my almost non-existent lashes. Thank you HD mascara.

Another product I've been using for probably a year or so now and I still love it, especially now in summer time, because it doesn't smudge (even though it's not waterproof) is Catrice Gel eyeliner. I use it on almost daily basis and I can't really live without it anymore.

Last but not least in beauty category is GreenPeople Self tan lotion. I am not a fan of fake tan at all, but my legs are like paper white, I can blend in with a white wall and people won't see me ^^ ...  But this fake then gives me slight natural colour, not orange, it's not streaky, I haven't stained any of my clothes or furniture, it's vegan, organic and not tasted on animals. Yay :)

I actually don't have any other categories to cover this time. I just started watching new season of True blood. Anyone else watching? :)

Tell me about your favourites or send me a link to your favourites post, would love to know ;)

Thank you for reading and commenting <3


  1. Iam isti Gel eyeliner in mi je tudi najboljši! :)

    Moji favoriti:


    1. Res je top!
      Hvala za link, že čekiram ;)

  2. Tale ELF sprej pa moram kupiti naslednjič ko bom kaj naročala. Sem ravno pred kratkim kupila enega od Alverde, pa me zanima kakšna je kaj razlika :) Si pa želim, da bi razmišljala podobno kot ti pri lakih, bi bilo koristno :D

    1. Meni je kul tale elf sprej. Le probaj ga, svojega sem že skoraj porabila :)
      hehe, meni se zdi brezveze kupvat lake, če tako več ali manj iste nanašam. Nimam pa 10 rok, da bi jih tolko rabila :D

  3. Kje pa kupiš tale self ten lotion? Moje noge so tudi obupne in bi mi kak tak izdelek prav prišel.

    1. Tudi mene zanima, kje kupiš (: Jaz sem tudi zelo svetlopolta, ampak zdaj sem že dobila malo barve (na soncu) ampak neenakomerno. Zato tudi mene zanima kje si to kupila?

    2. Mislm, da je tale: , so pakiranje spremenili. Js sm svojega že lani kupila.
      Malo držji ampak se ga res malo porabi naenkrat.
      Hvala za komentarja ;)

  4. OMG, I miss Bourjois products - I wonder why they don't sell them here in the US... at least I don't see them for some reason, bummer!

    1. Oh, really? I didn't know you can't get them in there. I guess I'll have to find a new foundation when I come there! ;)
      Thank you for commenting!

  5. Tele Bourjois lakce bo res treba sprobati... :D

    Sandra - The Puzzle of Sandra's Life
